
Review Detail of half_empty in God Of Slaughter

Détail de l’examen


I’m ashamed I even lasted as long as I did. Too much sexual harassment, sexual assault, and flat out rape. Guys can justify this all they want, but as a girl, I can’t stand this crap. Don’t tell me I didn’t leave a fair review. I gave appropriate stars for translation quality and stability updates. Other than that, this story was the worst.

God Of Slaughter

Ni Cang Tian

Aimé par 44 personnes




I personally think it's an entirely different thing if it's the main character doing the raping. I could excuse a side character being a mysogenistic piece of shit, but mc literally rapes people and feels happy about it.

Ezio_Aline:you acting like rape isn't a real thing? just because you are women and think rape is wrong(which it is) doesn't mean you can disapprove or berate someone's work only just on that, it's a novel ffs, he isn't promoting rape is he?

I am a guy and I agree with you. Cultivation bks always make women as golddiggers for power, dumb bimbos, so something like that. They serve no other purpose than for MC to collect and procreate


well. yeah. the rqpe scenes were one thing thqt put me off. I mean, I get just being a worthoess side character all your life cuz you're not the mc + you're female. but 'justified' rape is going to far in a novel imo. on the other hand... most characters murder millions at scale sometimes... so maybe it hypecritical? idc.


you acting like rape isn't a real thing? just because you are women and think rape is wrong(which it is) doesn't mean you can disapprove or berate someone's work only just on that, it's a novel ffs, he isn't promoting rape is he?


read Power Level : Immortals. you won't be disappointed




What exactly do you think the point of a review/comment section is? It is to give your opinions on a novel. That is what the original reviewer did. It doesn’t matter whether they like or love or hate the novel, as long as it isn’t spam they have a right to express their opinion

Ezio_Aline:you acting like rape isn't a real thing? just because you are women and think rape is wrong(which it is) doesn't mean you can disapprove or berate someone's work only just on that, it's a novel ffs, he isn't promoting rape is he?