
Review Detail of Lonely_Paradox in SoS

Détail de l’examen


Well, for starters, as I have mentioned in the title, this novel kind of mashes two of my favorite genres in reading— Space Opera and Fairytales or rather the Fantasy aspect of it. I am a space nerd and love everything about the space and cosmos. It has just been a topic of interest for me for as long as I remember and it is truly an honor to be able to work in something where I can put my knowledge and my visions into perspective, and Red has always been a great storyteller. His ideas have ideas and he is very spontaneous about it so all in all it will be a great novel. Some interesting aspects of the novel would be the character itself, in my opinion. Noah is a very spontaneous character and is inspired by one of the best characters I have seen to date, Kamina. Well, he is an amalgam of many characters but Kamina's personality shines through, you can definitely see it in his dialogues and many of his behaviors that are both strange yet have a purpose. He is all in all a fun character but with his story and his own darkness hidden beneath his cheery and goofy exterior. Noah is a very multi-dimensional character and is the type who is very unpredictable. You just won't be able to tell what he will do in the next moment, he is great. He will surely be the treat of this novel. A major reason why you should be invested in this story. Then to talk about the story itself, it will be a mix of fairytales and space. You can say it is fairytale in space, more or less, so it will have a unique flavor to it, I have seen the draft so I know. All in all, it is going to be a very solid novel and we will try to deliver on the expectations and the points we have promised to our readers. I know my spoiler doesn't tell many aspects of the current story but that's understandable as I am quoting more on the future of what the story will have in store for the audience. And it will definitely be a treat, I guarantee. All in all, great story, great potential, great entertainment factor. You will love Noah's journey as he uncovers the secrets of the universe, so stay tuned for more. Peace



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