
Review Detail of astraltrinity in Neo Soul King Yhwach

Détail de l’examen


I generally don't post reviews but as the author wanted me to give feedback so here we go:Grammer: Writing wise so far I have not noticed any grammatical errors and author does highlight which character is speaking which is good.Chapter: chapters are long and that is what I appreciate, yes some chapters feel like they are going for too long with just talking but I enjoy them as I do not enjoy having short chapters and being left in suspense for weeks to months.Characters: as noted above, though there is some reduction in points in both story and character as there are some moments that feel like there is a redundancy or repitition in dialogue.Update stability: keep it in your library for a week and you will see how many times you will be pinged daily.world background: For the author's first book he is very good at developing the world and giving visual to the scenery.overall: It is an enjoyable piece of story just that you might feel like you are reasing shakespeare sometimes due to the way the dialogues are going but when it is fun to see the little twists and turns that befall TWD cast when bleach is introduced into the world.

Neo Soul King Yhwach


Aimé par 9 personnes

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