

Penulis: 远安.
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What is 武唐侠义风云录

Baca novel 武唐侠义风云录 yang ditulis oleh penulis 远安. yang diterbitkan di WebNovel. 滚滚历史不曾留,难逃恩怨情与仇。侠义在心剑在手,莫让万物为刍狗。江山由来白骨垒,夜半梦醒亡人堆。看尽权势与富贵,不如花间酒一杯。 江湖,朝廷,恩怨,情仇,侠义,计谋!恩怨情仇伴随天下大事,快意江湖难逃朝堂之手!最传统的武侠,最纯粹的江湖,刀光剑影,爱恨情仇,书写着武唐时期的一曲不灭赞歌,逃到天涯逃不尽,逆流而上定乾坤!...


滚滚历史不曾留, 难逃恩怨情与仇。 侠义在心剑在手, 莫让万物为刍狗。 江山由来白骨垒, 夜半梦醒亡人堆。 看尽权势与富贵, 不如花间酒一杯。 江湖,朝廷,恩怨,情仇,侠义,计谋!恩怨情仇伴随天下大事,快意江湖难逃朝堂之手!最传统的武侠,最纯粹的江湖,刀光剑影,爱恨情仇,书写着武唐时期的一曲不灭赞歌,逃到天涯逃不尽,逆流而上定乾坤!

Anda Mungkin Juga Menyukai

A Cold Wife, Sweet Husband

Leo walked over to Jessica and lightly kissed her. -Aren't you going to welcome me home after a hard day at work? She sighed. -Must you insist on keeping this marriage going? His eyes widened. -You're the one who's going to change this room. I took that as an indicator that you planned to stay. -Only for the month, I'm required to be here. -You'll spend the rest of your life here, he replied. The fact that he seemed so sure of himself made her that much more determined to prove him wrong. She crossed her arms and glared at him. He ignored her open rebellion. He gently took her by the elbow to lead her to the couch. -Will you have a seat? -No. She didn't budge. To her surprise, he picked her up in his arms and sat down. He held her close to him and sat her on his lap. She was too shocked to react in time to stop him from kissing her neck. She pushed aside the delightful sensations his kissing produced and quickly stood back up. He had amazing reflexes for he grabbed her hand and said, -If you don't sit by me, I'll pull you back onto my lap. Or we could go upstairs and make sure you don't leave at the end of the month. She loudly sighed so he would understand how much this pained her and plopped next to him on the couch. He chuckled. -Now that wasn't so hard, was it? She refused to look at him. She wouldn't let him get to her. She wouldn't fall in love with someone she was forced into marrying. I do not own the image or the story all the merit goes to the real creator

fatoum · Umum
92 Chs

Trasmigrated Into Countless Anime Worlds

"Goodbye, world," Ellen slowly closed his eyes as the meteor gradually grew closer to his position. *BAM* A mushroom cloud began to appear at Ellen's place, covering the area within 500 Kilometre in the dust. ... "Am I in hell now?" Ellen repeatedly blinking his eyes as his sight adjusting to a new light. Suddenly, an magnetic and enigmatic voice sounded on his ears, "You're currently in the realm where I, Authum Heiger, reside." Ellen gasped in shock, "Who are you?" "My name is Authum Heiger, and I'm practically a God in your language." Luke anxiously tried to look for Authum figure but what he saw was only pure white light, "Where are you?" "You don't need to know. I'd give you a chance to save your world. Are you willing?" At this moment of anxiousness, the first thing that comes to his mind upon hearing Authum question was his family. Without hesitation, he nodded his head and replied, "Yes!" "This opportunity that I'm about to bestow on you will make you transmigrate into another world. Your goal there was to save the world from complete destruction." W-What? Me? A normal human being ordered to prevent doomsday? I can't even protect my own world. How am I suppose to protect another world? "My Lord, even if I'm willing. I'm afraid willpower only couldn't stop a world goes into destruction." Ellen reasoned logically. "I already thought about it. That's why I'd also give you power and partner to accompany you throughout the journey." "I expect much from you, Champion Ellen Bintang." Ellen sight gradually turned into blackness once again.

Billy_Castellanos · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs
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