I don't own any material I'm using in this story [heram][action][romance] a little mature and R-18 (highschool dxd ,Naruto/Shippuden,high school of the dead )
kace was a 25 year old man how lost his parents at a very early in his life he grew up in a orphanage until 18/good at flirting with girls. but he felt something was missing in his life so he went to the military. he was navy seal went in many missions in the wars he was sent to [he got a nickname](the one man army). He kill 90,000 enemies he also saved/rescued 5,900 people. but he got injury in one of his last missions,so he retired with 6 years of service.he also studied for surgeon physician.he save 60,500 people who where surgery where consider virtually impossible to perform.
he also help 23,600 children by donate money to orphanage and other programs that help children how lost their parents and home's.
kace: "finally I got the the action figures of high school dxd" (he is a anime fan of dxd and dragon Ball , Naruto also death march)
walk down the street he sees a little girl play with a Ball and her mom.
mom" please be careful honey"
the ball slip of her hand and she goes to the street she goes after it ///// truck *beep beep beep*/*SCREEEECH.
he starts running at full speed to the little girl
he able to take the hit of the truck for the girl
mom"*breathing heavily* I'm here baby"
she walks with girl to kace
mom" thank you*×5 please hold on the ambulance is come please"
girl"thank you for saving me "
kace " your welcome " he cough's up blood
mom" the ambulance is coming please hold on*crying"
kace vision start getting blurry more more until it's all black
mom "the ambulance are here"she looks down she sees kace smiling
kace wakes up in a white space
kace" hello" looks around
???" yes my son"
???" yes you are my son"
kace" your Stan Lee ' ?_?
"(Stan Lee) ha ha ha ha * no no I'm god my son"
n.a ( sorry for the late update)