
Bare me your soul

David Cameron was a pleasant surprise to Sara, as she sat across from him at the near empty bar. He was her blind date, which was orchestrated by her husband. He had an honest temperament and a boyish charm about him. His hair was longer than she would've preferred, but his sincere blue eyes had drawn her away from anything else about him. Sara was average height with a small petite body. She had a bob haircut with a girlish bang that often parted when she would tilt her head. She could easily be mistaken for a teenager from a distance but her conversation exhibited her wisdom of the world.

Sara and her husband had been married for about 12 years, they had been high school sweethearts but they were now having issues with their marriage. She had been so unhappy about her husband being gone all the time because of work and often complained that she was lonely. They had tried date night and setting out times to be intimate but the mundane activities just made their situation worse. This was the last desperate attempt to save the marriage, an assignment that was given to them by their unconventional therapist. The couple had been instructed to make a list of attributes that they would want in a partner, that their current spouse didn't have or no longer displayed. The kicker was that the husband would have to seek out a blind date for his wife and the wife a date for her husband.

"Yeah, I think that the best way to get an honest opinion about something from a person is to always be brutally honest yourself." said David, flashing a quick smile at Sara. Sara thought for a moment then retorted. "Well if you are such an honest guy, what do you think about me so far?" and before he could respond, she said, "remember I am a big girl and I can take whatever you say with grace and humility.

"I believe that you can Sara, and I know you are all woman without a doubt." "I find you quite attractive and fascinatingly interesting." "I mean, not many women or men for the matter can appreciate science and history." He said in a respectful tone. As he slowly placed his hand to cover hers on the bar's edge. He continued, "Most people are all about the moment not valuing the world in its many dynamics." Realizing his intensity and action, he quickly caught himself and removed his hand.

Somewhat puzzling for Sara, she thought to herself that she had better end this, whatever this was before he went any further. She was enjoying the whole encounter too much. "Um, I think it's getting a little late and I have to get back to the office." she said suddenly. For safety, the arrangements of the date were set during the day and monitored by the therapist seated nearby. This of course was not known to David. "Oh, yeah I'd better be getting off myself." he responded with some hesitation. "Can I walk you out to your car?" he asked as he lay down a couple dollars at the bar and replaced his wallet in his pocket. " No David, thanks, I will be okay." " I really enjoyed meeting you and I had a great time." she said smiling softly. "Good to hear, and me too." "I wonder if we could do this again, It doesn't have to be drinks, maybe a dinner date." He said keeping his eyes fixed on her with a pleading glaze.

"I don't know." she looked down at the keys in her hands. Gently placing his hand to lift her to face him again. He said, "I don't want to rush you on anything, just think about it and take my number. "When you are ready Sara, I will be ready."

David watched Sara leave but thoughts of her remained. She had been a wonderful specimen and he had to have her. He requested another drink and sat down at the bar awaiting his next opportunity. His thirst had to be satisfied and the next woman he met would have her last day on Earth, for he would ravage her and complete the union with a carefully crafted bite that would gently remove her warm succulent blood from her neck.

Sara made it to her car and looked around before getting in. She sat a minute before starting her car and thought about her husband and her feelings. She had been so engaged in her time with David, that she had not thought about her husband at all or any of the issues that they were having. What about David was so gravitating? She was so drawn to him. Her thoughts were interrupted by her phone ringing. She picked it up from the phone apparatus she had on her car dashboard. It was her husband, she took in a deep breath and then answered. "Honey can you please pick up my jacket from the cleaners?" "I have to stay late at the office and I will need it for Monday." "Of course, I will." she said in a defeating voice.

"I don't know what is holding this new client back, but I am sensing some hesitation from him, so I am going to revamp my proposal and ensure it is fine tuned."The firm needs this contract and the connection between our companies would bring in more prominent clients." "Thanks honey." "I will talk to you soon."

After hanging up, Sara quickly regrouped and headed to the office. With a deep sigh, She dismissed the thoughts that her husband not made any inquiry about her date.