
Review Detail of Gunts92 in TWD: The protean

Détail de l’examen


L'auteur ne connais quasiment rien a TWD, nous fais un mc cheaté, avec des ajout de zombie modifier... nan ca va être super c'est évident.

TWD: The protean


Aimé par 3 personnes




I give my opinion, whether you are interested or not, if you only prefer kisscool opinions too bad for you

ScarletQC:I never said anything about new crazy zombies, I left it vague on purpose. And, what? You would prefer that I act like I'm the second coming of Eiichirō Oda, or something? I'm keeping it real. If you don’t like it I don’t need to know. It is usefull for no one. Not even other readers, because I've warned them from the start.

Ta même pas lis le livre et tu te plein déjà. Si t’es pas capable de prendre du temps pour le lire et donner un vrai review, n’en fait pas. Et alors, le "changement" pour le zombies c’est juste pour me laisse une porte ouverte pour rendre mon histoire plus intéressante. Les "pouvoirs" du Mc ne vont pas être énormément surpuissant. Et a propos du fait que je ne connais rien a TWD, ta raison, mais c’est littéralement écrit dans le synopsis et les chapitres 1 et 2. *** You haven't even read the book and you're already complaining. If you can't take the time to read it and give a real review, don't do one. And so, the "change" for the zombies is just to leave me an open door to make my story more interesting. The Mc's "powers" are not going to be hugely overpowered, in fact, they could be rather underwhelming. And about the fact that I don't know anything about TWD, your right, but it's literally written in the synopsis and chapters 1 and 2.


why do you look surprised? I react to what you write, whether it is the synopsis or the chapters. How do you expect yourself to be hyper by a story that you denigrate yourself. and yes I'm not a fan of the stories with crazy zombies in TWD because you make the same mistake as many thinking that it's the zombies who are interesting, but the zombies are only secondary. It's humans and their interaction in survival that is interesting.

ScarletQC:Ta même pas lis le livre et tu te plein déjà. Si t’es pas capable de prendre du temps pour le lire et donner un vrai review, n’en fait pas. Et alors, le "changement" pour le zombies c’est juste pour me laisse une porte ouverte pour rendre mon histoire plus intéressante. Les "pouvoirs" du Mc ne vont pas être énormément surpuissant. Et a propos du fait que je ne connais rien a TWD, ta raison, mais c’est littéralement écrit dans le synopsis et les chapitres 1 et 2. *** You haven't even read the book and you're already complaining. If you can't take the time to read it and give a real review, don't do one. And so, the "change" for the zombies is just to leave me an open door to make my story more interesting. The Mc's "powers" are not going to be hugely overpowered, in fact, they could be rather underwhelming. And about the fact that I don't know anything about TWD, your right, but it's literally written in the synopsis and chapters 1 and 2.

I never said anything about new crazy zombies, I left it vague on purpose. And, what? You would prefer that I act like I'm the second coming of Eiichirō Oda, or something? I'm keeping it real. If you don’t like it I don’t need to know. It is usefull for no one. Not even other readers, because I've warned them from the start.

Gunts92:why do you look surprised? I react to what you write, whether it is the synopsis or the chapters. How do you expect yourself to be hyper by a story that you denigrate yourself. and yes I'm not a fan of the stories with crazy zombies in TWD because you make the same mistake as many thinking that it's the zombies who are interesting, but the zombies are only secondary. It's humans and their interaction in survival that is interesting.