

Penulis: 吴月舟
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What is 章鱼头心灵术士

Baca novel 章鱼头心灵术士 yang ditulis oleh penulis 吴月舟 yang diterbitkan di WebNovel. 跪倒在神座下的鸟嘴邪神万万没想到,自己居然被那个脸上长着六根触手男人一个眼神操控了心灵。就在此时,邪神听到了自神座上传来的宣判:“奸奇的下属,你和你主人策划了无数的阴谋去颠覆凡间的秩序,执行你们命令的信徒让整个宇宙都承受了巨大的损失,我在此审判你有罪,你还有什么要辩解的吗?”邪神绝望的大喊:“都是那些凡人主动信仰我的,粉丝行为偶像无罪啊!请不要————”“事到如今还在诡辩,那么为了赎清你的罪孽,就...


跪倒在神座下的鸟嘴邪神万万没想到,自己居然被那个脸上长着六根触手男人一个眼神操控了心灵。 就在此时,邪神听到了自神座上传来的宣判:“奸奇的下属,你和你主人策划了无数的阴谋去颠覆凡间的秩序,执行你们命令的信徒让整个宇宙都承受了巨大的损失,我在此审判你有罪,你还有什么要辩解的吗?” 邪神绝望的大喊:“都是那些凡人主动信仰我的,粉丝行为偶像无罪啊!请不要————” “事到如今还在诡辩,那么为了赎清你的罪孽,就作为免费劳动力给我九九六干到死吧!” 邪神的诡辩戛然而止,它已经被彻底抹除了心智。 神座上的男人无意识地摆动自己的触手,默默回忆着自己的经历,机缘巧合之下来到这个宇宙的他原本以为这里只是个普通的多元宇宙,但很快他就发现这里其实是个邪神横行的地方,而且这些邪神各个来头不小,但奸奇恐虐这些混沌邪神也就算了,八柱神又是什么来头?说好的三柱神呢?

Anda Mungkin Juga Menyukai

Whispered Longings

"Whispered Longings: Alya's Journey to Ryo's Heart" In "Whispered Longings: Alya's Journey to Ryo's Heart," we delve into the captivating story of Alya, a high school girl who finds herself deeply infatuated with a boy named Ryo. Alya's heart yearns for Ryo's attention, and she embarks on a emotional rollercoaster ride as she navigates the complexities of love. As the story unfolds, we witness Alya's inner turmoil, her unspoken desires, and the whispered longings that echo within her soul. From stolen glances across the classroom to chance encounters in the hallways, every interaction with Ryo fuels her hope and ignites her imagination. But as Alya grapples with her feelings, doubt and uncertainty cloud her mind. Does Ryo reciprocate her emotions, or is she merely a bystander in his world? The journey to Ryo's heart is filled with unexpected twists and turns, as Alya confronts her fears and takes bold steps towards revealing her true feelings. "Whispered Longings" is a tale of self-discovery, friendship, and the transformative power of love. Alya learns to navigate the complexities of relationships and confront her own insecurities, all while exploring the depths of her heart. Will her unwavering devotion and courage be enough to capture Ryo's attention and win his heart? Join Alya on her emotional odyssey as she discovers the strength within herself and the boundless possibilities that love holds. "Whispered Longings" is a poignant and heartfelt story that explores the universal themes of love, longing, and the pursuit of happiness.

Yui_Snack · Masa Muda
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