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  • Divorced My Scum Husband, Married His Evil brother

    [COMPLETED.] [Mature content.] Chloe Carlson, 35, was a married woman living with her cheating husband— Vincent Gray, and their daughter— Mackenzie. Her failing marriage led her to file a divorce after 10 years, but her husband refused to sign it. “I know what you want Chloe, you want my money after we divorced. You want to take everything from me and I will not let that happen!” Vincent accused. “I don't need your Money, Vincent! I just want to take Mackenzie with me and leave!” At last, she left her bastard husband without taking a cent from him. She was going to carve her own path in life and give her daughter the best in the world. However, things aren’t working so well with a single mother like Chloe. It was difficult to find job because she was a housewife without qualification for a long time. Thus, in desperation as she needed to care for her daughter, she only had one way out. She contacted her brother-in-law— Vernon Phoenix Gray, 25, a young, heartless playboy, who happened to be the CEO of a skyrocketing company, asking him for a job in this tough time. “A job? That's not an issue. You can work as my personal assistant and take care of all my daily needs.” Vernon smirked and leaned in. “Especially in bed,” he whispered in her ear. — Would Chloe fall into the hands of her evil brother-in-law and become a slave of his whim? Or would she return to her abusive scum husband for their daughter’s future? — Note: There is an age gap in this story, Chloe is 35 years old. Vincent is 35 years old. Vernon is 25 years old. -- Official commissioned cover. — Contact me: Instagram: @ForeverPupa Discord: https://discord.gg/m2XPfdmwde --

    ForeverPupa · Urbain
  • Divorciei-me do meu marido repugnante, casei-me com o seu irmão diabolico

    [Conteúdo adulto.] Chloe Carlson, 35, era uma mulher casada vivendo com seu marido infiel— Vincent Gray, e sua filha— Mackenzie. Seu casamento fracassado a levou a entrar com um pedido de divórcio após 10 anos, mas seu marido se recusou a assiná-lo. "Sei o que você quer, Chloe, você quer o meu dinheiro após o divórcio. Você quer tirar tudo de mim e eu não vou deixar isso acontecer!" acusou Vincent. "Eu não preciso do seu dinheiro, Vincent! Eu só quero levar Mackenzie comigo e ir embora!" Por fim, ela deixou seu desgraçado marido sem pegar um centavo dele. Ela estava determinada a trilhar seu próprio caminho e dar o melhor do mundo à sua filha. No entanto, as coisas não iam tão bem para uma mãe solteira como Chloe. Era difícil encontrar emprego porque ela foi dona-de-casa sem qualificação por muito tempo. Assim, em desespero, já que precisava cuidar de sua filha, ela só tinha uma saída. Ela contactou seu cunhado— Vernon Phoenix Gray, 25, um jovem playboy impiedoso, que por acaso era o CEO de uma empresa em ascensão meteórica, pedindo-lhe um emprego nesse momento difícil. “Um trabalho? Isso não é problema. Você pode trabalhar como minha assistente pessoal e cuidar de todas as minhas necessidades diárias.” Vernon sorriu malicioso e se aproximou. “Especialmente na cama,” sussurrou ele em seu ouvido. — Chloe se renderia às mãos de seu maléfico cunhado e se tornaria escrava de seus caprichos? Ou ela retornaria para seu marido abusivo em prol do futuro de sua filha?

    ForeverPupa · Urbain
  • Divorcié a mi despreciable esposo, me casé con su malvado hermano

    Chloe Carlson, 35, era una mujer casada que vivía con su esposo infiel — Vicente Gray y su hija — Mackenzie. Su matrimonio fallido la llevó a solicitar el divorcio después de 10 años, pero su esposo se negó a firmarlo. —¡Sé lo que quieres, Chloe, quieres mi dinero después de que nos divorciemos! Quieres quitarme todo y no permitiré que eso ocurra— acusó Vicente. —¡No necesito tu dinero, Vicente! ¡Solo quiero llevarme a Mackenzie conmigo e irme!—. Finalmente, dejó a su miserable esposo sin llevarse ni un centavo de él. Iba a trazar su propio camino en la vida y darle a su hija lo mejor del mundo. Sin embargo, las cosas no van tan bien con una madre soltera como Chloe. Era difícil encontrar trabajo porque había sido ama de casa sin calificaciones durante mucho tiempo. Así que, en su desesperación por cuidar de su hija, solo tenía una salida. Contactó a su cuñado — Vernon Phoenix Gray, 25, un joven despiadado mujeriego que resulta ser el CEO de una empresa en auge, pidiéndole un empleo en estos tiempos difíciles. —¿Un empleo? Eso no es un problema. Puedes trabajar como mi asistente personal y ocuparte de todas mis necesidades diarias—, dijo Vernon con una sonrisa burlona y se acercó. —Especialmente en la cama—, susurró en su oído. ¿Caería Chloe en manos de su malvado cuñado y se convertiría en esclava de sus caprichos? ¿O volvería con su abusivo y despreciable esposo por el futuro de su hija?

    ForeverPupa · Urbain
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  • Divorcée de mon époux minable, épousé son frère malveillant

    [TERMINÉ.] [Contenu mature.] Chloé Carlson, 35 ans, était une femme mariée vivant avec son mari infidèle— Vincent Gray, et leur fille— Mackenzie. Son mariage en échec l'a amenée à demander le divorce après 10 ans, mais son mari a refusé de le signer. "Je sais ce que tu veux Chloé, tu veux mon argent après notre divorce. Tu veux tout prendre de moi et je ne laisserai pas cela se produire !" Vincent accusa. "Je n'ai pas besoin de ton argent, Vincent ! Je veux juste emmener Mackenzie avec moi et partir !" Finalement, elle quitta son sale mari sans prendre un centime de lui. Elle allait se frayer un chemin dans la vie et offrir le meilleur à sa fille. Cependant, les choses ne vont pas si bien pour une mère célibataire comme Chloé. Il était difficile de trouver du travail parce qu'elle avait été femme au foyer sans qualification pendant longtemps. Ainsi, en désespoir de cause, car elle devait s'occuper de sa fille, elle n'avait qu'une seule solution. Elle a contacté son beau-frère— Vernon Phoenix Gray, 25 ans, un jeune séducteur sans cœur, qui était également le PDG d'une entreprise en plein essor, lui demandant un emploi en cette période difficile. "Un travail? Ce n'est pas un problème. Tu peux travailler comme mon assistant personnel et t'occuper de tous mes besoins quotidiens." Vernon sourit et se rapprocha. "Surtout au lit", murmura-t-il à son oreille. — Chloé tombera-t-elle entre les mains de son méchant beau-frère et deviendra-t-elle l'esclave de ses caprices ? Ou retournerait-elle chez son mari minable et abusif pour l'avenir de leur fille ?

    ForeverPupa · Urbain
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  • Geschieden von meinem Abschaum-Ehemann, geheiratet seinen bösen Bruder

    [Chloe Carlson, 35, war eine verheiratete Frau, die mit ihrem betrügerischen Ehemann Vincent Gray und ihrer Tochter Mackenzie zusammenlebte. Ihre gescheiterte Ehe veranlasste sie, nach 10 Jahren die Scheidung einzureichen, aber ihr Mann weigerte sich, sie zu unterschreiben. "Ich weiß, was du willst, Chloe, du willst mein Geld, nachdem wir uns haben scheiden lassen. Du willst mir alles wegnehmen und das werde ich nicht zulassen!" warf Vincent vor. "Ich brauche dein Geld nicht, Vincent! Ich will nur Mackenzie mitnehmen und weggehen!" Endlich verließ sie ihren Bastard-Ehemann, ohne einen Cent von ihm zu nehmen. Sie wollte ihren eigenen Lebensweg einschlagen und ihrer Tochter das Beste auf der Welt bieten. Doch mit einer alleinerziehenden Mutter wie Chloe läuft es nicht so gut. Es war schwierig, einen Job zu finden, denn sie war lange Zeit eine Hausfrau ohne Ausbildung. In ihrer Verzweiflung, weil sie sich um ihre Tochter kümmern musste, blieb ihr nur ein Ausweg. Sie wandte sich an ihren Schwager - Vernon Phoenix Gray, 25 Jahre alt, ein junger, herzloser Playboy, der zufällig der Geschäftsführer eines aufstrebenden Unternehmens war - und bat ihn um einen Job in dieser schwierigen Zeit. "Ein Job? Das ist kein Thema. Du kannst als mein persönlicher Assistent arbeiten und dich um alle meine täglichen Bedürfnisse kümmern." Vernon schmunzelte und beugte sich vor. "Besonders im Bett", flüsterte er ihr ins Ohr. - Würde Chloe in die Hände ihres bösen Schwagers fallen und eine Sklavin seiner Launen werden? Oder würde sie zu ihrem missbräuchlichen Abschaum von Ehemann zurückkehren, um die Zukunft ihrer Tochter zu sichern? - Hinweis: Es gibt einen Altersunterschied in dieser Geschichte, Chloe ist 35 Jahre alt. Vincent ist 35 Jahre alt. Vernon ist 25 Jahre alt. -- Offiziell in Auftrag gegebenes Cover. - Kontaktieren Sie mich: Instagram: @ForeverPupa Discord: https://discord.gg/m2XPfdmwde --

    ForeverPupa · Urbain
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  • Bercerai dari Suami Busukku, Menikah dengan Saudara laki-laki Jahatnya

    [Konten dewasa.] [Selesai.] [Cerita sampingan akan diterbitkan pada 15 September.] Chloe Carlson, 35, adalah seorang wanita yang sudah menikah dan tinggal bersama suami yang selingkuh— Vincent Gray, dan putri mereka— Mackenzie. Pernikahannya yang hancur membuatnya mengajukan perceraian setelah 10 tahun, tetapi suaminya menolak untuk menandatanganinya. “Aku tahu apa yang kamu inginkan Chloe, kamu ingin mengambil semua uangku setelah kita bercerai. Kamu ingin mengambil segalanya dariku dan aku tidak akan membiarkan itu terjadi!” Vincent menuduh. “Aku tidak perlu uangmu, Vincent! Aku hanya ingin membawa Mackenzie dan pergi!” Akhirnya, dia meninggalkan suami bajingannya itu tanpa mengambil sepeser pun darinya. Dia akan menentukan jalan hidupnya sendiri dan memberikan yang terbaik di dunia untuk putri-nya. Namun, hidup tidak berjalan dengan baik bagi ibu tunggal seperti Chloe. Sulit bagi Chloe untuk menemukan pekerjaan karena dia telah menjadi ibu rumah tangga tanpa kualifikasi yang cukup. Oleh karena itu, dalam keputusasaan karena harus mengurus putrinya, dia hanya punya satu jalan keluar. Dia menghubungi iparnya— Vernon Phoenix Gray, 25, seorang playboy muda yang tidak punya hati, yang kebetulan merupakan CEO dari sebuah perusahaan yang sedang meroket, meminta pekerjaan di saat yang sulit ini. “Pekerjaan? Itu bukan masalah. Kamu bisa bekerja sebagai asisten pribadiku dan mengurus semua kebutuhanku sehari-hari.” Vernon tersenyum dan mendekat. “Terutama di tempat tidur,” bisiknya di telinga Chloe. — Apakah Chloe akan jatuh ke tangan iparnya yang jahat dan menjadi budak keinginannya? Ataukah dia kembali kepada suami bajingannya yang kasar demi masa depan putri mereka? — Catatan: Ada perbedaan usia dalam cerita ini, Chloe berusia 35 tahun. Vincent berusia 35 tahun. Vernon berusia 25 tahun. -- Sampul resmi yang dipesan.

    ForeverPupa · Urbain
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  • The pleasure of Vernon

    she was an outcast seeking redemption. Aure Howard a banshee, a Celtic magical creature that was rejected by vampires and humans. She was sold to a portiga which means a pleasure house, by her uncle's family at a very young age. on a fateful day, she was sent to the Lewis mansion to comfort one of the sons. "excuse me I was sent by the pleasure house to be with young master lewis," Aure said "Follow me, "said the butler Vernon steps out of the shower to find an almost naked woman in his room. he tilted his head to the side “What do you think you are doing woman" he said with a cold husky voice.

    bloody_sinner · Fantaisie
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    SHAMELESS : Setelah menjadi korban masa lalu yang kelam dan sembuh dari trauma, Angela Vernon kini hidup damai diselimuti kebahagiaan. Karirnya bagus dan juga dicintai banyak orang. Angela memutuskan untuk bertunangan dengan Noel Smith. Hidupnya sempurna sebelum akhirnya bertemu dengan Lucas Scorgia, presdir 'S Group, donatur terbesar panti asuhan tempatnya bekerja, juga pria yang telah membuatnya trauma dulu. Angela menghindari Lucas. Namun, menutup mata akan jati diri bukanlah solusi untuk merasa aman. Pria itu berhasil memaksa Angela untuk menghancurkan tombol pengamannya. Keadaan semakin memburuk ketika Noel kembali membisikan cinta untuk Angela yang haus rasa kemanusiaan. "Sekarang, daripada gila, aku memilih untuk menggila saja.” – Angela Vernon. Now Playing : Such a Whore by JVLA --------- SHAMELESS : BLACK SEA If you can't swim, I heard drowning is the best way to go. Setelah menjalani hari-hari menjadi tahanan rumah, Angela kini harus menghadapi fakta bahwa dia adalah wanita simpanan Lucas. Rasa keinginan untuk hidup bebas masih terus mengalir deras dalam pembuluh darahnya. Ia memutuskan untuk membuat perjanjian. Ketika salah satu kelab malam milik keluarga Scorgia diledakan, dia bersama dengan pasukan Michele memutuskan menemui keluarga Fanelli untuk menuduh saingan bisnisnya. Bersama mereka melakukan upaya dan berakhir dengan pembunuhan. “I’m the mad man for your touch, Angela, I lost control.” – Lucas Scorgia Sekembalinya di rumah, dia disambut dengan kedatangan Lucas. Pria itu mengingatkan agar tidak ikut campur bisnis keluarganya. Kemunculannya membawa ambisi besar untuk melakukan ekspansi. Angela bersama dengan Daniele, memutuskan untuk berkunjung ke sebuah kelab malam yang dikelola oleh keluarga Xu Min, yang mengendalikan bisnis besar di wilayah timur, di mana kehadiran mereka tidak diterima. She plays the rules made by the beast. Kembali ke Foxcoll, mereka dikejutkan oleh berita penculikan Karina. Penjahat Xu Min memukul Lucas dengan keras, dan diselamatkan oleh Stefan Blanchette. Sementara itu, Angela memutuskan untuk bertemu dengan seseorang yang diduga memegang peranan penting masa lalu keluarga Vernon. Kemudian kejadian baku tembak di sepanjang jalan besar Hawthron terjadi. Keadaan diperparah dengan kemunculan Gianna Stone. Meet me in the bottom of the ocean and show me how you like it done. Now Playing : Not Enough by Elvis Drew ft Avivian ------ SHAMELESS : DOWN SO LOW We are just drowing in pointless love not knowing where all the kisses have gone. Setelah meninggalnya Michele, Lucas yang resmi menjadi kepala keluarga Scorgia, memutuskan untuk menikahi Gianna Stone, dalam pernikahan mewah yang didatangi oleh keluarga besar dan tamu undangan terhormat. Kedatangan Angela yang tidak di undang membawa berbagai rumor buruk. “I’m the woman who always create a fight.” – Angela Vernon. Gianna menggunakan posisinya untuk mengusir sang mantan kekasih suami dari Rosencus, kemudian mendeklarasikan diri sebagai mawar Scorgia, yang berakhir dengan penembakan. Bersamaan dengan kepergian Angela dari Rosencus, bisnis legal keluarga Scorgia di wilayah timur dikecam. Spread out more the hottest inside me now. Lucas diperingatkan tentang penghianat di antara keluarga Scorgia. Buntut dari kasus penculikan Karina, peran Angela yang selalu dibutuhkan membuat Gianna semakin buta. Sudah waktunya untuk mengubur segala drama dan menghadapi musuh bersama dengan membuat aliansi yang berbahaya. Hate it or love it, no lip service can change that. Now Playing : Hislerim – Serhat Durmus ft Zerrin ------ Note : Apabila ada kesamaan nama, tempat, adegan, dan gaya penulisan dengan penulis lain, itu hanya kebetulan semata. Terima kasih! Rate 21+ Dark Romance This novel contains sexual acts and harsh words. Please don't read if you're not comfortable with it.

    Karlvier · Urbain
  • My Boxing Master System

    Vernon Balxor sank into depression after the doctor diagnosed him with a chronic heart condition, shattering his dream of becoming a professional boxer. His life took a drastic turn, filled with humiliation and inevitable poverty. Meanwhile, his old friend, Xander Watson, had successfully become an MMA world champion, an achievement that made Vernon proud despite his own downfall. However, that pride turned to anger when Xander, without any sympathy, mocked Vernon's weak physical condition and poverty. Provoked by the insult, Vernon punched Xander, sparking a fierce fight between them. The fight ended tragically for Vernon. His frail condition left him powerless against Xander’s blows, eventually putting him in a coma. But when Vernon finally opened his eyes in the hospital, he was shocked to see a transparent screen appear in front of him, displaying the words: [CONGRATULATIONS, HOST! YOU HAVE RECEIVED THE BOXING MASTER SYSTEM] With this new system, Vernon was given a second chance to pursue his lost dream and vowed to defeat Xander, the friend who had betrayed him. He swore that his life would never be the same again.

    Varjomies · sport
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  • The Abandoned Heiress: Contract Marriage With The CEO Who Hates Me

    [MATURE CONTENT, DUBCON] "Sometimes it's about remembering and never forgiving." Amelie Devold, the only daughter of the CEO of one of the most successful tech companies in the country, grew up to be a seemingly happy and spoiled young woman, despite her fragile condition. However, her rich and elegant way of living ends in a heartbeat when her father goes missing, leaving Amelie alone and with an enormous debt on her hands. That's when she reunites with Vernon Lin, her strange and intimidating senior from college, who claims to be the new owner of her father's company and promises to resolve her financial issues if she agrees to marry him. His offer seems harmless, and Amelie accepts his helping hand only to realize that Vernon's intentions are not so pure, and his personality is still miles away from that of a knight in shining armor. But what really does feed Vernon's unhealthy obsession with Amelie? Whether it's his desire for revenge, his own twisted way of teaching the spoiled young woman how the real life works, or unresolved complicated feelings, he still succeeds in turning Amelie's life into a living hell. Until he realizes that without her, his own life is hell, too.

    Kisaeng · Urbain
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  • The Cursed Hybrid’s Stolen Gem

    Hunger for her family's survival drove nineteen-year-old Aneesa to venture into Vernon, the kingdom of werewolves and home to all supernatural creatures. As a skilled thief, Aneesa successfully steals the King's Ruby, unaware of the curse that accompanies it. The ruby grants ultimate power among the supernatural, and when Prince Corion, brother to King Aspen, discovers its missing, he tracks down the thief responsible. Corion intends to use the ruby to overthrow his brother and take the throne, but to do so, he must break the curse that will kill Aneesa once the power is withdrawn from her. As he trains Aneesa and plans his coup, he finds himself inexplicably drawn to her, despite his initial indifference to her life. Can Aneesa survive in this dangerous new world? Will Corion be able to save her and break the curse? And what will happen when the ultimate power of the ruby is unleashed?

    DA_Aloera · Fantaisie
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  • Lost: A New Path

    Vernon Arias has lived an uneventful life. From a young age he seemed to be good at everything that he touched, yet he was bored. Now, 27 years old with no aspirations for the future, Vernon just wants one thing. "I want to die..." Yes, Vernon would like nothing more than for the world to end or to just die. When unexpected events throw Vernon's life into disarray, will he decide to pick himself up and fight for this world, or will he choose to give up and die? This is the story of Vernon Arias, this is the story of Lost.

    artiscin · Urbain
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  • Mystical journey to the unknown

    Waking up in a different world was not what I had on my to do list, but at least I had my friends with me. It was then completely silent in the group of people the only noise was from the market and people talking about, and children running about having loads of fun. The Hellhounds members found this to be a very peaceful town almost too peaceful for some of them and the others to blind to see underneath the peacefulness. Morgan and Bella were already suspicious of Vernon and this town felt like this had to be too good to be true like there was a rot happening underneath all this peacefulness just waiting to burst out into the open to cause chaos for all that lived there and to them, it felt like Vernon Oswald was in the middle of it all. This story is on Wattpad as well on my account called FantasyIsMyJam. I post it on there first then on this site

    Morgan_G · Fantaisie
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  • The Smell of Hell

    CERBERUZ Siapa yang tidak kenal ID ini di dunia maya, para peselancar dunia maya pasti akan merasa familier dengan namanya. Dia adalah hacker handal yang tidak pernah terendus keberadaannya bahkan oleh interpol sekalipun. Tidak ada yang tahu pasti siapa dia, bahkan banyak hacker berpengalaman yang sudah malang melintang menjelajah lautan dark web mencoba melacaknya, tapi selalu saja berakhir tanpa hasil. Sangat licin, sangat rapi. Di lain sisi, seorang pemuda bernama Alexander Vernon. Seorang professional gamer yang namanya sudah dikenal di kancah Gaming internasional, sering memenangkan kejuaraan game daring mengalahkan peserta dari seluruh dunia. Hari-harinya hanya ia habiskan di dalam kamarnya yang remang, dengan 2 unit komputer dan mata yang terpaku menatap monitor tanpa bergeser sedikit pun. Baginya rumah adalah tempat teraman, sedangkan dunia luar adalah neraka yang membuatnya harus selalu mengenakan masker khusus buatan mendiang ibunya, bukan karena sakit parah atau mysophobia, melainkan karena ia dapat mencium bau kebohongan atau emosi dari orang lain, matanya dapat menangkap warna dari kebohongan itu, warna dari emosi orang-orang yang di temuinya di jalan bahkan dimanapun. Tidak ada orang yang tidak pernah berbohong sepanjang hidupnya, bahkan bau kebohongan sekecil apapun akan terasa menyengat baginya seperti bangkai tikus di loteng rumah. Mengganggu! baginya ini adalah bau dari neraka, bau yang selalu mengepungnya sepanjang hidup. The smell of Hell! Melva Jane O'Connor, seorang detektif muda berprestasi yang membawahi departemen kekerasan dan kejahatan khusus di Vellas City Police Departemen (VCPD) sedang menghadapi suatu kasus misterius yang membuatnya harus berurusan dengan Alexander Vernon, pemuda dengan kemampuan aneh dan tidak masuk akal. Bagaimanakan takdir mereka berjalan? ikuti terus kisahnyaa.... note: cerita ini hanyalah khayalan semata, semua tokoh dan setting cerita ini adalah fiktif dan imajiner.

    MORAN94 · Romance
  • Smells of Evil

    CERBERUZ Who doesn't know this ID on cyberspace, cyber surfers will feel familiar with the name.  He is a reliable hacker whose existence has never been detected, even by Interpol. Nobody knows for sure who he is, even many experienced hackers who have crossed the sea of dark web trying to track him down, but they always end up in vain. Very slick, very delicate. On the other hand, a young man named Alexander Vernon is a professional gamer whose name is well known in the international gaming tournament, often wins online gaming championships, beating participants from all over the world. He has the ability to smell lies and see the color of a person's emotions No one has never lied in his entire life, even the slightest smell of lies will sting him like a dead mouse in the attic of a house.  Disturb!  to him, it was the smell of hell, a smell that had surrounded him all his life. one time, the young man discovered one fact about his ability, and how the special ability system was. Melva Jane O'Connor, an accomplished young detective in charge of the violence and special crimes department of the Vellas City Police Department (VCPD) is facing a mysterious case where she has to deal with Alexander Vernon, a young man with strange and absurd abilities. How will their destiny work? follow the story ... Ps: This story is just an imagination, all the characters, and settings of this story are fictional and imaginary.

    MORAN94 · Fantaisie

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