
"The Reborn Saviour" A Fanfiction Story

That Day when he finally thought he Could be put into Eternal Rest, Didn't even Realize the Fate that so Bound to him has No End. How will he React in this New Life he got? Will he become the Saviour again?

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Ends, Then Begins!

As the Weekend has been a Blast I can finally try out something I couldn't have done before I came here,

I can finally Read so Much Manga supposed to My old World only Comprised with Novels and Ancient Tales and Martial Arts Manual.

Because doing the Same thing over and over again can be exhausting and boring, So now that I have all Free Time in the World I can finally Lay low and Be myself for Once and never Follow meaningless Orders.

But, of course I couldn't forget to Train my Body and Mind,

Turns out by taking over this Boy's body for Myself all my Knowledge and Experience and his Memories, are now as One, All my Strength still stay the Same,

Now that the Weekdays started again I officially prepared Myself this Time,

I won't be late again.

Eating Homemade Breakfast and Taking a Bath and Shower, wear the School's Uniform and have all the Things I need for Today,

Akihito: Looks good, I haven't forgotten anything have I?

Looking back once again and made a Mental List of all of the Things that I have right now.

Bag with School Items: ✓


Take a Bath and a Shower:✓

Eat Breakfast:✓

Don't be Late:

Akihito: What's the time?

When I take a look at the Clock it shows that it's still 5 : 20

Akihito: Hmmm, Alright I should go when it's

5 : 30

After waiting for 10 minutes I finally decided to Go, and didn't forget to lack the Door on the way out, Obviously if you don't want to get your things Stolen by a stranger.

When I'm finally back in the same Sidewalk near the School a lot of People started to Whisper on each other,

Akihito: Is there a Popular Gossip's or something? Whatever... doesn't matter to me

Oh, It does matter to You Akihito Michio,


Back to the subject at Hand, when I finally got to the School Gate, strangely enough all the Students are Looking at me like I'm a Celebrity or something,

Akihito: (Thoughts) What's going in here?

I arrived at the Classroom and Everyone all of the sudden stop what their doing temporarily, and continue on like nothing happened.

Akihito: Odd...

Walking towards my chair and taking a Seat and waiting for something to happened

Xingqiu: Hey! Akihito! Haven't you heard!

Chongyun: Yeah, About the news!

Akihito: What news?

Xingqiu: Here watch this video

As Xingqiu hand me his Phone I begin to watch the Video on the Screen which shows a 'Long haired boy saving the Kid from being hit by a Truck' and suddenly vanishes out of Thin air, as the Person reviewing the Stated that,

"Not a lot of people in this World has the Power to change others but rather, the Power to Change their whole Life living in Desire"

As the Video finishes I checked the Comments and a lot of them are believer's of this Video and what it shown just now.

C1: Wow, It's like those cliche Hero Arriving in time, kind of thing!


C3: Probably because his Faster than our Eyes

C4: Is he not From this World or What?

The last one almost make me choke up in air

that got me good and he/she has a point

Akihito: Thank you for showing me this, Man

Giving the phone back to Xingqiu.

Xingqiu: No problem, So what will you do now?

Akihito: What do you mean?

Chongyun: Dude! Your famous now!

Akihito: So?

Xingqiu: (Sigh) Your so Dense

Akihito: And besides everyone will start to Forget this Video sooner or later, Anyway

Chongyun: You might be right on that

Xingqiu: Well I forgot to say is...

Before Xingqiu could finish his Words the Classroom Door opened, and Comes in our Homeroom Teacher Ms. Abilene, and she look like she's in a Good Mood?

Xingqiu: That the Whole School knows about it, including the Principal...

Xingqiu Continued His words stating that the Whole School knows about it,

Wow I'm Shocked...

Ms. Abilene: Akihito! Come with Me! The Principal calls for you

Akihito: Okay I'll go

Ms. Abilene: C'mon let's go!

Akihito: H-Hey Ma'am What's the rush?

Ms. Abilene: You'll see when we get there

Akihito: (Thoughts) Alright... I guess.

When we arrived other Principals office we're meet with the Principal and a Kid is also inside, which is the same one I saved not too long ago.

Principal: Ah! Akihito, Ms. Abilene come inside!

As Me and my Homeroom Teacher take a Seat in the Couch in the Middle of the Room with the Kid on the opposite side where we Sat and The Kid looks like his very Nervous at this very moment.

Principal: So, What are you gonna say Tarima

Tarima: A-Ahh, W-we-ll

Akihito: (Thoughts) I don't need to be Nervous to know that this Kid is on A Nervous Breakdown...

Principal: Well you see Tarima is my Nephew and He asked Me if he could meet his Saviour in Person!

Akihito: Your Nephew!? Your Related Principal!

Ms. Abilene: Hey your Mouth Mr!

Getting called out for Shouting I slumped back to my seat.

Akihito: Right sorry Ma'am...

Principal: It's Alright Teacher Abilene,

Ms. Abilene: Sorry Principal...

Principal: I've call you Here Because C'mon Tarima say it...

Akihito: ???

Looking back at the Kid and looks like he Finally got some Minimal amount of Confidence, and look at me in the Eye with Determination in them

Tarima: I want you to Invite you to my Birthday

in the Next Sunday!

Akihito: As much I would like that Idea...

I Can't...

I'm running out of Time I won't even think That I would make it past This Present Day, Without a Consequence because of the System Countdown.

Akihito: I'm sorry but I have to Go...

I Get up from the Couch and Left the Room leaving a Distraught Ms. Abilene and a Shocked Principal and A Crying Tarima.

Principal: (Sigh) Looks like we Failed to Invite Him Tarima maybe It was for the Best.

Ms. Abilene: I will have a Talk with Him!

As she Hurry up and Followed After Me.

Principal: Hey Teacher Abilene! Don't!

But she didn't Care for the Call to Stop but Instead focus on Following back in the Classroom, She's Mad because I Refused the Invitation, and also because I didn't show any Sign of Remorse when I said those Words.

When I finally Arrive back in the Classroom it was almost Ready to start but they are Still waiting for Our Homeroom Teacher, So, When they see Me Arrive they just Assumed that it was Already Over.

Walking towards my Chair and Taking a Seat and Look out the Window, Just to see the Blue sky, and the Lines of Building in the Horizons, with also the View of the School Gate.

At the Same Time our Teacher arrive she looked at Me for a Moment with a Tint of Hate but quickly dismissed it Because it won't be Good for Her Image, If she lash out on Me in the Front of the Whole Class.

Ms. Abilene: So, Everyone will now start are Lesson for Today.

[System Downloading]

[Time Remaining: 3 Minutes]

Akihito: 3 Minutes left...

[Time Remaining: 2 Minutes]

The Students are unaware of the Things happening around as the Sky turned Dark, Everyone stops what their Doing and Look Outside and See the Black Clouds enveloping the Sky above us.

[Time Remaining: 1 Minute]

Then the Students, Me and My Friends all look outside and see for Ourselves.

Xingqiu: What do you think is Happening?

Chongyun: I don't know but it's not Good, I feel it...

Akihito: It's Here...

The System Countdown is getting Near, at the Same Time, The Clouds Above the School creates this Thunderous Sounds and Flashing Lights of Different Shades Of Color, Bennett bust in the Classroom and Run up To Us.

Almost like A Determine Fate For Me, And All of us in Here, Is this A Coincidence or Made to Happen by Someone with Power.

[Time Remaining: 10 Seconds]

Bennett: It's Happening!

[Time Remaining: 9 Seconds]

Chongyun: What do you mean?

[Time Remaining: 8 Seconds]

Xingqiu: Yeah, Do you know about this?

[Time Remaining: 7 Seconds]

Bennett: The Portal on the Other Side of Reality, It's Happening Right Now!!

[Time Remaining: 6 Seconds]

[Time Remaining: 5 Seconds]

Bennett just Drop the Bomb on Everyone in the Classroom, Shocked including the Teacher, Ms. Abilene but before she could say anything A Beam of Light Struck the Room and Blinded all of Us.

[Time Remaining: 4 Seconds]

The Beam of Light Shrunk and Disappear, but, at the Same time it Took away Everyone in the Room with It.

[Time Remaining: 3 Seconds]

As the Black Clouds in the Sky Disperse and Gone like Nothing even Happen.

[Time Remaining: 2 Seconds]

Back to our Main Character we can See him Floating that seem look like the Space Itself, As the System Countdown Continues.

[Time Remaining: 1 Seconds]

He opened his Eyes and See this Notification.

[System Downloading]



[Scanning System User]


[Welcome, User!]


[The Mission System]

Akihito: Mission.... System?

(To Be Continued)

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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