

Merlin. Is the start, where this story begins. Merlin was the greatest 'wizards' of his time. He started a family, and his children gained power, as his power passed down his family.


A very important day that not many people know of, Adam, descend of Merlin, and his brother, Derek, were the leaders of a group, its name, no one could remember, their job was to protect the mundane's, Derek grew up, like everyone else, but he hit a certain age when he voiced his opinion and persuaded half of the group to have the all the power and leave the humans to defend themselves, they formed the Blue Devils, Convinced that they were the good guys in this story.

The rest, you may ask, bounded together and called themselves midnight sun.

Derek found out a way to be immortal, after his brother, Adam, made a prophecy:

'When my 100th grandchild is born, he or she would have the power to defeat my brother, and save our kind, and will lead us protect you and face challenges, but now we live a positive life and have a positive mind, but if you have a negative mind will never give you a positive life, and I plan to change that.'

The search for this child went on and on. They gave up after some time, lost all hope. They gained a negative mind. But that all changed in this story.

And this is where our story begins.