
Review Detail of Trafford in Ice-Ice Fruit in Marvel

Détail de l’examen


Not great, not terrible... The biggest downside of this novel is, once again, the relationship development is non-existent, and MC just collects women with few lines of speech... that's a really big no-no; it makes the entire thing rather unreal. The novel doesn't really have much depth, shame, cause the premise was good. Some will have problems with racism and nationalism, but for me, that's just how things are in the Chinese novels these days, especially fanfics like Marvel or DC; there is no point of complaining about that and be angry about that. Once you read through many novels like that, you will be able to automatically ignore all of those things on your own. Otherwise, it's just your average Chinese fanfic... if you just want to kill some time, then it will probably serve the purpose.

Ice-Ice Fruit in Marvel


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