
Review Detail of Nadanada in Sukuna's Conquest

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Why the romance tag? Since when do villains have any romance?..............................................................................................

Sukuna's Conquest


Aimé par 1 personnes




how contradictory

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You want zero romance? 😂

Nadanada:how contradictory


PurpleGenius:You want zero romance? 😂

only absolute trash and scum will like this.... Jesus Christ and I was actually liking this story too.... if your love life was like this in real life then poor girls.... the whole concept of romance in this book is probably gonna be a case of Stockholm Syndrome isn't it?

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I've done some thinking and researching on villain novels and decided to let the romance in this novel be real and mutual for both mc and his harem. Although, he will love them sincerely and not just for their usefulness to him, I won't make him a simp. As for those in his harem, they'll each have enough time to know him and genuinely fall in love with him. I gave what you said a lot of thought. Thanks.... you could've been nicer tho

Beamingkangaroo:only absolute trash and scum will like this.... Jesus Christ and I was actually liking this story too.... if your love life was like this in real life then poor girls.... the whole concept of romance in this book is probably gonna be a case of Stockholm Syndrome isn't it?

yeah sorry for the wording... it's just a friend of mine had a bad experience with men like these and he was absolutely scum... no remorse whatsoever or guilt over what he's done to my friend and many others... and you know what I did.... I socked him in the face and kneed his balls.... I wanna see him try wooing girls now with a crooked and cut nose

PurpleGenius:I've done some thinking and researching on villain novels and decided to let the romance in this novel be real and mutual for both mc and his harem. Although, he will love them sincerely and not just for their usefulness to him, I won't make him a simp. As for those in his harem, they'll each have enough time to know him and genuinely fall in love with him. I gave what you said a lot of thought. Thanks.... you could've been nicer tho

You will like Sukuna.

Beamingkangaroo:yeah sorry for the wording... it's just a friend of mine had a bad experience with men like these and he was absolutely scum... no remorse whatsoever or guilt over what he's done to my friend and many others... and you know what I did.... I socked him in the face and kneed his balls.... I wanna see him try wooing girls now with a crooked and cut nose

Pretty much

PurpleGenius:You want zero romance? 😂