
[DROPPED] Force User Supplementary System

When Connor awoke in such a bizarre place, he never thought that it would be the Jedi temple and that he would have taken over the body of a youngling. What is this voice in his head and why is Yoda mocking him? ------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my first novel and I am by no means a professional writer. This was simply an idea I had that I wanted to act on. I will try to update the story once week but that may not always be possible. I do not own the image used as the cover.

toobadImbatman · Filem
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27 Chs

Chapter 20: Cesbern

Connor readied his lightsaber for the fight. The combat droids in front of him were holding Vibroswords which are made a cortosis-weave that made it able to withstand lightsaber and actually battle with them. That coupled with computing power of the A.I inside of the combat droids which gave them reflexes far beyond an average human being would make this a difficult fight for Connor. Connor assumed the Juyo stance with his left-hand crossing over his chest and his lightsaber horizontal above his head.

The combat droids drew closer and Connor the initiative to attack first. Connor swung his lightsaber downwards towards the first droid's legs, but it was caught by the vibrosword. The second droid swung his blade at Connor's head; Connor ducked slightly to avoid the attack. As he ducked, Connor placed his hand on the ground and vaulted backwards to create some distance between him and the droids. 'Droids, why did it have to be droids?', Connor mused to himself but quickly realized this was not the time for jokes.

Connor grabbed a nearby metal container with the force and flung it at the droid, who quickly turned and sliced the container in half. The distraction was all Connor needed as he rushed forward to the same droid. Connor slid against the floor slicing off the legs off one of the droids then stood up as it wobbled around. Connor then decapitated it, ending its synthetic life. With only one droid left Connor was free to use his trump card without free that another one would adapt to it. Connor slashed at the droid and as it's vibrosword came to intersect, Connor turned on the limiter inside his lightsaber. The plasma blade shortened by half a foot as the vibrosword hit empty air. Connor's lightsaber went by freely as it bisected the droid clean in half.

Cesbern peeked out from behind his desk as he stared at the scrap metal that used to comprise his droids. He then looked up to see Connor standing like the harbinger of death himself. Connor slowly walked up to Cesbern. Cesbern pulled out a pistol as a last-ditch attempt to save his life, but a quick flick of the wrist by Connor and the pistol was thrown to the other side of the room. "What did you do with my droid?', Connor questioned. Cesbern couldn't find himself the courage answer at first, but that was only until he was looking straight at a blue plasma blade being pointed directly at him. "It's in storage on the other side of the stronghold, but you'll have to get through an army to get there", Cesbern fumbled out. "No, I just had to get through you", Connor coldly stated as he then directly cut the head off of Cesbern.

Connor decided now that he had his lightsaber back, he could change back into his regular clothes. The clothes he had used as a disguise were somewhat ill-fitting, but Connor had to admit it was weird changing with a dead body only a few feet away. Connor then checked his experience. He had gained 50 exp from each combat droid and 300 exp from Cesbern. Although Cesbern was not individually very powerful, he was the warlord over an entire city and his power probably extended past that as well. This brought Connor's total up to 472 exp out of the 600 needed for a level up. Connor was very pleased with the bounty he had gained from his fight just now, but now was time to find R2-B4.

Connor exited the room and headed toward the place where R2-B4 was being held. As Connor made his way into a large clearing and when he entered, he saw at least twenty or so blasters all pointed at him. It was an ambush, Cesbern must have radioed for help while Connor was fighting the combat droids. Connor lifter his hands into the air to signify his surrender. "I want to show you guys something", Connor stated then he reached slowly into his bag and pull out a severed head which he then tossed onto the ground in front of him.

"That's warlord Cesbern!", one the thugs present exclaimed. Demoralizing a group of people has an interesting psychological effect, especially in battle. Even though Connor was far outgunned, the impact of seeing Cesbern face, whom they saw as invincible, placed before them caused almost all of them to see Connor as much more powerful. Now Connor was the invincible one and so they only thing that made sense in their small brains was to run and so they did. Every bandit, thug, and scoundrel fled or hid in a corner hoping Connor didn't kill them.

Connor waltzed through ignoring all the now scared bandits. Even the ones who kept their wits realized that they didn't have the numbers to beat a Jedi anymore. Connor then entered the storage and soon found R2-B4. Connor walked over to R2-B4 and knelt down next to him. "Come, on R2, let's get that restraining bolt off you ", Connor then grabbed some nearby supplies and removed the restraining bolt that had been placed upon R2-B4 during capture. "Let's get out here", Connor told R2-B4. Connor first had to destroy the base of operations.

Connor made his way back to factory that he had found earlier. There were still four guards standing over the workers. Connor quickly dispatched three of them before the fourth one ran off in fright. Connor then located the power generators that were running the factory and slashed through each one with his lightsaber, destroying it.


[User has completed Quest: Arrest/Kill Warlord Cesbern and destroy base of operation]

[User has been rewarded 400 exp, 1 FP, and 1 SP]

Connor was glad he was able to complete a quest. The exp he gained had given him a level up and he now had 272 out of the 700 required exp for his next level. Connor decided that his saber skills were adequate for now and decide to put both FPs into light side. Connor was overcome with a rush of energy as he his connection to the force was deepened. Connor guessed that his strength in the light side was now equal to a well-seasoned padawan. Connor decided to either save his skill points for when he would need them or to wait until he had enough for a higher tiered skill. Connor left the stronghold then continued on with his original mission: find his master and the lost Jedi.

Hey, so I decided to change the name of the book. Dropped in the Jedi Temple was something I came up with on the fly so I didn't have any attachments to it.

Sorry, for the late release. I know there are lots of people out there who are enjoying my book, but the ones who dislike are being very verbal and it's been kind of a blow to moral. I try not to let it get to my head and keep posting chapters for you guys.

toobadImbatmancreators' thoughts