
Under Arrest

"This is not possible."

The assassin muttered in shock realizing that Jeremy moved a little and tried to get up from the ground. 

His body movement felt unusual because a human was not supposed to be able to stay alive after a bullet in his body, near his heart. 

"So, our hunch was accurate, he really is something else."

The killer whispered with a stunned tone and stared at Jeremy. 

Whereas the willful detective groaned and pushed himself to stand up because of the pang of pain. 

Jeremy had no idea how he was alive and still breathing although there was a pool of blood on the ground. 


Jeremy was just as astonished as the guy in front of him when he realized that his wound had healed.

But before he could grasp any conclusion the assassin plunged towards him with a whip. Jeremy flipped back immediately by dodging and without any second thought he ran outside the alley. 

'I have to find a way to contact Connor.' 

Jeremy dashed in the street and skimmed through the surroundings to find some free to use vehicle. 

Meanwhile he tried to restart the system on his wrist which was somehow jammed. 

'Come on! No, no.'

He gave up soon after an energy bullet hit the ground near him.

"Fuck! Who is this mad folk?"

Jeremy turned around to see the helmet guy on his bike chasing him.

But one thing was quite odd that he could kill Jeremy, who was on foot easily, then why didn't he?

Jeremy looked ahead and gasped but reflexively slid down seeing the digital rotating billboard. 

Another bullet of some unknown energy hit the billboard and it crashed in the pavement. 

He ran throughout up to the junction with blooded clothes when Jeremy saw a skateboard. 

'Yes! Finally.'

The detective dashed towards the stop and stepped on the skateboard which immediately got activated. 

The commoners around him stared in an awestruck expression with an inaudible chatter. Of course, he was a hot topic being the youngest detective and now being spotted covered in blood was snagging attention. 

Jeremy headed towards his agency on that skateboard which worked on special batteries and had the durability of a year. 

He had no idea that the particular run for his life had already put him into trouble. The cops were approaching him and any time soon detective Jeremy would be behind the bars.

But why?

All Jeremy had to do was to stand on the board on both feet without any fear of falling. But his damnation was right behind him, just like the cops.

Or perhaps the assassin had a prior idea about Jeremy being slightly different from a normal human? It seemed that he wanted to test his theory of so-called immortality on Jeremy Grayson by shooting him.


Jeremy tapped on his wrist again and this time due to reasonable distance from the assassin, this time his system worked. 

Unfortunately Jeremy didn't get a chance to contact Connor for a backup because a cop vehicle blocked his way ahead. 

Jeremy immediately pulled the brakes with relief when Connor crept out of the car, his gun was aimed at Jeremy who mistook the assassin for the target.

"Hey pal, I'm so glad you are here. I was trying to-"

The detective got off the skateboard and walked towards Connor.

"Stay right there, detective. Don't move!"

Connor sternly rebuked him that Jeremy stopped in the middle of the road. 

Whereas the assassin behind the detective halted his bike a few steps away, the mysterious guy succsuccessfully snagged the attention. 

"Who are you?"

The rest of the cops had their eyes on Jeremy Grayson with guns aimed at him. While Connor confronted the biker who appeared to be out-worldly due to his attire which was surging visible energy. 

The biker didn't respond and dropped a small energy ball on the ground which opened a portal and he sank with his bike into it. Within a few seconds he disappeared into the portal leaving the cops and Jeremy jaw dropped. 

Although the cops shot at him but due to the invisible shield around him the bullets couldn't harm the guy. As soon as he was gone Connor switched his attention towards Jeremy.

"Detective Jeremy Grayson, you are under arrest for murdering an innocent citizen."

The words confused Jeremy and he tried to negotiate.

"What? What are you talking about? Which citizen?"

Connor's suspicions rose even more upon the feigning ignorance.

"Arrest the detective. The rest of the conversation will take place in the station."

The junior cops complied and Jeremy was taken aback by the order.

'What exactly is happening? Something is fishy.'

Jeremy knew he had to see the whole picture first before predicting any solution. 

Whereas Connor stared meaningfully at the very spot where the assassin had vanished into. 

'Could it be the man was related to him?'

The chief assumed the worst but if his hunch was true then mankind was in a dire danger.

Except Jeremy Grayson! 

But then who or what was he? 

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