
프로코밀 구매 카톡 PAA77 [KHH77.top]

Penulis: Ar_erika
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What is 프로코밀 구매 카톡 PAA77 [KHH77.top]

Baca novel 프로코밀 구매 카톡 PAA77 [KHH77.top] yang ditulis oleh penulis Ar_erika yang diterbitkan di WebNovel. 프로코밀 구매 카톡 PAA77 [KHH77.top]...


프로코밀 구매 카톡 PAA77 [KHH77.top]

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Chuck Norris a renowned hard gangster, always down on his luck in his love life. Even at age 40, Chuck remains a virgin, despite his ardent effort for a girl to love. Every time he is about to get laid some weird twist of fate gets him. He later comes to know that the world is not so simple, as he witnesses the world of the supernatural and gods. Meeting the goddess of porn and the matron Succubus of the seven hells, Chuck walks his own sex, obscene and adultery, becoming a king of Porn, as a Porn God. Story Short scene: So, doctor, you’re saying that I can never get a “hard-on”-slash– “erection” –slash- “boner”? Doctor: No, no, and a definite no. Doctor, you don’t have to so sure about it, medical miracles happen all the time. Doctor: A desperate creature is always hopeful, but let me dumb it down for you. You have never masturbated or had sex or ever ejaculated in the 40 years of your life. Your sperms crystallized, which turned your balls into rock hard fossils. Your hormonal production went ‘kaput’. By the way, kaput means broken or useless. I know what kaput means! Doctor: Sheesh for a man with crystal balls you are super spunky. As I was saying your entire sex system is ruined. Being suppressed of sexual thoughts or sexual actions for so long, your body forgot all about sex. Your body forgot how to get a hard-on. That’s the end of my counsel and as a sympathy gift for the man with the useless d*ck, I advise you against using the little blue pill aka Viagra. I know that Viagra is a blue pill. Doctor: You know a lot of useless information for a man of your situation. Well keep away from medical stimulation for your broken d*ck, as the most hopeful thing that you can get from any sex medication is high blood pressure and a heart attack, but hey the news channels will have a field day covering the news of you being dead from trying to get a hard-on. Ha-ha-ha-ha. Doctor, I will be leaving… Doctor: Ha-ha-ha-ha, nurse, send the next patient after 5 minutes. I will need some time to laugh. Female voice: Hey don’t beat yourself up over your non-existent sex life. Though miracles are not that common, they do happen! What! Who?! Who just talked to me! Female voice: Don’t look around, silly, you cannot see me unless I allow you to look at me. [Gulp] who are you? Female voice: Me? I’m a Goddess, hehe.

xfables · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

Feathers Beneath Leather Wings

Alex's story is one of personal transformation and the complexities of human nature. From his early days as Sparrow, a hopeful and idealistic hero, to his later identity as Owlman, a cynical and calculating anti-hero, Alex navigates a path shaped by loss, betrayal, and the burdens of responsibility. As Sparrow, Alex embraces the values of justice, compassion, and teamwork. He fights alongside his fellow heroes, forming deep bonds of friendship and love. However, as the weight of the world bears down on him, he begins to question the effectiveness of traditional heroism and the limitations it imposes. Driven by a desire to protect those he cares about and make a lasting impact, Alex undergoes a transformation, becoming Owlman. Embracing a darker and more pragmatic approach, he delves into the shadows, employing his brilliant mind and meticulous planning to outwit his enemies. Throughout his journey, Alex faces internal conflicts, battling his own demons and the temptations of power. He grapples with the notion of sacrificing personal connections for the greater good, leading him down a path of isolation and self-doubt. His encounters with allies and enemies alike shape his worldview, challenging his beliefs and forcing him to confront the consequences of his actions. As the story unfolds, Alex's relationships with key individuals, including Raven, Jason, and Bruce, evolve and intertwine in complex ways. These relationships serve as catalysts for his growth, forcing him to confront his own flaws and question the choices he has made. Ultimately, Alex's story explores themes of identity, redemption, and the fine line between heroism and villainy. It delves into the depths of the human psyche and the choices we make when faced with adversity. Will Alex find his way back to the light, or will he succumb to the darkness that threatens to consume him? Only time will tell.

KingCannibal · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
31 Chs

Geral, Sua Esposa Está Pedindo Seu Retorno Para Casa Para Cuidar da Fazenda

``` # VIDA EM FAMÍLIA Su Xiaoxiao estava tirando uma soneca, mas abriu os olhos para descobrir que havia transmigrado e agora estava no corpo de uma garota corpulenta. De uma distinta médica militar, ela agora era uma glutona e preguiçosa. Além disso, ela frequentemente aterrorizava as pessoas da aldeia, junto com seu pai e irmão. Foi por isso que ninguém em quilômetros à volta estava disposto a casar-se com ela. Embora sua família tenha conseguido arranjar um casamento com uma família ilustre, o noivo fugiu no dia do casamento. Quando seu pai disse que lhe arranjaria um marido, ela não esperava que ele fizesse isso literalmente, capturando Wei Ting com um saco depois que ele estava exausto de lutar contra bandidos. Su Cheng sorriu misteriosamente para sua filha. "Dad tem boas e más notícias. Qual você quer ouvir primeiro?" "Qualquer uma." "Eu capturei um marido para você. Ele é cem vezes mais bonito do que He Tongsheng! Com certeza você vai gostar dele!" "Então, qual é a boa notícia?", ela perguntou atordoada. Su Cheng decidiu seguir a correnteza e mudou suas palavras. "A boa notícia é que você não precisa ter filhos! Meu genro já nos deu crianças!" Depois de se casar, Su Xiaoxiao levou uma vida ocupada mudando seu pai gângster e irmão mais novo para melhor, salvando a vida de seu lindo marido e criando seus três pestinhas... Além disso, ela inesperadamente se tornou uma das mulheres mais poderosas da Dinastia Yan! ```

Pian Fangfang · Umum
Peringkat tidak cukup
221 Chs


  • Rata-rata Keseluruhan
  • Kualitas penulisan
  • Memperbarui stabilitas
  • Pengembangan Cerita
  • Desain Karakter
  • latar belakang dunia


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