

Penulis: 昔年流火
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What is 斗罗之御兽门人

Baca novel 斗罗之御兽门人 yang ditulis oleh penulis 昔年流火 yang diterbitkan di WebNovel. 正经的御兽宗弟子:出来吧!青龙,白虎,朱雀,玄武不正经的御兽宗弟子石青:出来吧!比比东,胡列娜,千仞雪,朱竹青,小舞带着修仙模拟器穿越的石青,以御兽宗弟子的模板闯荡在斗罗大陆。只不过这个异兽栏怎么这么奇怪啊?合着你这御的不是魂兽,是兽武魂啊!忠诚度?这明摆着就是好感度吗!什么异兽栏?根本就是恋爱系统啊!再说了,怎么只有兽武魂,没有器武魂!系统你这是歧视啊!叮!法宝栏已打开!看着和异兽栏如出一辙的法...


正经的御兽宗弟子:出来吧!青龙,白虎,朱雀,玄武 不正经的御兽宗弟子石青:出来吧!比比东,胡列娜,千仞雪,朱竹青,小舞 带着修仙模拟器穿越的石青,以御兽宗弟子的模板闯荡在斗罗大陆。只不过这个异兽栏怎么这么奇怪啊? 合着你这御的不是魂兽,是兽武魂啊!忠诚度?这明摆着就是好感度吗!什么异兽栏?根本就是恋爱系统啊! 再说了,怎么只有兽武魂,没有器武魂!系统你这是歧视啊! 叮!法宝栏已打开! 看着和异兽栏如出一辙的法宝栏,石青陷入沉思当中! 我真的不想当渣男啊! PS:不拜大师,不跟唐三。

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Fall of a King, Rise of a Villain

‘My enemy, my friend, my love, my pain. He was everything and more to me. My protector and my warden. Most importantly, especially for you, he was my leash.’ ________ Ísar Jovevski, the King of Ogronevia. Praised as a good king, a blessing from the gods, a mighty king. Kind and benevolent king. The greatest King in the kingdom’s history, never mind that his bloody ascension was a bad omen. A man holding a darkness that could consume him as well as everyone around him, if not for his childhood friends. If not for his love for Xinghua Li. Imperial Son Li Xinghua of the Qianlong Empire. A prince, a martial artist, a warrior and Ísar’s childhood friend. The only person in the world that was able to make Ísar nervous and stumble over his words. He loved him. A kind of love where he could not breathe nor exist if the other were not in his life. The kind of love where one’s heart jumped to the throat from a mere smile. The kind of love that turned into a double-edged sword. Where if it were lost—no—broken, the pieces would harm all. And none could’ve avoided the cuts of its shards. _______________ [Excerpt] The shores were stained with thick, black blood. The stench of rotten corpses filled the air as the ocean’s breeze swept over his kneeling form. Ísar stared at the endless void that was the ocean. He barely registered the tears running down his cheeks as he watched the sun rise. The celestial source slowly moved high above his little kingdom and Ísar continued to stare. The screams coming from behind him were muffled background noise. “My King! My King, please! Please spare me!” He didn’t know who that was. The voice was familiar but nothing came to mind. It didn’t matter, in the end. Nothing truly mattered anymore. He squeezed the old and worn out plush toy close to his chest. The fabric was tearing and the little ox toy had never looked uglier. He stared down at it and with a sad smile and teary voice, he said, “You don’t smell like him anymore. Nothing smells like him anymore. Please come back. Please. I miss you, my big star. I miss you.” _________ Inspired by Edgar Allen Poe and Gothic Themes [FKRV is a tragedy fantasy romance with both positive (found family, childhood friends, first loves) and negative themes (loss, grief, loneliness, suicidal ideation, murder). There will also be more mature chapters in the future which I’ll put a R18 warning for. Happy reading!]

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