
"Gate of the tree Worlds" • Tensura x GATE

GATE a Path way between different worlds A Doorway that leads from one world to another but what will happen if it opens to a place called The Cardinal world Whare all of Creation Started Whare even Gods Cannot Enter a place full of Strong Individual Capable of Erasing Hundreds of World with their mare presence.

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13 Chs

Ch 4: City of Italica

After Rimuru bring the Elves To his New City he went Straight to the command center.

Right now he was in deep thought about what Ciel Said to him about having Wives, Ciel said that she was fine even if he have Multiple wives as long as she was the Number one.

Rimuru was having Conflicted Feelings since he never Dated a Girl or even tried to Confess to one.

He was In deep thought and he didn't even notice that Hodor Entered the Room and have been calling him for a few minutes now.

"Rimuru-san...Rimuru-san" Hodor Yells at Rimuru to Bring him back to reality

"Ahhh Hodor-san since when Did you enter?" Rimuru asks Hodor with Suprise Expression

"I've been here for a Few Minutes now" Hodor replied

"Ahh really?" Rimuru ask which Hodor only nodded

"Sorry about that, So why are you here?" Rimuru said

"I'm here to ask if you could Accept us as Your Sabordenate" Hodor said

"Ehh are you sure?" Rimuru ask

"Yes I've already talked to the others and everyone has the same opinion and wanted to serve under you," Hodor said

"Well if no one was against it then I'll welcome you all to My Nation," Rimuru said

"Ehh Nation?" Hodor asks with a surprised expression

"Ahh, I haven't formally introduced myself, so let me re-introduce myself, My name is Rimuru Tempest King of the Jura Tempest Federation," Rimuru said with a Nobel dignity around him

When Hodor Heard that Rimuru was a King he imidiatly Knelt Since he didn't expect that Rimuru was A King.

"You don't have to kneel In Front of me you know," Rimuru said

"But you are a king"

"It alright," Rimuru said

After that Hodor Stands Up But he was still surprised

"Now that I think about it Why is Rimuru-sama Having a deep thought?" Hodor ask

"You don't need to be formal you know"

"Nope, now that you are our master, We can't simply call you without honorific," Hodor said

*Sigh* "Do as you please, as for why I'm in deep thoughts it's Something personal" Rimuru said

"I see let me guess Is it about Girls?" Hodor said

Rimuru hearing Hodor Guess was Surprises and ask

"How did.." Rimuru didn't get to finish his sentence since he was Interrupted by Hodor

"I know that look of a man who is having Conflicted Feelings about Girls," Hodor said

Well, You can't blame him since he was experienced with women and he was someone you can call a Harem Protagonist.

"Tell me about it Rimuru-sama I might be able to help," Hodor said

Rimuru was hesitant at first but decided to tell Hodor

"I'm just not sure if I'm worthy of their Love and I'm not sure if I can meet up their expectations of me," Rimuru said

"I see so your both in experience With girls and you are not sure your self if you are worthy of them"

Rimuru who heard Hodor's Words Only nodded even though it is embarrassing that he doesn't have any experience when it comes to Girls He has no choice but to accept it since it's the truth.

"Let me tell you something, it doesn't matter whether your worth of them or not as Loong as you both loved each other and you do your best for the ones you love that is all that matters," Hodor said

"But I'm not sure If I can make them happy," Rimuru said

"Just be yourself and do your best for them," Hodor said as he Tap Rimuru's Shoulder

"I guess your right"

After Rimuru and Hodor Finished their conversation Hodor left to help in the village.


After a few hours, Rimuru decided to Give it a Try so he went back to Tempest to invite the Girl that Loved him for 2000 years she even went back in time just to save him over and over again.

Once Rimuru Goes back to Tempest he imidiatly Went where Chloe was staying at was a medium size Modern Japanese house and invited her on a Date.

Chloe was shocked since She didn't expect Rimuru would make a Move first, At the same time, she was so happy that Rimuru invited her on a date.

"So Rimuru-san where should we go?" Chloe ask

"I'll be boring Here in Tempest so how about we went to Another world and I might know We're we should go," Rimuru said

Chloe agreed and the Two went to the Gate and Enter The Lost World.

After they entered Chloe was greeted by a Village and almost a City with its Resident.

On their way, they were greeted by the people who were formerly the imperial soldiers that Rimuru and the Others Defeated.

While they walk around the new City, Hodor Sees him and only gives him a thumbs up.

"So this is the new City that you have been building," Chloe said

"Yes it is," Rimuru replied

"Isn't it too big for a city that is newly been found"

"Well everyone Was doing their best and we have the former imperial soldiers as a new resident, But let's not talk about it Right now since we are here for a Date," Rimuru said while Blushing

Chloe heard Rimuru's words Also Blush and slime, she then holds Rimuru's hand.

Rimuru takes Chloe to the City of Italica Using Flight while Princess carries her, on their way Chloe was red like a Tomato.

The City was still peaceful and many people are Walking In and out of the City walls.

After the two Entered They were Imidiatly looked at by many people since the two were Wearing noble clothes but the two didn't pay attention to the stares.

And the two decided to Stay In the City for a couple of days, to enjoy their Date, Rimuru didn't have to worry about money since He traded Gold To a Merchant that got him over 15,000 gold coins from this world.


In a place far away from the City of Italica, people were gathering To invade the said city they were once a imperial soldier that participate in the Invasion of Ginza But was Left Defeated and they banded together to form a Bandit Group the Grows larger than an average Army.

And Today they are planning to invade the City of Italica in a few days.

On the other part of the Land, there was a group of soldiers in three Vehicles also Going heading towards the City of Italica.


In the imperial capital, a lone soldier was reported to The imperial Senate and to Emperor Molt Sol Augustus the current Emperor of the Empire.

"So What is your report Young one I'm assuming that you are back to report, I expected a great outcome on that Second Gate that showed up," Augustus said

"Our Army was Destroy by the other side and those Who fought back, died and we stand no chance since the beginning"the soldier Reported

When everyone in the Room heard the reported chaos broke out since they Suffered a loss From the first Gate and Now they also Suffered the same Outcome, some of the Senate Members even questioned the capability of the Empire.

The report that the soldier Reported was made by Rimuru to serve as a last warning to the empire.

"My Grace I have a message from The Leader of the army that came on the second Gate," The soldier Said as he takes out a Small Plate that looks like a Credit card

"Let me see," The emperor said

After the Emperor holds The plate it started to Glow and Projects the image of Rimuru, everyone was Surprised since the supposed to be the leader of the army was a Beautiful young Maiden.

"My name is Rimuru Tempest I'm the leader of the Jura Tempest Federation Behind the gate that you All tried to invade, This is my last warning to all of you imperials if you don't cease your hostile actions towards us I will be force to wipe out your entire Empire, Don't Bite Something that you all can't chew"

After that, the plate Exploded and everyone in the room was dumb folded since it was their first time Hearing a treat from people since no one had ever done it even the JSDF didn't do something like that.

What was more was Rimuru said that he will wipe out the entire empire if they don't cease their hostile actions some were Treating it as nothing but a Provocation and didn't think that a single person can wipe out a powerful Empire by himself.

"Your Majesty, I think we should back down And stop our actions towards the people that came from the second Gate, No not just the second Gate but also to the first one," One of the Senate members said

"Are you saying that we should back down just because of a single Provocation?" The other one said

"Yes, We are the only one that will Suffer If we continue these actions and our military don't have enough strength for two frontal war" The Other replied

Emperor Molt Sol Augustus only sat down on his Throne and Clear his throat

"We won't back down Rebuild our force and strike again, But We Can't fight Two wars at the same time so my son I will leave the matters of the second Gate to you," Augustus said

"Yes father" His son Answered while Liking his Lips

His name was Zorzal El Caesar he was a Greedy Person and hot-headed Easy to tick and Have a lustful desire for women.

And now he set Sight on Rimuru and wanted to make Rimuru his slave since Rimuru didn't introduce himself as a King.



New chapter Thanks for reading hope you guys like it.

Up next: Battle of Italica