
Review Detail of PersonMcpeopleface in Tales of Herding Gods

Détail de l’examen


I remember browsing through the "hidden gem" tag years ago, thinking they were either not hidden or not gems, then i came across this novel and was spellbound for about 2-3 days, basically reading nonstop until i had caught up to the translation. It's not perfect, but it is really REALLY good. It's hard to properly explain what makes it good without going into spoiler territory or rambing on about things the uninitiated wouldn't understand, just read it and see for yourself. Personally, I believed it had the potential to be the best xianxia/xuanhuan novel i'd ever read at around chapter 40.

Tales of Herding Gods

Zhai Zhu

Aimé par 1 personnes




There is a chance yet. I created a messenger chat https://t.me/herding_gods , if there are enough fans in the chat, I'll try.


Hey 👋😊 Hope all is well. I kindly ask for your thoughts on my novel titled "The Epic Adventures of Maou and Shelly" It's a fantasy Adventure Magical Action Novel. NO ROMANCE! I want to get better as a writer but I need feedback and I'd really appreciate yours. I'm sure you'll come to love the story. 😁👍 Even if it's chapter 1&2 I'd appreciate it.