
Chapter 5

It had been weeks, about a month now, since I killed Savannah. The police had found her body, but as for any evidence, there was only the spike with her heart on it. Somehow, the fingerprints were smudged and sweaty, not recognizable.

Life was going just the same with the occasional male bully, of whom I just beat up. I enjoyed seeing multiple people in pain. I guess you could call me a sadist, if anything.

Not much new drama, except for a new student of the male variety. Of course, like all new male students, practically all students of every gender liked him except for my friends and I. Blonde, barely understands the dress code and multiple nose piercings. He always had his eyes covered, which has slightly caught my interest. Nobody knows what's under the stupid mask. (why am I getting DreamWasTaken vibes from this guy-)

Not to mention, he's already got straight A's to go with his sexuality. Of course, like any male character, he only flirts with me and I always ignore him or get annoyed and yell at him to go away. He doesn't believe that I'm dating Lommbie, because of course there's the belief in God and the "gayness is a sin" shit. I'm about to murder this guy.

On the plus side, I made a new friend. His name is Konor. He has purple hair with a green streak, black eyes and wears goggles on his head. He wears a black crop-top that actually looks like a shirt that got ripped at the bottom, as well as black shorts and black goth-like boots that go up to his knees. on his right boot (to us it looks like his left boot) there's what looks like caution tape. To top that off, he actually has a real demon tail (a smaller version of my own) which is purple, and there's a green tint around the edges. Not to mention, the tinted fishnet gloves.

As we were hanging out at our usual table, the blonde kid I talked about earlier (his name is apparently Dameon, not my brother though) walked up to me with somebody I knew all too well. The one I despised most. Not to mention, he was dating my cousin and according to the cousin himself, he raped him.

"Alan," I said with a venomous-sweet tone. "What is such a NICE ex-boyfriend who raped my cousin doing here?"

"Not to mention, the fact that you're actually a robot with no feelings whatsoever."

oh hey it's my ex :/

I'm pretty sure the "raped" part was actually RolePlay though so don't be worried for my actual cousin :)

ShadowedCelestiacreators' thoughts
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