
Review Detail of NitrogenousBeing in Genetic Ascension

Détail de l’examen


Warning: Don't read this if criticism offends you easily. I’m not trying to offend, but I will be honest and blunt with my opinion of the story so far. I expected more from the top of the collections rank. The story is dull confusing and feels like a lot of filler for no payoff. Yes, it’s early in the story, but I only enjoyed about 3 of the 48 chapters. The growth of MC’s stats is like watching paint dry because it doesn’t feel like any effort, and it drags on without enough explanation and description. Everything is madness this madness that blank here blank there. It’s supposed to evoke mystery, but it is confusing and feels like unnecessary BS. I couldn’t develop a stake in the character. He’s not developed enough, and what’s there doesn't blend well enough. I kept thinking the teased city building would be better, but at this point, I don’t know. Lastly, there’s some unengaging element in the writing style itself. Sorry, I don’t have time right now to analyze it to clarify specifically what it is. Here is the positive side: The author has a larger plan and a proven track record of commitment with regular releases. There are also signs of high effort. The story needs just needs to get there. Maybe also a better starting point.

Genetic Ascension


Aimé par 31 personnes




Protagonist and hero type or evil villain type?


Seems to be an indifferent protagonist. Not really any signs of villain or hero development

Srbai:Protagonist and hero type or evil villain type?

So hero type who disguises to be indifferent

Ethanquiv:Seems to be an indifferent protagonist. Not really any signs of villain or hero development

chaotic neutral dude just wants his own benefits but has some standards

Soul_Shocker:So hero type who disguises to be indifferent

Right read till 250+ now i don't want to because it's too boring and confusing nothing is explained random deffus gloves and bs system explanation no direction and especially no clear grades for power level


All awe books start slow ,Chill fam it'll get to the good part


All his books follow the same structure. Effortless power-up soon to be irrelevant, some face slapping, getting crippled, unfulfilling drama, miracle to come back even stronger, repeat. This one seems to follow the trend so far.

Fayyaad_Yusuf:All awe books start slow ,Chill fam it'll get to the good part