
Review Detail of M7TH1C in Teen Wolf: Awakened World

Détail de l’examen


I’ma do my usual style of review as I am big dum. Also BigBallin Is a bot, he got 2 comments and hasn’t even read the story yet. Okay review time. Summary. A half-elf, who’s name Is Cupid (I think that’s what it was) starts hearing voices and those voices are of a DnD campaign (I think) where the guy who ‘Created’ Cupid, whose name Is key(?) has to roll dice for the outcome of what Cupid does. So, let’s say he gets into a fight with Scooter McCall, If he rolls above 19, he will win, If he rolls below 19, he will lose (Scott’s strength Is 19 I believe). The downside to this Is that he has no real strength and it all comes down to luck, so he might be able to easily beat an Alpha In one moment, but the other he will easily lose. This Is the first time I’ve seen this type of format In a fanfic and I am enjoying It quite a bit already. -The reasons for 4 stars- Good writing, Unique plot (I have literally never seen anything like It so feel free to recommened me any type of fanfic with this type of format {I’m not trying to ride the author’s d, I’m just being honest}) The character so far seems good (He ain’t really too edgy nor too much of a goody 2 shoes, he Is simply a normal teenager who gets mad and gets embarrassed (But then again It’s only got 3 chapters as I’m writing this review so who knows how he will turn out). He doesn’t seem stupid like most MC’s on this s1t3 which I am thankful for. Ummm, what else am I supposed to say In a review??? … I do suggest you decide for yourself If you like It as I have let myself be influenced by reviews one too many times and books that I personally enjoy are disliked by others. It Is all about your own preference at the end of the day, so I hope you take a look and decide whether you want to carry on or not.

Teen Wolf: Awakened World


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Nope not a bot 🤖, I just don’t like to leave alot of comments. I like to enjoy my reading and like to keep my comments to myself at times. Also I subscribed to their buymecoffee and was unimpressed with the story and thought that having a persons actions solely based on a random dnd role was stupid. Now that was only after 3 chapters it might get better but who know?