
Livres de Romans lirik har dil jo pyar karega à Lire en Ligne - WebNovel


  • Husband With Benefits

    Nora is shattered a month before her wedding when she uncovers her fiancé's deceitful affair. As she manages this betrayal, she discovers a deep ploy to hinder her from claiming her rightful inheritance. Devastated but determined, Nora takes a daring step to regain control of her life. Enter Demetri 'The Demon' to those who know him, a formidable man barely known to her, who offers her protection and support in return for a contract marriage to satisfy him. In a twist of fate, Nora marries Demetri to claim her inheritance and fight those who plotted against her. But as she battles her own family and Demetri's many rivals, will she be able to keep from falling for the man known to crush people beneath his booted heel. Excerpt: She had forgotten that the man was intimidating and directly challenged him. Rather than speaking, Demetri rose from his seat and approached her deliberately. Although it was a mere few steps, time seemed to stretch for Nora. When he was almost within touching distance, his hand gently landed on her knee, moving it sideways. His touch moved with a hint of a caress, and he stepped between her open legs. Nora sat there in frozen silence, her eyes wide like a deer caught in headlights. Catching her chin between his fingers, he tilted her face upwards and spoke unhurriedly," You are my wife." She nodded her head slowly in affirmation while his thumb slowly traced her lip. "I have given you time to gather your emotions." Another nod. Nora's nervousness made her lick her lips, acutely aware of his intense gaze fixed upon them. "Your reason for the marriage was to secure your inheritance and get away from under your mother's thumb." "Yes..." Nora whispered in confusion. Her confusion was not about his statement but about the bewildering sensations coursing through her. What was happening with her? "It's time for you to fulfil your end of the contract, yes?" He continued. "Yes," Nora whispered breathlessly. Why was she breathless? Had the oxygen level in the house dropped? Was the air suddenly thinning? Abruptly, his hand left her face, and she watched as he drew closer. It was then that Nora comprehended what was unfolding. All those tantalizing, heart-pounding kisses she had read about in novels were about to possibly become her reality. But the anticipated kiss didn't happen. Instead, he paused near her and commanded, "Kiss me."

    har_k · Urbain
  • Esposo con Beneficios

    "Nora está destrozada un mes antes de su boda cuando descubre la engañosa aventura de su prometido. Mientras maneja esta traición, descubre una profunda trama para impedirle reclamar su legítima herencia. Devastada pero decidida, Nora da un paso audaz para recuperar el control de su vida. Llega Demetri, —El Demonio para aquellos que lo conocen, un hombre formidable apenas conocido para ella, que le ofrece protección y apoyo a cambio de un matrimonio de contrato para satisfacerlo. Como un giro del destino, Nora se casa con Demetri para reclamar su herencia y luchar contra quienes conspiraron contra ella. Pero mientras lucha contra su propia familia y los muchos rivales de Demetri, ¿podrá evitar enamorarse del hombre conocido por aplastar a la gente bajo su talón enguatado? Extracto: El museo ha olvidado que el hombre era intimidante y lo desafió directamente. Más que hablar, Demetri se levantó de su asientos y se acercó a ella deliberadamente. Aunque solo eran unos pocos pasos, el tiempo parecía alargarse para Nora. Cuando casi estaba a distancia de tocar, su mano aterrizó suavemente sobre su rodilla, moviéndola de lado. Su toque se movió con un atisbo de caricia, y se colocó entre sus piernas abiertas. Nora se sentó allí en silencio congelado, sus ojos abiertos como un ciervo atrapado en las luces delanteras. Atrapando su barbilla entre sus dedos, inclinó su cara hacia arriba y habló sin prisa —Tú eres mi esposa —ArGó Demetri. Ella asintió lentamente con su cabeza en afirmación mientras su pulgar trazaba lentamente su labio—. Te he dado tiempo para reunir tus emociones —le dijo él. Otro asentimiento. El nerviosismo de Nora la hizo lamerse los labios, consciente de su intensa mirada fija en ellos. —Tu razón para el matrimonio era asegurar tu herencia y liberarte del dominio de tu madre. —Sí —Nora susurró confundida. Su confusión no era acerca de su declaración, sino acerca de las desconcertantes sensaciones que le recorrían. ¿Qué le estaba pasando? —Es hora de que cumplas tu parte del contrato, ¿sí? —Continuó él. —Sí —susurró Nora sin aliento. ¿Por qué le faltaba el aliento? ¿Había descendido el nivel de oxígeno en la casa? ¿Se estaba adelgazando repentinamente el aire? De repente, su mano dejó su cara, y ella lo vio acercarse más. Fue entonces cuando Nora comprendió lo que estaba sucediendo. Todos esos besos tentadores y emocionantes que había leído en novelas estaban a punto de convertirse posiblemente en su realidad. Pero el beso anticipado no sucedió. En cambio, se detuvo cerca de ella y ordenó —Bésame."

    har_k · Urbain
  • Marido Com Benefícios

    ``` Nora fica devastada um mês antes de seu casamento quando descobre a traição de seu noivo. Enquanto lida com essa traição, ela descobre um profundo ardil para impedi-la de reivindicar sua legítima herança. Desolada, mas determinada, Nora dá um passo ousado para retomar o controle de sua vida. Surge Demétrio 'O Demônio', como é conhecido por aqueles que o conhecem, um homem imponente pouco conhecido por ela, que lhe oferece proteção e apoio em troca de um casamento por contrato para satisfazê-lo. Em uma reviravolta do destino, Nora se casa com Demétrio para reivindicar sua herança e lutar contra aqueles que conspiraram contra ela. Mas, enquanto ela batalha contra sua própria família e os muitos rivais de Demétrio, será que ela conseguirá evitar se apaixonar pelo homem conhecido por esmagar as pessoas sob o calcanhar de suas botas. Excerto: Ela havia esquecido que o homem era intimidador e o desafiou diretamente. Em vez de falar, Demétrio se levantou de sua cadeira e se aproximou dela deliberadamente. Embora fossem apenas alguns passos, o tempo pareceu se esticar para Nora. Quando ele estava quase ao alcance do toque, sua mão pousou gentilmente em seu joelho, deslizando-o para o lado. Seu toque se moveu com um indício de carícia, e ele se colocou entre as pernas abertas dela. Nora ficou lá em silêncio congelado, os olhos arregalados como um veado capturado pelos faróis de um carro. Segurando seu queixo entre os dedos, ele inclinou o rosto dela para cima e falou sem pressa, "Você é minha esposa." Ela acenou lentamente com a cabeça em afirmação enquanto o polegar dele lentamente percorria seu lábio. "Eu lhe dei tempo para reunir suas emoções." Mais um aceno. O nervosismo de Nora a fez lamber os lábios, extremamente consciente do olhar intenso dele fixo neles. "Sua razão para o casamento foi garantir sua herança e se libertar da influência de sua mãe." "Sim..." Nora sussurrou confusa. Sua confusão não era sobre a declaração dele, mas sobre as sensações desconcertantes que percorriam seu corpo. O que estava acontecendo com ela? "Está na hora de você cumprir sua parte no contrato, não é?" Ele continuou. "Sim," Nora sussurrou sem fôlego. Por que ela estava sem fôlego? O nível de oxigênio da casa havia diminuído? O ar de repente estava ficando rarefeito? De repente, a mão dele deixou o rosto dela, e ela observou enquanto ele se aproximava ainda mais. Foi então que Nora compreendeu o que estava se desenrolando. Todos aqueles beijos tentadores e que faziam o coração acelerar que ela havia lido sobre em romances estavam prestes a possivelmente se tornar sua realidade. Mas o beijo antecipado não aconteceu. Em vez disso, ele parou perto dela e ordenou, "Beije-me." ```

    har_k · Urbain
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  • Falling For My Accidental CEO Husband

    Waking up from a coma was the least of Serena’s worries when she finds out she’s married! She can’t remember who she is. Her parents are plotting to kill her. What does a young woman do in such a situation? She traps her handsome rich husband ofcourse! Serena will not let him go until she uncovers the truth. Aiden Hawk married for convenience. Blackmailed by his grandmother, he came up with the perfect plan. Marry a woman on her deathbed and play the role of her grieving lover. When she passes away, he would be free to do as he pleased! But to everyone's surprise, she came back alive! What’s more, she’s sticking to him like glue! Will their accidental marriage work out or will they be separared for ever? *Picture credits: Queenfrieza Snippet: Her eyes widened in shock when he walked over to lock the hospital room door with a click. "What are you doing?" she asked shakily. She did not like the look on his face. He raised a brow and smirked, raising the corner of his mouth. "What do you think I'm doing?" "Why… why did you lock the door?" "My wife...You've woken up after so long. Of course, I have to spend some time with you undisturbed..." Serena watched him as he walked towards her, his presence seemingly filling the room. Her heart almost threatened to leap out of her chest...She wanted to jump off the bed but her legs were useless and she had no strength...

    har_k · Urbain
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  • Mari avec avantages

    Nora est anéantie un mois avant son mariage lorsqu'elle met au jour la liaison trompeuse de son fiancé. Alors qu'elle gère cette trahison, elle découvre un complot profond pour l'empêcher de réclamer son héritage légitime. Dévastée mais déterminée, Nora prend une mesure audacieuse pour reprendre le contrôle de sa vie. Entre en scène Démétri 'Le Démon' pour ceux qui le connaissent, un homme redoutable qu'elle connaît à peine, qui lui offre sa protection et son soutien en échange d'un mariage contractuel pour le satisfaire. Dans un retournement de destin, Nora épouse Démétri pour revendiquer son héritage et lutter contre ceux qui ont comploté contre elle. Mais alors qu'elle affronte sa propre famille et les nombreux rivaux de Démétri, sera-t-elle capable d'éviter de tomber amoureuse de l'homme connu pour écraser les gens sous le talon de sa botte. Extrait : Elle avait oublié que l'homme était intimidant et l'avait directement défié. Au lieu de parler, Démétri se leva de son siège et s'approcha d'elle délibérément. Bien que ce ne fût que quelques pas, le temps semblait s'étirer pour Nora. Lorsqu'il fut presque à portée de toucher, sa main se posa doucement sur son genou, l'écartant sur le côté. Son toucher glissait avec un soupçon de caresse, et il s'inséra entre ses jambes ouvertes. Nora restait là, en silence glacé, les yeux grands ouverts comme un cerf pris dans les phares. Attrapant son menton entre ses doigts, il inclina son visage vers le haut et parla sans hâte, "Tu es ma femme." Elle hocha la tête lentement en affirmation alors que son pouce traçait lentement sa lèvre. "Je t'ai donné du temps pour rassembler tes émotions." Un autre signe de tête. La nervosité de Nora la fit lécher ses lèvres, tout à fait consciente de son regard intense fixé sur elles. "Ta raison pour le mariage était de sécuriser ton héritage et de t'échapper de sous le pouce de ta mère." "Oui..." murmura Nora dans la confusion. Sa confusion n'était pas au sujet de sa déclaration, mais à propos des sensations déroutantes qui la traversaient. Que se passait-il avec elle ? "Il est temps pour toi de remplir ta part du contrat, n'est-ce pas ?" Il continua. "Oui," souffla Nora à bout de souffle. Pourquoi était-elle à bout de souffle ? Le niveau d'oxygène dans la maison avait-il baissé ? L'air devenait-il soudainement plus rare ? Soudainement, sa main quitta son visage, et elle le regarda se rapprocher. C'est alors que Nora comprit ce qui se déroulait. Tous ces baisers palpitants, à vous faire battre le cœur, qu'elle avait lus dans les romans, étaient sur le point de devenir peut-être sa réalité. Mais le baiser tant attendu n'eut pas lieu. Au lieu de cela, il s'arrêta près d'elle et ordonna, "Embrasse-moi."

    har_k · Urbain
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  • The Typhoon's Wife

    A contractual marriage with her best friend's brother. A cute and adorable baby. Close encounters and blooming of romance Love confessions Disclaimer:The book cover design has been designed by a webnovel user @valeriex and the description for it was provided by a reader @beanguyen..So many thanks to them!! This story is an original work so all reviews are appreciated.The rate of updates is at least 1 chapter a day with a single random holiday every week. Neil took a deep breath and said "Al..I need a favor.." "Uh..huh." "Please marry....my brother.""You want me to marry the Typhoon????!!!",she whisper shouted to him. "I think you meant to say tycoon.." Neil asked her in a similar way. "Noo..I meant typhoon..you heard me right..

    har_k · Urbain
  • Legacy of the God of War

    Trapped in a harsh life in Shanghai, Li Chen discovers he's the vessel for the ancient God of War. Armed with newfound strength, he confronts his oppressive in-laws and navigates the modern world. As he harnesses this power, he must protect his love and face those seeking to exploit his abilities.

    FlameWitch · Fantaisie
  • The Prince's Mischievous Bride

    Crown Prince Aiden Jonas William Agilofings "AJ”, is not interested in love or marriage. A confirmed bachelor, AJ will not fall in love. Not even for inheriting the throne to his beloved Leland. But his grandfather is as stubborn as him, so a marriage will be on the cards. A contracted one. And when a perfect candidate falls into his lap, quite literally… what is he to do? Amelia Brighton was born a princess but a twist of fate now relegated her to the role of a commoner instead of ruling her nation-Valleys. But destiny cannot be changed. Amelia Brighton is now ready to ascend a different throne. As the beloved bride of Crown Prince AJ, much to the consternation of her own birth family and the ministers of Leland, she will rule by his side. A fairy-tale come true, the nation revels in their love story. But enemies lurk in the shadow, ready to expose everything that AJ and Amy hide. So, as they fight the unknown enemies, will they fall in love or end up hating each other? Excerpt: AJ looked into the green eyes of the woman, no, the young girl who had come out of nowhere and was now sitting on his thighs like they were her personal couch. She was stunning. He was no stranger to beautiful women but this girl was too beautiful. The only make-up he could see was on her full lips were covered with a bit of gloss. Her dark hair framed her face while her shoulders were left bare enticingly. To him, she seemed like an innocent little fairy who had wandered into the mortal realm albeit a bit drunk. And there was a certain familiarity to her looks that he could not place. Without much thought, he simply placed a hand on her small waist to support her as she swayed a little. Her warm breath blew over his shoulder while her voice enthralled him, as she whispered near his ear, "Take me from here, please." "Umm, excuse me, miss...It is not good to just come and sit on someone..." “Why not? This is so very comfortable." Saying this she leaned closer to AJ. Unexpectedly AJ stood up, holding the beauty in his arms and spoke," We need to leave now..." The woman smiled up at AJ as if she had met her prince charming or even her knight in shining armour, but the onlookers knew that she had thrown herself at a wolf... The poor drunk lamb was going to die soon. Cover does not belong to me. Credit to the rightful owner

    har_k · Urbain
  • Sistema Supremo Deus do Harém

    ``` [Sistema Supremo Deus do Harém.] Este era o Truque de Nux Leander, o homem que transmigrou para um mundo de cultivação, recebeu. Em um mundo de cultivação, este sistema truque permitiu que Nux pulasse o processo árduo que leva anos, décadas ou até séculos. Tudo o que Nux precisava eram suas adoráveis esposas. Quanto mais forte a esposa, mais benefícios ele recebe. “O quê? Você é um Cultivador do Estágio de Grande Mestre com 100 anos? E você chama isso de Talento Incomparável? Talento Incomparável é o caramba! Eu tenho 18 e já sou um Cultivador de Estágio de Rei, melhore, sua incompetente!” Tão ridículo quanto já era, o truque de Nux não terminou aí. Talento de Cultivo, Fisiologias Especiais, Linhagens, seu sistema podia herdar todas! Tudo o que ele precisava fazer era seduzir Mulheres fortes. Acompanhe Nux em sua jornada enquanto ele se promove de um mero mortal, para um brinquedo de menino de uma Nobre Solitária, e então para Imperador do império mais forte do mundo! Tudo isso enquanto ele fica mais forte passando tempo com suas adoráveis esposas. ... Confira também meu outro romance, Sistema de Deus Vampiro Primordial Se você quer ler sobre vingança, guerra, sangue, carnificina, vampiros, e, o Retorno do Esquecido Império de Sangue ... Capa Gerada por IA. ... Discord: https://discord.gg/qZHRTHGdZG Se por algum motivo o link não funcionar, Me mande mensagem direta: SleepDeprivedSloth ```

    SleepDeprivedSloth · Fantaisie
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  • Ms. Attractive and inciting CEO

    Her parents died in planned accident by her uncle. They used her in every way they can. They planned to sue her so she wont take her fathers company back. They want to destroy her life making her penniless. No one knows that she is the not the same girl who was played as puppet in their hands. Five years changed her a lot. Now she is a hidden genius still acting pityfull to take revenge. She is also the young female CEO of powerful company she started three years back with her five friends who are famously known as five ghost CEO's of fast developed and profited companies. she has everything she should be proud of wealth,fame,beauty. Friends who pampers her to no extent became her family. A person who loves her endlessly is the famous and powerful CEO of the country who is admired by many girls.she is content with what she acheived. Now it is time for revenge and to take back what rightfully belongs to her. she will destroy them and shatter their hope into million peices. With a powerful backup and support of her boyfriend and family now she will rip them into peices with many twist and turns in her journey of love and revenge. ............................... Discord link https://discord.gg/3CC6KgK

    Har_V · Urbain
  • Sistema Supremo de Dios de Harén

    ``` [Sistema Supremo de Dios de Harén.] Este era el Truco que recibió Nux Leander, el hombre que transmigró a un mundo de cultivo. En un mundo de cultivo, este sistema de truco permitía a Nux saltarse el arduo proceso que lleva años, décadas o incluso siglos. Todo lo que Nux necesitaba eran sus encantadoras esposas. Cuanto más fuerte es la esposa, más beneficios recibe. —¿Qué? ¿Eres una Cultivadora de la Etapa Gran Maestro de 100 años? ¿Y llamas a esto Talento Incomparable? ¡Talento Incomparable mis narices! Tengo 18 y ya soy un Cultivador de la Etapa de Rey, ¡supérate perra! Tan ridículo como ya era, el truco de Nux no terminaba ahí. Talento de Cultivación, Fisonomías Especiales, Linajes, ¡su Sistema podía heredarlos todos! ¡Todo lo que tenía que hacer era seducir a mujeres fuertes! Acompaña a Nux en su viaje mientras se promociona de un simple mortal, a juguete de una Noble Solitaria, y luego a Emperador del Imperio más fuerte del mundo. ¡Todo mientras se fortalece pasando tiempo con sus encantadoras esposas! ... No dejes de echar un vistazo a mi otra novela, Sistema de Dios Vampiro Primordial. Si quieres leer sobre venganza, guerra, sangre, gore, vampiros y el Retorno del Olvidado Imperio de Sangre... ... Portada generada por IA. ... Discord: https://discord.gg/qZHRTHGdZG. Si el enlace no funciona por alguna razón, escríbeme a: SleepDeprivedSloth. ```

    SleepDeprivedSloth · Fantaisie
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  • Harness Cultivator

    Important Notice: This book will be in Hiatus because I wish to focus on my other book, MMORPG: Crowd Control! Thank you for your understandings! "I only harnessed a little bit of her yin energy, why is everyone trying to kill me?" Lee Tao cried aloud. ===================== Do you know what is the correct method to cultivate? Normal, old boring cultivation in a lotus position? Dual Cultivation with a jade beauty? Consuming alchemy pills to cultivate? If you had chosen any of the above, you’re wrong. It's none of those. The correct method is obviously to harness the cultivation of others for yourself. Why work hard when you can work smart? Lee Tao is the one and only Harness Cultivator who extracts the profound qi of other cultivators to strengthen himself and become unparalleled in the vast heavens without the need to lift a single finger. -------------------------------- Bonus Chapters 100 GT = 1 Bonus Chapter 200 GT = 2 Bonus Chapters 300 GT = 3 Bonus Chapters -------------------------------- Disclaimer: I don't like to info dump much so don't expect to know everything in a few chapters. So if you are the type to want the world building, character's personality, story line in a few chapters then this is not for you.

    Idczhen · Oriental
  • Ehemann mit Vorzügen

    Nora ist einen Monat vor ihrer Hochzeit am Boden zerstört, als sie die betrügerische Affäre ihres Verlobten aufdeckt. Während sie mit diesem Verrat fertig wird, entdeckt sie eine tiefgreifende Intrige, die sie daran hindern soll, ihr rechtmäßiges Erbe anzutreten. Am Boden zerstört, aber entschlossen, unternimmt Nora einen gewagten Schritt, um die Kontrolle über ihr Leben zurückzugewinnen. Sie trifft auf Demetri, den "Dämon", einen furchterregenden Mann, den sie kaum kennt und der ihr Schutz und Unterstützung anbietet, wenn sie ihn im Gegenzug mit einem Vertrag heiratet, der ihn zufrieden stellt. Durch eine Laune des Schicksals heiratet Nora Demetri, um ihr Erbe einzufordern und diejenigen zu bekämpfen, die sich gegen sie verschworen haben. Doch während sie gegen ihre eigene Familie und Demetris zahlreiche Rivalen kämpft, wird sie es schaffen, sich nicht in den Mann zu verlieben, der dafür bekannt ist, Menschen unter seinem gestiefelten Absatz zu zerquetschen. Auszug: Sie hatte vergessen, dass der Mann einschüchternd war, und ihn direkt herausgefordert. Anstatt zu sprechen, erhob sich Demetri von seinem Platz und ging zielstrebig auf sie zu. Obwohl es nur ein paar Schritte waren, schien sich die Zeit für Nora zu dehnen. Als er fast zum Greifen nahe war, landete seine Hand sanft auf ihrem Knie und bewegte es zur Seite. Seine Berührung bewegte sich mit einem Hauch von Liebkosung, und er trat zwischen ihre geöffneten Beine. Nora saß da wie erstarrt, ihre Augen weit aufgerissen wie ein Reh im Scheinwerferlicht. Er nahm ihr Kinn zwischen seine Finger, neigte ihr Gesicht nach oben und sprach in aller Ruhe: "Du bist meine Frau." Sie nickte langsam mit dem Kopf zur Bestätigung, während sein Daumen langsam über ihre Lippen strich. "Ich habe dir Zeit gegeben, deine Gefühle zu sammeln." Ein weiteres Nicken. Noras Nervosität ließ sie sich über die Lippen lecken, während sie sich seines intensiven Blickes auf sie bewusst war. "Dein Grund für die Heirat war es, dein Erbe zu sichern und nicht mehr unter der Fuchtel deiner Mutter zu stehen." "Ja ..." flüsterte Nora verwirrt. Ihre Verwirrung bezog sich nicht auf seine Aussage, sondern auf die verwirrenden Empfindungen, die sie durchströmten. Was geschah mit ihr? "Es ist an der Zeit, dass du deinen Teil des Vertrages erfüllst, ja?" fuhr er fort. "Ja", flüsterte Nora atemlos. Warum war sie atemlos? War der Sauerstoffgehalt im Haus gesunken? Wurde die Luft plötzlich dünner? Abrupt verließ seine Hand ihr Gesicht, und sie beobachtete, wie er näher herankam. Erst jetzt begriff Nora, was vor sich ging. All die verlockenden, herzzerreißenden Küsse, von denen sie in Romanen gelesen hatte, sollten nun möglicherweise ihre Realität werden. Aber der erwartete Kuss fand nicht statt. Stattdessen hielt er in ihrer Nähe inne und befahl: "Küss mich."

    har_k · Urbain
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  • Stroke of Love

    He is the third young master of a powerful family. An artistic and financial genius. But he is not the heir or the spare and thus free to live his own life fully. Not lacking in wealth or talent, Matt Long has everything. Until one day fate takes away something he treasures the most.. thus changing his life.. thus changing him...He will not let the person responsible go unpunished... Xue Qian is a photographer who has had the golden opportunity to work for two of the most handsome and rich men's wedding at the beginning of her career.. From then on it has only soared to new heights as she explored different avenues... But then everything is taken away from her and all she wants is revenge.. and take care of her little sister... Qian Qian and Matt are both walking their own paths, facing their own hurdles.. What happens when these two meet? Will they fall in love or will swords clash?

    har_k · Général
  • Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

    She was a simple girl who was brought up in a simple household, or at least that was what others thought about her. She is full of mysteries and secrets but was always seen as naïve and innocent girl. Or, simply…it is more precise to tell that she keeps that facade for her own good. But why?? Only she knows the answer. However, unlike other girls of her age, who dreamt of getting married to rich and famous guys, she preferred to find someone who has simple life and easy going family. In short, she just wanted to lead a happy and ordinary life. However, she uses to believe that it would only be possible if her life partner was an common, uncomplicated guy. But why?? Was the reason behind her beliefs had something to do with her past? Or, was she vexed with her life to the extent of sticking by her self-made rules? On the other hand, he was the CEO of one of the most prestigious companies across the world. He was cold and aloof, someone who despised any sort of intimacy with women, be it physical or emotional. His world revolved around his work and his family business. Though he has complicated family, he love them to his core….and, apart from them and his friends , no one matter to him. But, for the first time in his life, he fell for a woman just with a glance. It all happened when she was turning down her Boss's love proposal. Despite of her simple attire, he found her enchantingly beautiful. He could tell that she had so much more to herself than she let others see. He wanted to be the only person before whom she could be her true self. The very moment he laid his eyes on her, he knew deep down in his heart that only she could be his soul mate. And, he was willing to go any lengths just to make her his. Even if it meant working as an employee in his own company. Just like he wanted, she fell for him. But would happen when she ends up catching his lies? Even if she agrees to accept him, what will be awaiting for her in the life she opted to live with him? Moreover, who exactly is she? Why does she prefer to be low-key? And why is she being so secretive about her past? What and all troubles she might have to face because of his complicated background? What would welcome her when she stumbles back into the very life she wanted to run away from? More importantly, will their love be strong enough to face all those odds that are waiting for them? ......... No misunderstandings between couple. Lovely and understanding couple with mature communication skills. ....... #Comedy #Love #Friendship #Mystery #Thriller #Family #Revenge This book is perfect blend of everything. I hope you will give it a try. ....... I am also author of Ms. attractive and inciting CEO The devil's little Villainess. Please do check out the books ..... Discord sever https://discord.gg/3CC6KgK Please feel free to contact me....

    Har_V · Urbain
  • Sistema de Pecado: Harén Demoniaco Después de la Reencarnación

    ``` Reencarnando para encontrarse a dos bellezas recostadas sobre su regazo, Jake descubrió que él era un Barón Demonio sin linaje. Exiliado del Infierno al mundo humano, a Jake le quedó una pequeña mazmorra y sus dos sirvientes con apenas monstruos bajo su mando. Justo cuando pensó que las cosas no iban bien para él, de repente oyó una voz femenina en su cabeza. —[¡Ding! Bienvenido anfitrión al Sistema de Pecado.] —[Por favor, gira la Ruleta del Pecador para desbloquear tu primer Pecado.] —Esto es... —mientras Jake tocaba instintivamente el disco oscuro que apareció ante su vista, el disco comenzó a girar y se detuvo cinco segundos después. Volvió a escuchar la voz del sistema. —[¡Ding! Felicidades, has desbloqueado el Pecado de Lujuria.] Etiquetas adicionales: Mc Malvado - Mc Inteligente - Mc Descarado - Mc Maquinador - Smut - Sin Yuri - Sin NTR - Pero Contiene Netori - Loli Legal - Súcubo - Elfo - Ángel - Vampiro - Chicas Gato - Chicas Dragón - Chicas Zorro - Chicas Monstruo - Esclavas - Milf - Princesa - Hermosa - YANDERE - Seinen - Maduro - R18 - 18 - Historias de Sexo - Bestialidad - Hentai - NSFW - Embarazo - Incesto - Juegos de Dominación - Control de Emociones - Manipulación de Linaje - Corruptor de Personajes Justos - Pecados - Gore - Transmigración - Mana - Diablo - Demonio - Nigromante - Muerte - Mazmorra - Evolución Aviso: Por favor, lea esto con precaución. Como autor, les recomiendo que NO muestren esto a sus hijos. Si tienen el corazón sensible, no abran este libro. ```

    FireEngine · Fantaisie
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  • Murim's Weakest Princess

    Warriors train their bodies. Scholars fill their minds. Every cultivator must have both and the talent to harness qi. But when the youngest princess of the murim lord was born, her golden core had to be sealed immediately because her talent for harvesting qi was too strong. Follow her as she regains her talent as the weakest murim princess.

    Destiny_Aitsuji · Histoire
  • Love Struck

    Ah Hai Long went into the army not with a burning desire to serve his country but to escape his brothers.Oh they loved him since he was tje youngest but with them he could not love himself.After all he had done something unforgivable.He wouldn't forgive himself even of theu did. Shi Ai was bound to live in hell until her older sister saved her when she was a toddler.A young girl who believes Ah Hai is her knight in shining armour. At the age of 13 she told him she was going to be his wife... Will Shi Ai be able to win her knight? A special thank you to the most wonderful content editor @islinda for designing this cover!

    har_k · Général

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