
Killing Intent x Exam end

Gon was sitting with his back facing Jett, while Jett had one hand on his back. Jett had tried to convince Gon to back out, at least until the end of the exam, but it was a no-go, Gon was being completely stubborn. As It turns out Jett had been thinking too much because Gon's nen initiation had gone smoothly.

"Now all you have to do is control it Gon, do it just like I told you." Jet said.

Jett was surprised, but he was also expecting it. Gon had the talent for Nen, today he proved that. It didn't take him long to be able to control his nen, not even a minute. As he looked at Gon control his nen masterfully he was also thinking about his own nen. He could feel it, the nen was his, but there was also something else, he didn't know how to describe it, the close words were 'a lingering attachment'. In his memories, there was information about Nen being stronger after death if they had strong emotions after their death. The emotions felt dark, he tried to overcome them before, he tried filtering them out his nen. Although he tried there wasn't any reaction, and he had no idea what else to try. 

He had given up trying to deal with it for the moment, becoming stronger took priority. He also figured that if he became stronger he could overpower the lingering emotions. So far that feeling still lingers in his nen. While he was thinking Gon was done controlling his nen and turned to ask Jett what he should do next.

"The next thing you should do is apply the next three principles, Ten, Zetsu, and Ren, they will allow you to do what I did. Gather your aura into your fist, then release it at the moment of impact, like this." Jett explains to Gon again. This time Gon was able to see what Jett was doing, because now he was able to see the aura around Jett.

"Can you do it?" Jett asked.

Gon didn't say anything, he walked up to a tree and tried to focus his aura. He was struggling, Jett wasn't surprised it was his first time, it had been the same for him. Sweat was forming on Gon's face as he tried to gather his Nen. Jett didn't give him any suggestions, Gon needed to experience it himself. This time it wasn't as easy as controlling the outflow of nen, he had to shape it and release it. Jett wasn't teaching Gon the way to use nen from this world, but the training method his previous self had made for him. Which included refined control with different techniques that used energy, but for now he was teaching him control.

His precious self had classified Nen closer to Ki, Magic, and Chakra from different types of anime, well chakra from Naruto. The three types of energy needed control, if used correctly they could be powerful. All of them had versatile uses and could be used to create structures or different types of abilities. The training method was simple, control first then raw power. Of course, it would be different if he wanted to create abilities that could control laws like gravity, for that kind of ability he needed to refer to magic. Magic could control different types of laws with little restrictions.

It took Gon half the day to be able to use his Nen in the same way Jett was doing it. It ones again proves just had talented Gon was, although Jett also thought that Killua could also do it. He also thought it was different, while Killua did have talent, his talent was trained by his family. From what Gon told him, Killua had control over his body, like changing the shape of his hand or creating clones with footwork. Killua had a clear advantage over Gon.

"How is that Jett, did I pass?" Gon asked.

"Yes, that was a good start. I won't teach you anything else. I know you want to go check on the others. I will teach you more after the exam. Okay?" Jett said.

"Okay." Gon didn't argue this time, he was happy. He felt that he was closer to Jett for some reason, he didn't know why, he just felt closer to him.

There was only one day left, and they still hadn't found the others. Gon had the idea to go to the shore where they would leave by boat again, Jett had been thinking the same thing. Anyone who didn't get their badge or their three points would wait there to ambush anyone who did get their points. After they arrived around the area, they saw Kurapika and Leorio walking around from on top of the trees. After getting together, they once again had to help Leorio, he was the only one that hadn't gotten his badge, Jett for one was not surprised.

Kurapika remembered that the girl who had Leorio's badge smelled like medicine. Gon was tracking her by smell like a dog, Jett on the side could only swear drop at Gon's antics of finding someone by smell. Gon manages to find the smell of the girl, Gon follows the sent to a small cave. Leorio decided that he would be the one that would go and get the badge, of course, Jett knew that something would happen where they would have to go and help him. Just like he predicted, they heard his shout.

"Kurapika, Gon, Jett. Don't come snakes!" he shouted. Kurapika and Gon rush in, Jett on the other hand just walked in, he could guess that the reason he shouted snakes was because there were snakes inside the cave. There were indeed snakes inside, Jett could hear hissing noises inside the walls of the cave, but Gon and Kurapika did not hear them because they were rushing in and making noise.

It turned out like he had thought, if they tried to leave the snakes would attack them, if they tried to get close to the snake charmer they would also get attacked by the snakes. For Jett, it wasn't a problem and now it wasn't a problem for Gon either. They could just cover themselves in aura and the snakes wouldn't be able to pierce their skin. Jett just sighted and stood to the side like he wasn't there, when he saw that Gon was going to search the snake charmer without using Nen, he kick him in the butt with his boot. 

"Idiot." Jett just said, he then raised his hand for Gon to look, he slowly surrounded his body with his aura and walked closer to the snake charmer. He calmly searches for the antidote in the snake charmer's clothes, the snakes never piercing his skin. After finding the antidote and giving it to Leorio Jett simply killed all the snakes in the entrance and kept walking out.

The girl seeing that Jett had no trouble with the situation decided to give her badge away. She didn't think she would be able to win in a battle, plus Jett was looking at him with a piercing look, that said 'Give it up'.

(Whistle) The loud whistle of the boat was heard across the island. 

"In a while, the fourth round of the trials will end. All the participants are invited to come back to the starting point of the test. The participants must make themselves known in the time of one hour. Tags stolen from now will not be counted. People who break this rule will be disqualified." A female voice sounded across the island. The remaining participants were, Jett, Gon, Killua, Kurapika, Leorio, Hisoka, Hanzo, Pokkle, Bodoro, and Gittarockur. Ten participants were the ones remaining. 

After boarding the boat they were taken by airship to the next exam phase. On the airship, they were asked questions by the chairman. He asked why they wanted to become hunters and who caught their attention. Jett's answer was of course Gon and Killua, while the least he wanted to fight it was also Gon and Killua. He felt that at this point in time fighting with them would not have a point.

They arrive at the Hunter Association building, the last exam was a one-on-one battle between the remaining participants. When the chairman announced the criteria for choosing who would fight whom, Killua was not happy, Jett could guess it was because he thought he was stronger than Gon, If it was before then that would be true, now Jett didn't think Gon would lose to Killua. Well not in raw strength, he could be wrong he didn't know a lot about what kind of training Killua was put through in his training as an assassin.

The first fight was Hanzo vs Gon, Jett already knew that Gon would not give up, he also thought that Hanzo also knew that. The fight started with Gon trying to outrun Hanzo with his normal speed, but Hanzo appeared next to him in a second, he was about to hit Gon in the back of his next, but Gon used a flash step avoiding Hanzo, to Gon's surprice Hanzo also flash step. Gon looked at Jett, Jett only had a smile on his face, and when he saw Gon looking at him he only shrugged his shoulders, making Gon angry.

From then on Hanzo began to torture Gon in an effort to try a make him give up. Halfway through the match, Gon began to use Nen. On the side, Jett could see Hisoka had an evil smile on his face. Jett could feel he was trying to keep himself under control. While using Nen would allow Gon to last longer, it would not help him against Hanzo who was more experienced. Gon was also a beginner in nen. Not long after Gon was beaten badly. Jett could see Kurapika and Leorio were angry, Jett wasn't angry he knew Hanzo would not kill Gon even if he did try he would step in and stop him. 

"Stop! I'll kill you if you continue. Come here and fight me!" Leorio shouted.

"?" Was all Jett had on his head. He had no idea why Leorio thought he could win against Hanzo.

"If it's too hard for you to watch then get out of here. cause the worst is still to come." Hanzo said. Jett was sure it could still go on, Gon was that stubborn, and Jett only smiled. Hanzo had gone as far as to break Gon's harm.

"Ow, that must have hurt," Jett said quietly with a smile, since Leorio and Kurapika were close they heard him. In fact, everyone heard him, everyone in that room had good senses.

"Why are you smiling Jett? Doesn't it make you angry?" Leorio shouted at Jett, everyone looked over to hear Jett's question. Even Gon and Hanzo stop for a little to listen.

"Angry? no, it doesn't. If a single broken arm is enough to make him give up here, then he should quit trying to become a hunter. Do not belittle Gon's resolve, he may not be able to beat Hanzo, but he is not too weak to give up here. Unlike you, I believe Gon only needs time to surpass Hanzo. Plus Gon has a reason not to give up here isn't that right Gon?" Jett said, looking at Gon in the eyes as he said it.

Gon's eyes sparkly with a new resolve as he heard Jett's words, Hanzo also saw this and gave a long sigh, he knew that anything he said or did would not make Gon give up. In a flash, he appears before Gon and gives him a punch knocking him out. Hanzo gave the win to Gon, and the next matches were ordinary and boring, Jett himself won his against the archer, and the archer lost again to Hanzo.

Then it was Killua's turn to fight the guy with the needles. To Jett's surprise, It turns out that he was Killua's brother. Killua's brother was named Illumi, he talked about boring things. Jett could see that he was trying to control him. Saying that Killua was only born to be a killer, and that he should have no desires or need for friends. Leorio shouted that he and Gon were already friends.

"Really?" Illumi said confused.

"That's obvious idiot," Leorio shouted.

"That bothers me. If the other one already thinks he's his friend. I know. I'll just have to kill Gon." Illumi was about to walk away but stopped as soon as he took the first step.

"ha-ha you're funny, maybe you and Hisoka should trade clothes. I think the clothes of a jester would fit you better." Jett said. Ever since he arrived in this world, Jett had actually never filled his nen with killing intent. He had always just killed without actually putting the emotion behind it. Mainly because he felt that it would only give away the timing of when he was going in for the kill.

At this time everyone could feel his killing intent. Even the cold-blooded Illumi who was trained to be an assassin could feel it. Those that had master nen in the room could guard themself, so they could ignore it. Others felt it was as strong as it was. They had felt Hisoka's killing intent before, it was a cold-blood lust that was terrifying. Jett's killing intent was different, even those who had felt killing intent like the examiners couldn't help but feel a chill run down their spine, all but the chairman that is.

Jett's killing intent wasn't about blood lust that made you tremble with fear. What everyone felt was silence, there were no emotions behind it. He didn't hate Illumi, he didn't want to kill him for revenge. No, what was behind Jett's killing intent wasn't something like that, what Jett was saying was that if he took another step, it was a fact that Illumi would die.

Jett had once thought if he had to put intent behind his nen, then how would he do it? He could just do it like everyone else, putting the feeling that he wanted to kill his opponent, but that was just saying that he would kill him without actually saying it. In a battle to the dead someone would die, it wasn't some complicated feeling behind it. Killing intent wasn't something like that, when he thought about killing someone there wasn't something complicated like emotions. Death was silent and inevitable, and that was what he was emitting right now. Silence and fact, he didn't care about why Illumi wanted to kill Gon. He was simply saying he would attack him and his death would be the result. 

"I don't care about your family problems or why you're trying to manipulate Killua. If Killua really thinks of Gon as a friend then he wouldn't hesitate to fight you, even If he loses. But none of that matters, if you think just because you say you going to kill Gon nothing will happen, you are more of a clown than I thought, because the moment you even try to attack him you will die." Jett said with a cold uncaring look.

"Well, this is a problem. What should I do." Illumi said.

"How about I give you some help," Jett said, he looked at Killua, and he noted in the back of his mind to apologize later.

"If you step out of this room with the intent to kill Gon. I'll kill Killua, doesn't that also sound like a solution? They won't be friend anymore and the issue will be resolved." an explosion of cold killing intent mixed with anger filled the room. Illumi's hair danced in the explosion of wind as his nen exploded. Jett didn't back down, he also released his nen. Illumi took a step and Jett also did the same.

"Stop. If you guys fight you will both be disqualified." Chairman Netero had to step in.

"That's not good, if I'm disqualified here then Killua will actually pass. If only I didn't need this certificate for my next work." Illumi said.

Illumi backed down, and in the end, Killua gave up and ended up killing the old man in the group. Everyone else ended up passing. After Jett sees Killua leave, Jett sees that when Gon hears about what Jett says he will be angry. That was how the hunter exam ended.

Jett didn't notice that he had gotten rid of the lingering emotions in his nen that were left behind by the kid. His killing intent had overwhelmed those lingering emotions, it was how strong his killing intent was at that moment. 

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