
big baby bump

Next morning- 

Arshika and Sahil were sleeping hugging each other when Sahil's eyes opened. He smiled looking at Arshika and kissed her forehead. 

He woke up and stretched his arms. After wearing his trousers, he was about to go to the bathroom when his mobile started ringing. He looked at the caller Id and it was from Advik. 

He got confused as it was very early for someone to call. He went to the balcony and picked up the call. 

S- "Hey Advik."

A- Hi. How are you?? 

S- Fine. Why did you call at this moment?? 

A- umm...how is Arshi?? And you are ignoring her ?? 

S- Yeah she is fine. She is sleeping. Well about ignoring yes I was but I can't anymore. 

A- that's good. Prisha is waiting to meet Arshika and I have some work in the office. So I will drop her at your mansion. I hope it's okay. 

S- no problem. And I think they need to talk. Moreover, I will take care of Prisha. 

A- Thanks a lot Sahil. She will be there some time. 

S- okay. See you then.