
The Burdened Hero

The once majestic mountain range bore the visible scars of an intense and relentless warfare. Wisps of smoke rose from the scorched earth, entwining with the mist that blanketed the peaks. The air hung heavy with a palpable sense of foreboding as if the very atmosphere held its breath in anticipation of what was to come.

Deep cracks spiderwebbed across the rugged terrain, a haunting testament to the sheer force unleashed by the battle that had taken place.

The mountains, once stalwart and immovable, now stood as fragile and vulnerable, their foundations fractured and weakened. A pervasive sense of instability permeated the air as if the very ground beneath one's feet could give way at any moment.

Amidst this desolate landscape, chilling laughter echoed, piercing through the tense silence. The six figures on the ground turned their gaze toward the black-clothed demon hovering above them in the air.

Sinister laughter boomed across the landscape, seeming to emerge from the depths of madness

"Today shall be the world's final encounter with the six great heroes!" the demon declared with wicked delight.

"Hahahaha," the laughter continued, echoing through the mountains like a macabre symphony.

The six figures, four males and two females all appearing to be in their late twenties, maintained their unwavering focus on the demon, their bodies trembling with exhaustion and strain.

Even the demon, with his façade of strength, betrayed signs of weariness, having lost an arm and struggling to maintain stability in the air, as his form trembled with the imminent threat of falling.

A tense stalemate hung between the two parties.

Max, the leader of the renowned six great heroes, known as such by the people of the world, opened his mouth to speak, his neon eyes cold and unwavering as they locked onto the laughing figure of the demon suspended above him.

"Demon King," he addressed the demon with his title, prompting a pause in his laughter as he replied.

"What is it?" the demon's voice echoed, tinged with curiosity.

"Are these your final words?" Max asked, his voice brimming with power and confidence, despite the fatigue etched across his visage.

"Hahahahaha," the demon responded, his laughter reigniting, enveloping the mountains in a haunting chorus.

To the demon king, the words of the strongest hero among the six, Maximus Lancelot de Valois, were nothing more than the feeble attempt of a child trying to act tough.

Despite this, the demon king couldn't deny that this group of heroes, among all the others the gods had sent to slay him in the past, proved to be the strongest and the closest to truly making him feel the dance with death—a humorous twist considering the locals had bestowed upon him the title of death itself.

The demon king even felt a tinge of regret. As the strongest being in the world, impervious to the gods' limited influence, he could have eliminated these heroes when they were still growing, preventing future problems. But the thought of fighting the grand mages and armies of the kingdoms opposed to him made him too lazy to act.

Furthermore, he secretly longed for the thrill and excitement these heroes provided—a chance to indulge in a true fight. In his selfishness, he allowed them to grow strong, unwittingly reducing himself to one of the last of his race due to their actions and his own negligence. He had failed his kin, but if given the chance to rewrite history, he would repeat the same choices, relishing in the heroes' journey towards formidable strength.

His thirst for excitement and his inherent selfishness had shaped him into the being he had become.

Unfortunately, he knew that all good things would eventually come to an end, or so he believed.

In truth, although both parties were exhausted, the heroes were obviously more beaten up than the demon king, except for Max.

It had always been like this.

Maximus Lancelot de Valois, son of a humble widowed baroness, was revealed at the young age of five as one of the heroes of his generation and had been trained to fulfil his role ever since.

Perhaps due to awakening early or his exceptional talent, Max had always been different from the other heroes of his generation and the past. He surpassed his peers and even fellow heroes at the same level and possessed the rare ability to wield three elements: light, lightning, and fire.

He was the perfect monster for a hero, and his friends and foes were aware of this.

The other heroes of his generation, though stronger than their predecessors, knew they were inferior to Max in many ways. Some of their major accomplishments as heroes could be attributed to being "carried" by Max. They could not compare, especially now in what could be the final battle against the demon king, where Max contributed the most and could still stand on his own feet without support, tightly gripping his dual blades.

While Max's story may seem grand and heroic, only he knows the true burden it carries. The hopes of the people, the responsibilities on his shoulders, and the duty as a hero all weigh heavily on him, robbing him of his childhood and life without his permission.

Sure, Max loved what he was doing, but weariness had settled deep within him. He yearned to end it all, and for that, the demon king had to die. Seeing as the demon king dismissed his words as mere air, Max turned to face the five heroes behind him, calmly smiling before speaking.

"This is our final journey together, guys," Max said, meeting the serious expressions on their faces with his own smile.

"It might as well be, Max."


"Let's do it!"

"We'll fight alongside you till the end, Max."

"A-A-And... and count me in too!"

Seeing the unwavering support from his comrades, their smiles shining through the dire circumstances, Max's smile grew wider as he remembered the true reason why they continued to fight when all six of them started to live together.

"Yes, they are my family, and I cannot let them bear this burden alone," Max thought, his gaze shifting to the necklaces each hero wore. The words of the grand mage echoed in his mind, spoken just before they embarked on this battle against the demon king.

"Remember, leave a glimmer of hope for the people to rely on."

As memories of the grand mage's words flooded Max's mind, his smile gradually faded. But before it vanished completely, he spoke one last word to his teammates, his family.

"Goodbye, guys."


"What do you mean?" a male hero with a golden bow asked, confusion etched on his face. However, before the other heroes could voice their thoughts, Max cast a spell swiftly.

"τηλεμεταφορά" [Teleport back].

Their bodies froze, unable to move, as their necklaces emitted a blinding light. The heroes watched in astonishment as their forms dematerialized, leaving only Max behind. He wore a sad yet content smile as he witnessed their disappearance.

The demon king, initially assuming the heroes were saying their last words to one another before they battle again, was stunned by the turn of events. Soon, he comprehended what had transpired and spoke.

"The kingdoms sacrificed you?"

"It was my choice," Max replied, his gaze fixed upon the demon, the very source of his burdens.

"Yet, it doesn't change the fact that you've been abandoned to face death alone, right?"


Max stood there as his body trembled slightly, his eyes locked on the demon king before him. The words hung heavy in the air, a bitter truth that Max had to accept.

Silence engulfed the space between them as Max contemplated the weight of his decision. He knew the truth in the demon king's words. He had willingly embraced the burden, shouldering the fate of his companions, but that did not diminish the slight loneliness that enveloped him.

With no response from Max, the demon king uttered in a bored and disinterested tone, "I thought this fight would end in a thrilling manner. Now, it will be dull, with only you to fight me."

"Do you believe it will be easier to fight me alone?" Max asked, his blonde hair gradually turning grey, a transformation unnoticed by the demon king.

"Won't it?"

"Let's find out," Max replied, coating his dual blades with green flames.

"Very well. I shall respectfully kill you with my full power, hero," the demon king declared.

Thus, the final battle commenced between the greatest hero of all time and the demon king of death.

Hello there new readers!

If you read this far, I hope you give this book a chance to capture your heart with its following chapters so please give it a chance and add it to your library.

Thanks for reading!

Aurora_Drakoncreators' thoughts
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