
Review Detail of OCspeller in SpiderGwen: I have a system?!

Détail de l’examen


It is an exciting fanfic. Since the setting is the comics world of DC/Marvel Universe, all the characters/references mentioned are easily understood if you have ever read or watched Marvel/DC. Even if you haven't read/watch Marvel/DC, you get a good understanding of the powers granted to the MC. Or else you can do a Google Search and you immediately can picture the hero/villain with a wiki page of their powers. Nice. The system barely makes a showing here except to show stats and granted rewards. this isn't one of those "symbiotic" systems. it feels more like the AI of a game, or a good secretary/butler. Which is good since the focus is now literally on Gwen's development. However, the story seems to develop too fast. I feel she is really reeeeaaaallly OP. By the 15th chapter, she is basically immortal. Not an Undying, but an Immortal. I mean, she literally receives the knowledge and powers of superheroes/supervillains every few chapters, by the handful. One of them had the ability to survive without breathing, and a few had the ability for rapid regeneration/healing. She is developing too fast.

SpiderGwen: I have a system?!


Aimé par 8 personnes




She’s op for a reason. One thing most people don’t realize, is that the Young Justice show is directly connected with the comics multiverse, meaning she is in the same multiverse as the mainline Prime DC Universe. She is also receiving this power because of future worlds she plans on traveling to. She might be effectively immortal due to her regeneration, but she is still quite weak in comparison to someone like Superman, Wonder Woman, and people similar. Trust me, this power isn’t for no reason, and she is still a bug compared to even characters in her current universe.