
"Temporal Chronicles: Guardians of the Chrono Ark"

"AESHA and ADAM", two travellers from "NOVA TERRA", find themselves in a time station after a series of events prevent them from returning to their home planet. They immerse themselves in the study of temporal physics, searching for a way to repair the rift in time. In their search, they discover the "CHRONO ARK", an experimental 'ship' designed to navigate through time. On their journey, they encounter a series of events! Creatures from distant galaxies that reveal the secrets of a universe full of "wonders and mysteries'' Extraterrestrials: As they delve deeper into their journey, "AYESHA and ADAM"will encounter powerful alien beings who guard ancient secrets or possess advanced technology. Engaging in epic battles against these creatures adds exciting action scenes and raises the stakes of their quest. ______________________________________________________________________ ADD THE "NOVEL" to LIBRARY AND "VOTE" √ FOR MOR CHAPTERS ___ ___YOU CAN LEAVE YOUR "OPINION" AND I WELL THANK UU FOR YOUR ATTENTION ✓ ∆ 50 POWER STONES = 1EXTRA CHAPTER Author : [ TheRed ] ™✓✓ • • • • • • > EXTRA TAGS

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10 Chs

The Battle of the Void

Stars twinkled in the vastness of space as the trio's ship, the Stellar Horizon, hurtled through the cosmic void, unaware of the hidden truth that lay within their ship.

- Now it seems that they are on a break, they have been through bad moments.

Little did they know that their journey was about to take a dangerous turn.

- While the ship's systems hummed quietly with efficiency, a faint, inexplicable energy signal emanated from the cargo hold.

 Unbeknownst to the crew, a mysterious artifact, ancient and powerful, lies within a nondescript container.

 Its origins were shrouded in secrecy, its purpose a mystery lost to time.

Meanwhile, on the distant planet Arcturus, a mysterious figure observed the Astral Horizon from afar.

 Their eyes sparkled with evil determination, as they knew the true nature of the artifact on the ship.

 They were a relic of untold power, sought by those who yearned to dominate the galaxy.

As the ship continued its voyage, a feeling of unease took over the crew.

Rumors of strange events and unexplained phenomena began to spread, casting a cloud of uncertainty over their mission. The crew exchanged wary glances, sensing that something was wrong.

The systems on board the ship flickered intermittently, their communications becoming increasingly distorted. It was as if an invisible force sought to isolate them, cut them off from the safety of the known universe.

• Deep in space, a dangerous presence loomed, its intentions obscured by darkness....

• He appears in front of them in his huge form, and in a second he disappears!!

The crew was shocked and could not believe their eyes.

[ whaaaaat!! .. Did you also see that!!!! ]

[ - yesss !! But where did he go?? ]

•So they started searching the ship's cameras, afraid that he would enter and destroy everything

•Unfortunately for them, they did not know that they were carrying within their ship something they never thought possible - a relic that held the key to untold power and danger.

According to what they described, they saw him before them:

- A creature of unfathomable horror - a being whose existence defies the laws of nature. K

nown as the "Void Stalker," this monstrous entity is a living nightmare, feared by all who glimpse its shadowy form.

- He is a creature of darkness, his sinewy limbs adorned with sharp claws that tear at the fabric of reality itself.

- His eyes sparkled with a blue flash, piercing the veil of space, casting an otherworldly glow that struck terror into the hearts of even the bravest souls.

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[ • Ahh!! I remembered something ] : 

- Legends speak of the "monster " as a harbinger of doom, appearing without warning in the darkest corners of the galaxy. 

- Its presence is announced by an eerie silence, as if the stars themselves are holding their breath in anticipation of its arrival.

* Those who have encountered it describe a feeling of overwhelming dread, as if the very fabric of reality recoils in horror at the sight of this abomination. 

- His agonized wail echoes through the void, a lament that heralds the approach of impending doom.

Rumors abound of entire starships disappearing without a trace, their crews driven away by the insatiable hunger of the "Void Stalker"

-Whispers in astronaut communities warn of the malicious creature's ability to infiltrate the minds of its prey, and sow the seeds of madness as well. They also say they "kill each other."

-As the crew hurtles across the universe, the crew becomes increasingly aware of a growing sense of unease.

- Strange disturbances in the ship's systems, unexplained phenomena, and the palpable weight of an unseen presence all point to the creeping shadow of the Void Stalker.

The crew's conversations fall silent, their gazes nervously drawn to the dark space outside the ship's viewing ports. Every flashing light and unexplained noise becomes a harbinger of impending terror, as the crew prepares to face the unknown.

- Little do they realize that the monster is chasing them because of the artifact on their ship, which he has "set his sights on."

* While the crew was oblivious to the lurking horror that was hiding on their ship. Unbeknownst to them, the monster has infiltrated the ship's cargo, drawing on the ancient power emanating from the artifact.

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* To their surprise, he quickly got up and shouted:

[ " I'm Kyle" !!!! , I have a special skill, you freak... ] 

 - Mobilize the crew to redirect the energy, sinking the creature in an attempt to overload it. 

- The ship collapsed under the pressure, lights flashing as alarms went off. The Void Chaser, for the first time, seemed to hesitate, his form flickering like an old, damaged lamp.

In a desperate maneuver, the crew channeled the artifact's energy, using it as a beacon to lure the creature back into the cargo hold. 

* With hearts pounding and breaths battening, they sealed it inside, the "Void Stalker's" roar echoing through the ship's hull as they jettisoned the container into the void..

×××× soon chapter 8 ××××

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