
[HP X DXD] Master of a Universe

[A Harry Potter X Highschool DXD Fanfic] A child beaten, broken, and abused arrives unexpectedly in the Underworld and gets a new chance at life. Death wasn't the end of his Journey. Where will his new life take him? Will he rise from the ashes and conquer these new challenges? How will Harry Potters life turn out after such major Changes? — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — For more advanced Chapters visit www.Patr*eon.com/Ashmodai Or just buy me a Coffee if you enjoy my work on k*o-fi.com/ashmodai Thank you for your Support — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — Disclaimer: The Wizarding World and the Universe of Highschool DXD are the property of their Creators. I only own my Original Plots and Characters.

Ashmodai · Derivasi dari karya
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134 Chs

Chapter 11: Familiars under the full moon 2

"Are you sure you don't want to try to get a Hydra Harry? A Hydra is a rare but powerful familiar. My Big Brother told me there is one deep in this forest!" said Rias as she looked deep into the forest with excitement.

"Nope, I don't have a death wish! The strongest among us is you with a mid-class Devil strength. This Hydra sounds absolutely like something an Ultimate Class has to handle. Let's look for Koneko's cat familiar for now." Replied Harry as they followed Satouji deeper into the forest to an area where Cat familiars usually hung out.

"Listen up, in this part of the forest different cat familiars are living. Like Kneazels, Shadow cats, Cait Sith, Thundercats, and from time to time even some really rare ones. So search around we should be able to find a good cat familiar here!" explained Satooji as he pointed at the clearing around us.

While the moon shone through the crowns of the trees, they explored the area until they finally spotted a small white baby cat.

"Oh, you are really lucky! This is one of the rare types I spoke of." Said Satooji as they carefully got closer to the small white cat hiding in the thicket, "This is a moon cat. They are a really fast breed of cat and have a limited control over light, specifically moonlight. Allowing them to move at a fast speed and even turn invisible by bending the light around them. Unfortunately, their attack capabilities are low, since they are unable to use light offensive."

While Satooji explained the small cat's capabilities, the white animal spotted Koneko and tilted its head before it jumped into her arms with a happy cry. As the white-haired cat girl caught it, she began to pet the small cat who was now comfortably resting in her hands.

"It took instantly a liking to you." Said Harry with a warm smile, as he watched Koneko playing with the young white cat. Instead of her usually expressionless face she now had a smile on her face.

"This is an awesome Match. There should be no problem with it becoming your familiar." Added Satooji from behind them.

"Hnn." Nodded Koneko as she decided to turn the Cat into her familiar.

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"…..In the name of Koneko Toujou, I order you! You shall become my familiar and respond to my contract!"

We returned to the entrance of the forest. Koneko opened a green magic circle in front of us. The White Moon Cat is located in the middle of the magic circle, and the contract ceremony between Konkeo and the familiar she named Shiro is about to take place.

Since Koneko, still didn't learn much about Magic, Harry was assisting her with the magic Circle. He was already the best Magic User in their Peerage. Although Rias and Akeno had their own fields of Magic they excelled in, Harry already surpassed them in a general understanding of magic.

It seems the Ceremony is progressing really well since Shiro didn't resist at all and even aided them. As the magic Circle starts to gradually lose its light. Because the contract has finished, the small cat jumped into Koneko's arms and begins to lick her face. While Harry was happy that the Ceremony was a Success since it was the first time he performed one.

"You have a really good affinity for Cat familiars, young lady. Moon Cats are usually very hard to form contracts with and use their innate abilities to hide from Devils." Said Satooji as he saw that the contract was a Success.

"Shiro is obviously a very smart cat! And knows who would make a good Partner." said Koneko with conviction as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"Well, now it's time to get you a familiar nerd." Decided Satooji as he looked at Harry.

The Boy once again was getting pissed off by the rude Middle-aged dude, but held himself back as he still needed his help, "Please lead me to an Area where a lot of Snake types live." Decided Harry since being able to talk with one familiar directly seemed to be a smart choice.

They headed even deeper into the forest than for the Cat familiars, even passed a lake and headed for the other side. As they followed the familiar Master, they heard loud roars from the direction they were heading to.

"It's best if we wait for a while." Decided Satooji a bit nervous as he looked in that direction, "It seems like one of the larger familiars picked a fight with the Dragon King Tiamat. I didn't actually think she would be inside the forest today." He muttered.

Feeling a powerful and deadly pressure from there, all of them agreed to keep their distance for a while. The fight deeper inside was going on for a while before they heard a loud shriek as if something was in pain before everything calmed down.

"It seems the fight ended." Said Harry as they could no longer hear anything going on, and the pressure also vanished.

"Yes, it should be safe now. But we should hurry, the faster we find your familiar the better since this is one of the more dangerous parts of the familiar Forest." Agreed Satooji as he lead them further on.

They arrived in a marsh-like area, which was much wetter and filled with more exotic plants. "This is the part of the forest that snakes usually enjoy the most. Here live many different types of Snakes from small ones like magical Cobras, to unique ones like Runespoors or even big ones like gigantic Serpents. Look around and see what you can find."

The others waited as Harry explored the area, he took longer than Koneko in finding a familiar. Not because he didn't spotted any, but because none of them felt right for him. Although he had enjoyable talks with many of them, although they were aggressive in the beginning, the moment they found out he was a Speaker, apparently this was the name snakes gave people who could talk to them, they stopped trying to attack him and even where eager to become his familiar.

But his instincts told him to keep looking. And one thing Harry learned was to trust his instinct. As he searched further and further he heard a young voice, §Mom…§ in the language of Snakes.

He spotted a tiny snake with beautiful shiny black scales which currently was sad. In front of it was the carcass of a much bigger snake, with tiny bite marks.

'Although it's so small, it seems to be very deadly. I need to be careful.' Thought Harry as he watched the scene.

§Hello young one, what happened to you? Why are you sad?§ greeted Harry the small snake as he carefully got closer.

§You are a Speaker. Mom told me about y- Mom…§ said the Snake before it began to cry again.

§What happened to your Mother?§ asked Harry again as saw the sadness in the small snake's eyes.

§The stupid big blue Lizard killed her. Because she didn't want to give her more of her teritorry.§ explained the small black serpent with a downcast head.

'This must have been the big fight we heard a while ago.' Realized Harry, remembering the loud roar, 'This small snake must be from a very strong race. Its mother could fight a dragon King for a while.'

§I am sorry to hear that. Do you have anywhere to go?§ asked Harry.

§No, our home got destroyed. My Mom told me to keep my distance until the fight is over but she didn't survive. So I don't know what I should do now.§

§How about you come with me? I am currently searching for a familiar. I even have a place where you can live in and have as much space as you want.§ offered Harry still a bit careful about the small snake, since he wasn't sure whether he would survive a bite.

§That sounds fine. Mom always told me to ignore and scare away the normal people and bats, but someone who speaks the noble tongue is a good ally. I would like to become your familiar.§ replied the young snake.

§Okay then let's form a contract! I am Harry! Do you have a name?§ asked Harry with a smile.

§No, I am still very young. Mom didn't name me yet. You can choose one for me!§ replied the small snake.

§You have such beautiful shiny black Scales. How about I call you Noir like night?§ offered Harry after thinking for a moment.

§Hmm, Noir. Yes, that sounds good.§

After Harry formed a contract with the small Snake he returned to the others after telling it not to attack anyone. "I got my familiar this is Noir. Although I am not sure what kind of Species it is from." Greeted Harry as he explained what he learned about Noir.

"It's beautiful. Such shiny Scales." Awwed Rias as she watched the small serpent coiling around Harry's Hand.

"Hmm, I never saw any Species like this. Based on what you described its Mother should be either a Hydra but they are not Black, or a Basilisk there are very few of them, and even fewer have black Scales, but this one is missing their Yellow eyes. Or a lung a half serpent, half dragon, but there aren't any in the Forest. I can't think of anything else snakelike that could fight a dragon King for a while." Explained Satooji thoughtfully.

"Well, it doesn't matter. We will learn more in the future once Noir has grown." Decided Rias as she realized they wouldn't come further, "Let's get home."

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