
Review Detail of Ireallylikereading in The World the Goddess Only Knows

Détail de l’examen


huge word count in each chapter packed with detailed content, characters feel like actual people even when they do something ridiculous, despite there being no action the novel feels pretty intense once you get yourself immersed enough into it. the main character is quite pathetic with almost nothing you can call a good quality in him other than his a good guy, there are tons of girls in the novel that have annoying personalities so try not to get too irritated when you project yourself as the main character (even if you dont you still will), the story kinda feels aimless with the main character having no goals or ambition so it'll sometimes feel boring when reading.

The World the Goddess Only Knows


Aimé par 2 personnes




Thank you for your honest opinion, I hope you having good time reading this novel.


honestly the novel is actually really good but with no one commenting in the comment section it feels quite lonely, but also relieving cause there are some really sick degenerates and toxic haters out there who will always find a way to insult you. (im a little bit of an a*s myself so i would know) but seriously why is this not more popular


i am but at volume 3 i sadly started to realize that i wont be able to stay for long, i absolutely suck at anything music related and can only listen to them, so when the novel started to dive deep into that i no longer knew what i was even reading. dont take my leave as anything bad your novel is great really, its just not something i can enjoy

Orange_Naru:Thank you for your honest opinion, I hope you having good time reading this novel.

It's okay man, everyone has preference.

Ireallylikereading:i am but at volume 3 i sadly started to realize that i wont be able to stay for long, i absolutely suck at anything music related and can only listen to them, so when the novel started to dive deep into that i no longer knew what i was even reading. dont take my leave as anything bad your novel is great really, its just not something i can enjoy