
Review Detail of Vegvisir in Why I Became A Villian

Détail de l’examen


i dont often write reviews but il give it a shot so il go in the order from above. writing quality: the writing of the story is very good, but there are the ocasional mistake's and they appear less and less as the author grows in experience and constant writing so the writing is always improving along side the author. Story: as of writing this review it's at 71 chapters so its still very early but it has reached a major point in the story that the mc has started to establish himself in the city and his plans has started, the character develpment in the story is my favorite as the mc isnt an all powerfull person he has seen failure not just in battle but personally to as recently seen with ralph's choices wich teached him to be more strict as seen with the 2 new members of the blackwater family as servants not sidekick as he needs absolute loyalty not friend's. character design: i dont have much to say here as the only 2 distinct character design yet are lucius and silver. ralph has seen improvement in that he got slim, which is an improvement to many other storys as chubby/fat characters tend to always stay that way as authors are often afraid to change their characters, well other than their mc that is. i will note lucius's purple design is by far my favorite update: at the time of writing this it says 19 ch a week but this has varied in that somtimes there are multiple chapters a day like 2-5 mostly, but for stable release i believe its closer to 2 a day so 14 a week ish. at the end of the day the author writes at his own pase and schedule which is good, readers shouldnt preasure authors to write alot as author needs time and dedication to their story not, haste make waste World: the world is our own world so look at a clobe and u have the basic world background, but this story does take some time after a global disaster so it has changed, so far it consists if one city and the area around, as well as some tid bits about the rest of the world, the world has changed in that the animals have mutated and become extremly strong and feral, while the humans have mutated and gained superpowers, well not all... read the story its good. theyr about to enter an olympic competition so i can see more world building coming up as other cities are introduced and other countries later on

Why I Became A Villian


Aimé par 1 personnes




it got long


oh and i love lyxir my favorite character (dont tell lucius) please add him to the character list he gets my vote


Thank you for the review. I really appreciate 🙏


is the mc pure villian or vigilante type


actually both, as a guardian he acts more like a vigilante due the the difference of uppbringing with the city folk just not understanding the life of a slave so he acts alone mostly, and yes hes a villain he kills

Twilight_of_god:is the mc pure villian or vigilante type