1 Diary Entry #1

Diary Entry #1


March 8, 2220


6:00 pm

Dear, Diary

I really didn't wanted a diary. It will be a waste of money to get one since my day is spent on school, studying, work, and Mr.Shu's party I am force to attend because Mr.Shu said I don't have a life. I don't understand what he mean. I am living. But Mr.Shu ,the one who force me go to his party because I don't have a life, decided to buy a diary for me saying, "You have pride to not ask for moneys even though I would gladly spend Father's money to help you. And you always said you are fine even though there is a black eye on your face." I really wondered why Mr.Shu cared about a black eye I got from saving a fellow classmate from a bully. It must have shown on my face because Mr.Shu shouted, "YOUR FACE!!! MALI! IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THINGS ABOUT A GIRL!!!" I don't think a lady's face is the most important about her. It is her personality. Mrs.Shu, Mr.Shu's mother, laugh when I told this. "And how is this suppose to help me Mr.Shu?"  I asked. "My mom told me a diary had helped her out more than she could imagined both emotionally and physically," Mr.Shu reply. I took a moment to think about Mr.Shu's young mother. She is a really kind and strong and beautiful *the ink unconscious drew a straight line* just like Mother. *A tear drop on a page* Opps! I hope I didn't ruin the page. Sorry about that! I was thinking too long about Ms.Shu. *Another tear fall down* I'm sorry! I really stop before I ruin Mr.Shu's gift. Alright what am I going to said next? Ummm *the handwriting is messy until the word Mr.Shu was wrote that it was back it original handwriting* think it was when the brave Mr.Shu was down on the street and crying his breathe taking Vermilion eyes. I think he said something about his girlfriend and she is leaving him. I would had felt sorry and cheer Mr.Shu up if he wasn't a playboy and I could hear it. The Whisper. The Whisper like always is leaving cold shiver against my spine. It grew louder and louder when it found out I have caught it attention. I could see the place the Whisper is taking about. It was one of those dirty place where naked woman get up the pole to entertain those bad dirty good-for-nothing man. I didn't wanted to listened to it. I panicked, took the diary, yelled, "Thank you very much for the gift, Mr.Shu!", and hustle until I arrive at the apart- *The ink went across the next page* I am very sorry but I have to stop writing right now it just that my boss called me to work because one of the worker that who was supposed work right now is in the hospital as we are speaking. I hope he doesn't have the virus.



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