
Review Detail of Benoit_Valtin in Marvel's Black Steel

Détail de l’examen


I'm afraid that the author is racist, or exercises clichés, in fact the N-word appears too often, and in the last chapter he refers to the mc's mother as being Asian and therefore not being a easy mother. I continue reading for the moment, but I have an unpleasant feeling while doing so. ps: although this is the name of a member of your pharaoh family, it's really a rotten name, in fact the number of people who will find this name pleasant or cool seems extremely limited to me, you should have started place of your readers, first names like Atom, Iron, Odin... for a guy who doesn't come from a normal family it's too weird, already his real name is Kal El it's more than offbeat enough. ps2: in the chapters the mc does not at any time refer to his surprise at being in the mcu, or at being friends with jean and gwen, which is not normal in the mcu. he should ask himself the questions, it's a shame to have skipped that.

Marvel's Black Steel


Aimé par 47 personnes





Transhumanist:Are negroes really offended by this story?

i’m pretty sure the author is black. also the asian thing is somewhat true.


Not gonna lie, don’t like the idea of deleting reviews and I never have on any of my novels, but I’m really tempted to do so for yours. First off, you’ve never been friends with a black person becasue the N word is common so of course he is going to say it. Secondly I’m not being racist, you clearly don’t understand stereotypes, nor do you seem to have a sense of humor. Thirdly, did you even read the second chapter, or did you skip it entirely? Your review was so dumb it annoyed me, I’d prefer if you have me a one star review and actually critiqued my novel rather than this BS.


I'm going to answer with not having any black friends, I'm black myself and none of my family or friends of color say that word. we say fat black than we were told to be called n****. on the part concerning humor it turns out that I like black humor so I don't lack humor at all and I didn't see any humor at all in this really zero part. maybe because you are in the United States and I am in Europe but in any case for the readers, there are many in Europe who read the stories, they will think like me because here it is a taboo word


I believe you are avoiding the truth… You have no idea what internet culture is like. Have you ever seen someone use the n-word so frequently in a fanfic? No? That’s because it’s impossible to prove what race you are on the internet unless you do a live video of yourself. You don’t say it even if you ARE proven, as it loses many viewers from people who are offended from this, such as me. I am submitting a formal report after this review, and hopefully we can see your account banned for racial slurs, and such. Otherwise? I will simply avoid your account and posts, so goodbye!

Ozonelayer:Not gonna lie, don’t like the idea of deleting reviews and I never have on any of my novels, but I’m really tempted to do so for yours. First off, you’ve never been friends with a black person becasue the N word is common so of course he is going to say it. Secondly I’m not being racist, you clearly don’t understand stereotypes, nor do you seem to have a sense of humor. Thirdly, did you even read the second chapter, or did you skip it entirely? Your review was so dumb it annoyed me, I’d prefer if you have me a one star review and actually critiqued my novel rather than this BS.

I will admit that you are attracting more people who enjoy this book than haters, thus I have decided that reporting you is uh… More trouble than it’s worth… Enjoy your stay!

Veechers:I believe you are avoiding the truth… You have no idea what internet culture is like. Have you ever seen someone use the n-word so frequently in a fanfic? No? That’s because it’s impossible to prove what race you are on the internet unless you do a live video of yourself. You don’t say it even if you ARE proven, as it loses many viewers from people who are offended from this, such as me. I am submitting a formal report after this review, and hopefully we can see your account banned for racial slurs, and such. Otherwise? I will simply avoid your account and posts, so goodbye!

Veechers:I will admit that you are attracting more people who enjoy this book than haters, thus I have decided that reporting you is uh… More trouble than it’s worth… Enjoy your stay!

Dawg, are you trolling or what?

Veechers:I believe you are avoiding the truth… You have no idea what internet culture is like. Have you ever seen someone use the n-word so frequently in a fanfic? No? That’s because it’s impossible to prove what race you are on the internet unless you do a live video of yourself. You don’t say it even if you ARE proven, as it loses many viewers from people who are offended from this, such as me. I am submitting a formal report after this review, and hopefully we can see your account banned for racial slurs, and such. Otherwise? I will simply avoid your account and posts, so goodbye!

American Black Guy*

Ozonelayer:Not gonna lie, don’t like the idea of deleting reviews and I never have on any of my novels, but I’m really tempted to do so for yours. First off, you’ve never been friends with a black person becasue the N word is common so of course he is going to say it. Secondly I’m not being racist, you clearly don’t understand stereotypes, nor do you seem to have a sense of humor. Thirdly, did you even read the second chapter, or did you skip it entirely? Your review was so dumb it annoyed me, I’d prefer if you have me a one star review and actually critiqued my novel rather than this BS.

Are you?

Ozonelayer:Dawg, are you trolling or what?


Veechers:Are you?

Sounds like a karen to me

Ozonelayer:Dawg, are you trolling or what?

boring review

Veechers:I will admit that you are attracting more people who enjoy this book than haters, thus I have decided that reporting you is uh… More trouble than it’s worth… Enjoy your stay!

He didnt use the hard R so it's not a racial slur, it's a term of endearment.


I agree with you I just read the description and it turned me off immediately.

Benoit_Valtin:I'm going to answer with not having any black friends, I'm black myself and none of my family or friends of color say that word. we say fat black than we were told to be called n****. on the part concerning humor it turns out that I like black humor so I don't lack humor at all and I didn't see any humor at all in this really zero part. maybe because you are in the United States and I am in Europe but in any case for the readers, there are many in Europe who read the stories, they will think like me because here it is a taboo word

what a sensitive little girl

Veechers:I believe you are avoiding the truth… You have no idea what internet culture is like. Have you ever seen someone use the n-word so frequently in a fanfic? No? That’s because it’s impossible to prove what race you are on the internet unless you do a live video of yourself. You don’t say it even if you ARE proven, as it loses many viewers from people who are offended from this, such as me. I am submitting a formal report after this review, and hopefully we can see your account banned for racial slurs, and such. Otherwise? I will simply avoid your account and posts, so goodbye!

What an ignorant guy

Miguel_Sayjin:what a sensitive little girl

Miguel_Sayjin:what a sensitive little girl

Are negroes really offended by this story?


I think they'd rather be offended by your comment than the story. Only irrelevant Karen white people get 'offended' on behalf of black people by a story like this.

Transhumanist:Are negroes really offended by this story?

Well I hope so. I haven't interacted with a black person in the last few years and they were ordinary Africans. Nothing like the Black guys from the US.

isaiah_ramirez:I think they'd rather be offended by your comment than the story. Only irrelevant Karen white people get 'offended' on behalf of black people by a story like this.