
[BL]all system: system

Penulis: mystic_mage
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What is [BL]all system: system

Baca novel [BL]all system: system yang ditulis oleh penulis mystic_mage yang diterbitkan di WebNovel. the most powerful system ever created, the all system: system, bestowed upon our young protagonist, jay. how will his empire grow, what systems may he buy to strengthen his will and might. many danger...


the most powerful system ever created, the all system: system, bestowed upon our young protagonist, jay. how will his empire grow, what systems may he buy to strengthen his will and might. many dangers await him, some small, some...out of this world. his start is a humble one, like anyone would expect, summon a few people here and there, instructing a building to be build there and there. then, there is the striking of an anvil, forging the path of war, yet it is so calm, why would anyone think of war in this beautiful place, surrounded by trees, a fresh water source to the east. well, this young protagonist has plans, big plans. and may you bear witness as his plans unfold. (authors note) i do plan for there to bit of romance in this story, and it will be [BL]

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Lili_Crown · Fantasi
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【“腹黑”小演员VS“”闷骚”娱乐圈大佬】 一觉醒来,28岁的梁诺茵重生到了大学时代,昨晚还向自己求过婚的男友,一下子变成了陌生人,而且还貌似对她没什么兴趣。 人人都说,研究生学院的简学长是临大有史以来最牛逼也最难泡的男人,传说他对女人无感,他所有的审美都在他的作品上。 梁诺茵听后嗤笑出声:“他呀,骚得很。” 后来,这话很快就传到了简学长耳朵里。 某个夜晚,她就被他壁咚在了阴暗角落: “梁同学,你说我骚?” 于是后来,她变成了大家眼中不自量力的“小迷妹”。 而他却变成了宠女友无下限的狂魔。 可是某天,她却决绝的对他说: “分手吧!” 他慌的彻底,彻夜等在她的楼下,双目赤红,拉着她的手,用着几近祈求的语气:“和我回家吧,好不好?” 她却只是目不斜视:“简理煜,你能不能有点出息,玩不起吗?” 最后,他对她说:“梁诺茵,不要让我再见到你,否则我见你一次,灭你一次!” 多年后,很多人面前,当前女友被提起时,他只是漫不经心的说:“她啊,长什么样我都不记得了。” 她心伤,决绝的退出了他的世界。 他得知真相后,却是死皮赖脸的扒着她的门缝:“宝贝,你看看我呗,你就看我一眼呗!”

蟹草芳溪 · Umum
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Ahya Online

Ever since the world was introduced to the concept of VR (Virtual Reality), the gaming industry, even the world, has been witness to many great changes. These changes benefited the whole world, not just gamers. As full dive became a reality, and the joy of fierce competition was revealed, the genre of VR boomed yet again. And again, as servers took the next technological step, it was now possible to have hundreds of thousands, possibly even millions of players, all logged into the same server at once. In the wake of these technological advances, CyberGames, a virtually unknown company, released one game, Trials of Ahya. It quickly grew in popularity among players of MMOs and RPGs alike, for it’s quest system was vast, and the lore was complex. It was a highly enjoyable game for players of all ages, and the masses flocked to the game. Late in the year 2059, Trials of Ahya had become the staple game for many years. But the company surprised their players yet again. Without warning, they shut down all their servers and blocked all game files from player access. Besieged by questions on all sides from their loyal player base, they held a press conference to explain their unexpected action. At the conference, they refused all questions and only offered one statement. We are revolutionizing Trials of Ahya, so that it may become a brand-new game, the likes of which this world has never seen. Intrigued by this bold statement, the fans of Ahya Online bided their time, waiting to see what masterpiece the company would produce. They waited for months, a year, two years. No reports or updates came from the suspiciously quiet company as the decade came to a close. Eventually, people began to suspect that their project was too ambitious, and that their failed attempt to make a ground-breaking new game had bankrupt the company. Then, just as everyone was prepared to give up on their wait and retire to other games, CyberGames changed their company name to Ahya Industries and released the new version of their game, Ahya Online. They released it without warning and put the game up for free. The launch of the game was accompanied only by a website, seemingly barren but for a Mature Rating, and a single question in bold font. Do you have what it takes to forge your place in a new world?

C_P_Tuck · Seni bela diri
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

Distorted Blade works

"I am the bone of my Sword" *We can see a man standing on top a mountain of blades and bodies of monsters* "My body is the steel and my blood has become fire" *The scene shifts to a red haired kid walking through a city bathed in cursed fire and cries for help can be heard* "I have Created over a thousand Blades" *The scene shifts to a 17 year old black haired teen covered in blood and bodies of several creatures around him* "Distorted by Death, Broken by Life" *The sence shifts to a red haired teen with white streaks welding two swords coloured white and black respectively killing several powerful people using weapons supernatural in nature* "I have withstood the pain to create these Distorted weapon's" *The scene shifs to the black haired teen now having two wings seemingly made out of darkness and having red gems on the wings ripping through several dragonic and demonic monsters* "Yet these hands don't deserve to hold anything" *the scene shifts back to the man on the mountain of swords, him seemingly looking like both the red and black haired teens and in front of him an army of never ending creatures that will break the mind of any ordinary person,they were rushing towards him* "So as I pray" *The man points a pitch black sword with glowing blood red ruins towards the army* "Distorted Blade works" *Suddenly several distortions in space appear around the army and blades of every kind starts raining Blades.Holy blades, cursed blades, demonic blades, angelic blades, mythical blades, legendary blades,ultimate blades, gigantic blades, divine blades, Eldritch blades, godly blades, distorted blades BLADESBLADESBLADESBLADES BLADESBLADESBLADESBLADES BLADESBLADESBLADESBLADES BLADESBLADESBLADESBLADES it kept raining blades until not even a single being remained* And then there was a ding and the man's eye twitched [Ding] [Million year quest completed] [System activated] [Multiverse servant system unlocked] [Sponsored By Zeltrech and Rob] Seeing these notifications the Man screamed "DAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMNNNNNNN YOUUUUUUUUUUUUU ZELTRETCH! *

Cosmic_darkrai666 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs


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