
Review Detail of Slither21 in Cultivating in this Wonderful World

Détail de l’examen


I’m going to serve as a warning for new readers. The MC is NOT likeable, he is trash. The Author writes like this was translated from Chinese. Using Mr and Miss and Lady prefixes alongside Brother and Sister even for those who have met for the first time. It is a power fantasy with the MC being an asshole but all girls being attracted to him deapite that. All existing Konosuba characters are mischaracterised, and this is even a slight AU. Kazuma barely exists, megumin is a voyeur perv, Aqua is a lovesick fool who acts cute and unnaturally loves headpats, Eris is more tsun than dere but then within a chapter she becomes lovesick, YunYun is not YunYun, Wiz is barely wiz, Darkness is probably the most accurate character here. It’s a nightmare in this fic

Cultivating in this Wonderful World


Aimé par 1 personnes

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