
Review Detail of Darte in Traveling in the Animeverse As Madara

Détail de l’examen


Generally I criticize the story a little and point out some flaws here and there, but this one gave a new meaning to the expression plot hole, in less than a day he arrives in Orario and uses genjutsu to get in, I don't know why he finds information on the street. Astrea family and goes to floor 30 of the dungeon, not to mention the fight that is a dead narrative "I used a failed attack, I used a second attack it worked" end of the fight. I didn't even continue reading because wow, this story doesn't even have room for improvement, it doesn't have character development, relationships, the story itself, so author, I suggest you start rewriting this story and improve these flaws because instead of a story it seems like I'm reading a summary from wikipedia.

Traveling in the Animeverse As Madara


Aimé par 1 personnes




Thanks for the review and pointing out the flaws of this fanfic. I'll try to improve this and probably and rewrite this but i don't see that happening because i only wrote this fanfic because i thought that it will be a fun experience and it was writing is fun and im happy that others point out the flaws of the book, because it is my first time writing and i try to make this fanfic better by reading those comments, so thanks again i'll try to improve this but don't expect it to be better but i will try.