
Review Detail of tomhg38 in Global Awakening: I Can Manipulate Destiny

Détail de l’examen


I'm not sure why this is so highly rated, maybe friends of the author are helping him? Regardless, within the first chapter and a half there are many glaring issues with the writing and story development. The first sentence ".. was on his way back from school, the only one in the slums they possessed". The kids possess a school? The slums are poltergeists? Then from the 2nd chapter we are in an alternate world, possibly seconds after the shock of the 'descent' and being transported to another world, and our protagonist shows a strange lack of emotion and surprised, while his inner dialogue reveals information I'm not sure how he gathers. One creature gets eaten by another creature and the MC somehow ascertains that the darker colour worms and horns proved it was "of a higher hierarchy and ... higher bloodline purity". I feel the vision but it takes skill to convey that to readers in a way that has people imagining the world in their heads, feeling the authenticity of the story trying to be told. In fairness it might get better after the first 2 chapters but I'll never know.

Global Awakening: I Can Manipulate Destiny


Aimé par 1 personnes




it's either you are reading with a bland mind or you are just being stupid. I already said this is a mystery based novel and written clearly in the synopsis. things that seem blurry and incoherent will be slowly revealed and pieced together. now to address your problems and tell u why I think you are a fool or u are just jobless. and I am more tended to believe that it's the latter after seeing ur reading hours and stuff... now first of all...u should know that it's the slums that possess a school not the brothers. second of all...who said they weren't shocked or fazed by the malivoire Descent if you paid attention enough. you will say the Mc commend his brother for his bravery and even after the Malivoire Descent. it took around six hours for him to slowly adapt. and as for the silvery body and bloodline stiff. if you had read enough. you will know that comics and novels also exist in this world. this is just like earthbut more special. but guess you won't be able to find out and I don't really care. now back to the main point...it's from a comic or novel that he fatefully encountered that he's able to dedice that it's probably one of higher hierarchies. and the more special the color is the higher the bloodline is. it's just an hypothesis of his. I wonder what kind of mind and brain you are using to read a novel that an author has pointed out times without number as being mystery focused. and last of all...I will advise u to give it a few more chapters trial. and surely...you will with your own two hands. write a better review...and if you aren't willing to do that. then read enough chapters before u judge a mystery focused novel and I don't even think that all what u have mentioned above are hard to understand or anything. anyways I guess it depends on how open minded u are...and ur question of my friends or not. you're free to check their reading hours and memories. I think even saying all this is just pointless. anyways all what I am trying to say is...read enough before u judge a book!!


oh sorry I see...seems it's from my side. anyways I have corrected all the mistakes. it's the only one the slums possesses and some other minor errors. thanks for informing me...also yeah English isn't really my native language. as for your problems. I understand...I think it's because the novel is too fast paced. but do trust me on this one and read to chapter 4 or 6 at least

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