

Know your journey and the perfect ride for it.




"What a beauty!" I psychologically murmured viewing taheera's WhatsApp story. She dressed prettily, her oversized jeans matches good with her cute long shirt. Oh Lord! How can someone be this beautiful?     She looks cute!" nurain heard a voice overhead him, he looked upward and found his two sisters zainah and Zahra visual perception over his phone.  "What are you doing?" I asked them scowling my face.  " sorry hamma Noor" they muttered playfully  "but she's so beautiful" Zahra said. "and charming too" zainah winked teasingly   "seriously! Get lost, will you?" i threw a pillow at them but missed the target.  Come on hamma…please introduce us to her" they pleaded altogether  "I think you haven't had enough yet" I threw another pillow and this time it striked Addah and they boost out laughing hard at both me and her.  "What's all the commotion, why are my pillows scattered around" she joinder her hands in akimbo   "hamma Noor threw them out" zainah retorted chuckling.  "Wallahi Addah these your girls are so troublesome I'm telling you" I threw them a rollicking glare and they thrust out their tongue out at me and to the kitchen, addah laughed at their behavior and spin to me  "what's with you guys, why are you squabbling?" she asked giggling.   "addah, hamma Noor finally have a girlfriend…and she's so beautiful and she's fair just like you" Zahra aloofly uttered coming out from the kitchen corridor with a tray of mince pies. Addah unbelievably gasped, she gave me the is this true look and I felt like strangling them due to shyness.  

"What is there to be shy about Noor? We've dreaming of this day for so long and I know for sure you are over munnirah now, aren't you?"  

Back then when ever I heard munnirah's name, I would cry my lungs out or get mad but now even if munnirah will demands to stay at my place, I won't Bunge an inch nor decay as I get on her way, Now it's only taheera my heart beats for her

"Addah" I called her attention " you see she's someone whom I can't afford to lose or make angry, I love her so much but...but I am not sure if she will accept me, and it's seems like she's covering alot behind that smile of hers, and I don't want to dig a hole that has been buried that's why I decided to stay friends with her" I said anxiously

"Noor?" she called turning around completely to face me

"Love will find a way to meet you again, even where light does not reach. So if taheera is meant to be together with you, love will surely find the both of you and unite you." Addah  lectured soft and mild

Addah isn't mine and Farida's mom but she loves us just like she loves her twins zainah and Zahra. Not even once has she ever made us shade tears of grief or sorrow, she's always there for us, the love and support she gave us even if our own mother will come back from death is the exact thing she will do , I lost my mother when I was 17 and that happened on my birthday, she got an asthma attack in the night and before we reached the hospital she died. Our dad who grieved so much nearly had a heart problem on her 40 days prayer. Two years later after Fareedah got married, I got an admission in BUK even though my dad wanted me to study in Switzerland but the fear of leaving him alone always walkout my mind. After a year, Fareedah and I set a plan to hitched our dad with a nice lady and luckily by good fortune, we set a blind date and it worked fine and they got married.

Later in time, God blessed them with lovely twins while I was in Switzerland studying industrial design, I studied for 4 years there and did my NYSC in Lagos for one year too making 5 years. yeah it's a dream come true for my dad and also my benefits too. The following year I started working with BRAND STRATEGY PORTLAND company in Canada, where we equip your brand with a powerful identity system, and elevate your brand strategy and positioning. And I also opened my own coffee restaurant here in Kano MAI-SHAYI café, which turned out to be the famous and also biggest café in Kano.

I once dated when I was in Switzerland and she turned out to be adda's niece and also my course mate, her name was munnirah. We broke up owing to my friend Ibrahim, who happened to dated her behind my back, in other words they cheated on me.

I met with taheera sadiq not long ago and it felt like I knew her all my life, and the way I feel comfortable around her, you would say she was my friend for so long. She's such a cutie, she so beautiful and also talented, she's a daughter of Alhaji sadiq ishaq mai-kano, She's from a respected family and maybe that's why she's so decent and calm all the time.  Oh my Allah!" I sighed  " only you know how much I cared and love Taheera"

Addah tried all her best to convince me and I heed to her advice even though I'm scared to execute the plan. She flashed me a persuasive smile and patted me at the shoulder and retreat back to her room.

I stood up and walked to the kitchen, brought out a can of 7up and casually eased myself into one of the seats at the kitchen island, despite the fact that I want to run to my room and give taheera a call due to adda's advice. My mind is still reeling from the fact that taheera won't easily accept me.   Well you fool don't you hear yourself? You just say easily and that means she might accept you but not painlessly, so just tighten your belt and fight the best you could." I said innerly.

I smiled at my thought and untwisted the top of the can and brought it to my mouth. After I was done I slide up and pressed my hands lightly at the island and stood up, I switched off the lights and  walked out of the kitchen.

I groaned as I scrolled down to my bed and grab out my phone and suddenly noticed a text message and guess who sent it? Tada!


Hey Ray how are you doing? I have been trying your number but switched off, hope everything's good? Well the company sent me the interview email and that will be on Tuesday which means next tomorrow. Ray I'm so nervous, but anyways your prayers is needed as well as your blessings. Good night sleep tight.

Although It was just a normal text message but It felt like a fancy dream, the message might be so plain as in normal but not to me, the message lightened my hope candle and made me made up my mind about her because no matter what I will keep pushing forward till we both get to the certain place i dreamt of. I will make taheera the queen she deserves to be, she will be the happiest married woman ever, I will make sure to do that at any cost insha Allah.

I replied to her with tons of excitement.

Me: I am doing good dear, how was your day? I am sorry my phone got into emergency call lately that's why you didn't get me. Oh wow! Am so proud of you, you know that right? So stop being nervous and have faith in yourself. I know you can do this so just rock it and I am sure that you won't decay as you go on someone's way, so just believe in yourself. Have a beautiful night bye.

I brought down the phone over to my chest and hugged it tightly as if someone is going to snatched it away. Thought of taheera kept crossing my mind, her soft smiles, her laughter, her hilariousness, her beautiful lashes and most importantly her anger. I know I sounds crazy, like how could someone's anger be so likable but yes taheera's anger is so cute especially when she throws a tantrum that obviously is a squabble Lol. I never stop staring at her when ever she pouts, sometimes I feel like the richest man on Earth just by having her as a friend and now that I want to take our relationship further, I wonder how I will feel.

Nurain Ali you're totally insane" I mentally said still with so much wide grin across my mouth. I turned off my lamb and dragged my duvet.