

"There will be meteor showers tonight commencing around 11pm and may last till 3am. The Eta Piscis are medium strength shower rate and can be quite radiant with a velocity of 65km/sec."

Eli turned the television off after finishing everything on his plate.

Luckily all the gears and equipment are all packed and ready for tonight.

Weather looks good for optimal viewing and he could not wait! He missed the last few meteor showers due to bad weather and nothing else could lift his spirits up.

Stargazing into the immeasurable and unfathomable abyss that seems endless. Nothing else brings him bliss in his existing monotonous life.

Abandoned at the doorstep of an orphanage since the age of two, with no identification or paperwork and no recollection of any memories of family. Eli had no one since he was asked to leave the orphanage on his 18th birthday.

Being only a high school graduate, there was not many jobs that he can apply to. Juggling two jobs as a janitor at a retail store as well as a packer at a warehouse helps pay the monthly bills.

Studio apartment is not bad for living alone.The kitchen, living room and bedroom all shared the same space apart from the toilet. It was neatly organised even with minimal decor.

Eli glanced at his watch and time shows that it is already 8 pm. It takes him nearly an hour to arrive at his destination. Setting up all the equipment and his tent will take another hour.

He arrived at his favourite spot but saw that many other star gazers had arrived earlier and seemed all ready for tonight meteor shower.

Preferring to be on his own, Eli looked for a secluded spot to enjoy in solitude.

He finally found a perfect spot and quickly set up everything.

He pitched his tent in the darkness and had planned to stay overnight to enjoy the night sky and to listen to sound of mother nature.

As he lay on the mat and gaze faraway into sky, he could see that the meteor showers had started.

Eli was in awe at the spectacular display.

Every time he witness it, it makes him feel so small and insignificant, in a good way. It always make him feel that there is a greater unknown force and how amazing the whole universe has been created.

He reached out his hands into the sky as if he is trying to grab the stars into the palm of his hands.

A few 'stars' seemed to be coming closer.

Eli stood up quickly. It felt like those 3D movies in the cinema that made you think the objects are coming towards you but it was just a 3D effect. It was a similar sensation to that but this time he could see few of the 'stars' fallen nearby.

He ran quickly towards it with a flashlight, hoping to get it as a souvenir, before others get to it.

As he went deeper into the forest, he realised he does not even need the flash light as the meteorite was glimmering blue in the dark.

Eli managed to find three of the meteorites.

Back at his tent, he studied the meteorites closely, and felt its rough crystallised texture. It is about three times the size of an egg. It fits nicely in his palm needs both of his hands to cover it whole.

All three meteorites has more or less same size and feels slightly warm.

He put in nicely in his bag wrapping the meteorites with his spare shirt to protect it.

It was his first time finding and holding a meteorite. Not only one but three!

He then went back outside of his tent to continue watching the rest of the meteor shower.

He changed his mind about camping out in his tent and decided to pack up and go home when it was over.

As he head back to his car, he could hear other star gazers talking excitedly to each other about the meteorites they had found.


The very next day, Eli skipped breakfast and went straight to his janitorial job at the retail store. After his shift had ended, he grabbed himself a quick snack before heading to his other work at the warehouse.

It was already 9pm by the time he arrived home. He has yet to unpack all the gears and equipment from the previous night.

He suddenly remembered the meteorites he had found the night before and start looking for his bag.

He carefully unwrapped it from his spare shirt and placed it on the dining table. It still feels warm and all three was still emitting a blue glow.

As he examines it closer, the meteorite neither feel grainy nor smooth. It basically looks like an egg shaped rock but glows!

Maybe there was some space particles that is reacting to air that made it glow or it might has bioluminescence properties like fireflies and glowworms do?

All these unanswered questions popping in his head are leading him to nowhere.

He finds a spot on table and decides to leave it there for the time being. Priority at this moment is to clean up, eat and rest! He needs to muster all of his energy for another day tomorrow.

When that was all done and he had already freshen up, Eli turned on the television as he was preparing for his late dinner.

"Last night Eta Piscis meteor shower has gifted a surprise for some of the star gazers. There were videos viraled and shared throughout different social media platforms how the meteorites that glowed were found. This has baffled the local astronomy society as it has never occurred before."

Eli glanced back the meteorites that he had found and thought maybe he had struck gold.

Would he sell it if it is worth a lot?

Nah, it is too precious for him to let go such a rare finding.

With that thought in his mind, he continued to polish off his dinner and then crashed into his bed in exhaustion.

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