
Review Detail of _MR_FOOL_ in Demon's Diary

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Demons diary has already been translated upto like 400-500 chapters and still on going if i'm not wrong. use some new novels in trial read not ones that already exist and in the midst of translation.

Demon's Diary

Wang Yu

Aimé par 19 personnes




May I correct you, it's been translated to 700+ chapters and it is not ongoing. I personally, appreciate the translator who is translating this again because I want to read the whole story. I've been staring at this story forever but not daring to read it because it's less than halfway done. Pick this novel guys!


Complaining and rating it 1 star because of this? Really? Have you seen the complete and utter garbage we have been getting in trial read recently? Are you really crying that a good novel may be picked up again because it has been partly translated elsewhere?


For this novel to reach 500 chaps again, it will take about around a year. Do you think people will waste money for 1 year since this novel is translated elsewhere? And whats the probability the translator drops this novel in WN since there is no good profit for one year?

Mute:Complaining and rating it 1 star because of this? Really? Have you seen the complete and utter garbage we have been getting in trial read recently? Are you really crying that a good novel may be picked up again because it has been partly translated elsewhere?

Most people will not have read it elsewhere though, if you have, then don't vote for this. Though i wouldn't be surprised if webnovel buys the translations from the current translator, they did this in the past with a lot of the novels they got from elsewhere, that our maybe they will just outright copy them with minor editing.

Lord_Meph1sto:For this novel to reach 500 chaps again, it will take about around a year. Do you think people will waste money for 1 year since this novel is translated elsewhere? And whats the probability the translator drops this novel in WN since there is no good profit for one year?

Oh yeah i should add, after like 250 when it left gravity, it's badly edited machine translations and can't really be counted as proper translating.

Lord_Meph1sto:For this novel to reach 500 chaps again, it will take about around a year. Do you think people will waste money for 1 year since this novel is translated elsewhere? And whats the probability the translator drops this novel in WN since there is no good profit for one year?

already over 700 Chapters out and the last update was today (9/3/202)

brockarot_falcon:May I correct you, it's been translated to 700+ chapters and it is not ongoing. I personally, appreciate the translator who is translating this again because I want to read the whole story. I've been staring at this story forever but not daring to read it because it's less than halfway done. Pick this novel guys!

They should start where the other translations stopped. However, these translators want free money to just re-post the already translated chapters with ZERO guaranty that they will actually translate anything past the current translated chapters out there already. For all we know they will just drop it once there are no longer any chapters that they can post for free and claim as their translations. On top of all of that they will take 2 years to catch up to where the current translations leave off. So, you won't have anything new to read for at least 2-3 years.


its still being translated to this day 719 chaps to be precise. the translation is slow but its happening. so voting for a novel that's already being translated makes zero sense to me.

Mute:Complaining and rating it 1 star because of this? Really? Have you seen the complete and utter garbage we have been getting in trial read recently? Are you really crying that a good novel may be picked up again because it has been partly translated elsewhere?

I did not know it was being translated. But pls mention how long it will take to get fully translated by the other person who is translating slowly? 5 years? 10 years? 20 years????? Anyways I don't know about you but I do not have so much patience.