
Review Detail of HuoHaiGege in Trial Marriage Husband: Need to Work Hard

Détail de l’examen


Huh. Huh? Huh!!? When did this come out? Didn't see it on voting page. Oh well. Giving this a full five cuz of Qidan. Will update in future when I read it.

Trial Marriage Husband: Need to Work Hard

Passion Honey

Aimé par 1383 personnes






I didn't see this this either there. Seems the voting page is just for a show?


Or this book might be from a category of books that "will surely have a huge fan base" type and Qidan didn't need to put it up there. These type of things are too complicated for me to think about, especially when I come here to relax.

sakura90:I didn't see this this either there. Seems the voting page is just for a show?

ikr when did this come out


Wish Meltdown System in Eschatology came out this way...Going on with second week waiting for it. Just hoping now that when it comes out next week we'll have atleast a couple dozen chapters to tide us over.


It's just so disappointing since I have voted religiously for a novel in a voting page and it has been stuck there for a month already for the reason that it's not always on the top at the end of the week. Lol! I felf like my efforts in voting has been wasted and useless. Qidian should just remove the voting page and just release what they like.

HuoHaiGege:Or this book might be from a category of books that "will surely have a huge fan base" type and Qidan didn't need to put it up there. These type of things are too complicated for me to think about, especially when I come here to relax.

Automatically add to my library since I've bewn waiting this novel for to long since I've read it at novelupdates. Didn't expected that qidian will make wish come true😍


Is it good? How good is it?

blackllettuce:Automatically add to my library since I've bewn waiting this novel for to long since I've read it at novelupdates. Didn't expected that qidian will make wish come true😍

If you read hidden marriage before you'll find that excitement as that. I mean I just read this novel til chap 10 on novelupdates, and I already love it, when our female character rose from week to strong, with th

HuoHaiGege:Is it good? How good is it?

Just very disappointed, I thought the voteing system ment something, clearly it means nothing and is just for show :)

blackllettuce:If you read hidden marriage before you'll find that excitement as that. I mean I just read this novel til chap 10 on novelupdates, and I already love it, when our female character rose from week to strong, with th

Yay, ik now how its felt

TheOneWithBooks:Just very disappointed, I thought the voteing system ment something, clearly it means nothing and is just for show :)

If you have been here for some time you would have noticed, that even when the voting started, there were still novels that got released without being on the list and some got taken out of the list and just released because otherwice they would never get released. I think they are rethinking the voting system since they dont add new books to it now

TheOneWithBooks:Just very disappointed, I thought the voteing system ment something, clearly it means nothing and is just for show :)

They want to diversify and get more female readers, is what I think. And they have been releasing books not on the voting list from the start. If you dont like romance novels, just ignore them, but some people like them, so why wouldn't they publish them?

TheOneWithBooks:Just very disappointed, I thought the voteing system ment something, clearly it means nothing and is just for show :)

Yeah I know that, but I presume they would carry on with the voteing system, but I think you are right they will most likely stop with the voteing :)

Morgana_lefay:If you have been here for some time you would have noticed, that even when the voting started, there were still novels that got released without being on the list and some got taken out of the list and just released because otherwice they would never get released. I think they are rethinking the voting system since they dont add new books to it now

I think translator from one of the romance novels from the list said that the voting system was not viable for those novels since the number of people interested in romance is too little here so it would have to be done by categories to be useful. If I remember correctly only Hidden marriage (and maybe one other) was released when they started the voting?

TheOneWithBooks:Yeah I know that, but I presume they would carry on with the voteing system, but I think you are right they will most likely stop with the voteing :)



well at least we get spirit stones I guess

sakura90:It's just so disappointing since I have voted religiously for a novel in a voting page and it has been stuck there for a month already for the reason that it's not always on the top at the end of the week. Lol! I felf like my efforts in voting has been wasted and useless. Qidian should just remove the voting page and just release what they like.

I dont see either to if not check the new update post we will not see this coming .... more love qidian ... got more novel romance genre for ladys here


I feel you. It's really useless. They even publish stories from the the books that's being voted on even though it didn't topped within a week. 😩

sakura90:It's just so disappointing since I have voted religiously for a novel in a voting page and it has been stuck there for a month already for the reason that it's not always on the top at the end of the week. Lol! I felf like my efforts in voting has been wasted and useless. Qidian should just remove the voting page and just release what they like.

Yup yup..need more lady genre

yufen:I dont see either to if not check the new update post we will not see this coming .... more love qidian ... got more novel romance genre for ladys here

yeah i also can't wait for more chatperto come out