
Review Detail of MidWinterSnow in Traveling through horror cinema, start with Supernatural.

Détail de l’examen


The first thing I would like to say - Give me your typing skills!!! Man, I can't really type beyond a chapter or two in a day and you posted 40 chapters in 9 days?! You kidding me?! Anyways, coming to the book itself- It's great! The idea, the vision; everything comes together really well. That being said, the only thing I would suggest is to get a grammatical editing tool like Grammarly. Since you translate from Brazilian Portuguese, the translator can botch up sometimes. But all in all, it's a pretty solid book. If you guys are hesitating, don't. This is a novel with real thought behind it. The author has improved tremendously in the latest chapter, so it will be an enjoyable experience. Good luck :)

Traveling through horror cinema, start with Supernatural.


Aimé par 1 personnes




Wow, I'm really embarrassed to receive so many compliments, I hope I can meet your expectations more and more! I'm on my way to getting a new update app, hopefully I'll be able to improve the grammar of the book, as well as providing more coherence. I actually managed to post 40 chapters in 9 days hahaha, too bad I've slowed down now because of work. Thank you very much for your review, you really can't imagine how happy I ended up smiling when I saw a comment like yours.