
Review Detail of Mickaelle09 in I Become The Villainous Last Prince

Détail de l’examen


I was thrilled by the rythm of the first chapter! It was dynamic and the Mc was introduced so smoothly that I held high hopes for the book's developement. Alas, that good penmanship was replaced by an uninspired one in the second chapter. And unfortunately, it is not the only problem there is. Right after his death, some goddess appeared out of nowhere and amongst all the dead people in the world decided to save our poor Mc. At that point I already wanted to drop. But I clung on because of what that mesmerizing first chapter had sold me. But yet again , I was disappointed. Because the plot is just your typical" get reincarnated into a medieval fantastic world and save it" . What is even worse is that the first chapter seems useless now, because all the important informations can be found in the second chapter , which by the way , is unnecessarily long for what it tries to convey. All in all , I think the author needs to put more efforts into creating original ideas and bringing them to fruition.

I Become The Villainous Last Prince


Aimé par 2 personnes




thank you. I will try my best in the future