
Review Detail of egg_tart in The Eminence of a True Monarch of the Shadows

Détail de l’examen


It's enjoyable to read but it isn't that good. It is a fast-paced wish fulfillment isekai story so if that is something you are looking for you are in luck. The main character is essentially a Gary Stu and unfortunately, I do not have the patience for such characters anymore. 6/10 overall

The Eminence of a True Monarch of the Shadows


Aimé par 67 personnes




Eh, talk about a Shadow Monarch self insert stuff I've grown accustomed to even know. These authors always wanted their power fantasies through gaining Sung Jin-Woo's abilities, but unlike that guy, the MC and the plot of the story was.... As dull as rusted steel. Stiffens you in cringe.


Then why are here reading an Eminence fanfic?



Then why read a fanfiction with the tags of Isekai and Overpowered?


There is an enjoyable way to write OP characters. this author hasnt done it for me

ALazyReader:Then why read a fanfiction with the tags of Isekai and Overpowered?

I get what you mean. Shadow was so entertaining because he was kind of a goofy idiot, despite being overpowered protagonist. It gave him depth. While Eminence would be great even WITHOUT Shadow, he was a choice that enhanced the whole plot. After giving this a read, the protagonist is just not that interesting. The whole 'I'm a super cool assassin/famous individual/super-scientist thing is so freaking over-done that it now automatically makes me rate fics lower. It seems to be added just to make the protagonist seem more capable, but without Shadow's personality it comes off as flat.

egg_tart:There is an enjoyable way to write OP characters. this author hasnt done it for me

It would have been more enjoyable if the side character act differently due to different person who change their live, like an alternative version, bring more deep into the story, but webnovel writer probably don't have that ability if they are writing fan-fic, there are like 1 in 100 of fan-fic that are well written, then 90% are rewrite of the original, and 9% of them are original story which include element of the anime like character, world build, but they are a seperate story from the original, which is similar to what lightnovel author do sometime, like the index, and railgun series which take place in the same world, and same time, but with different main character that interact with each other.

Ramses_The_Third:I get what you mean. Shadow was so entertaining because he was kind of a goofy idiot, despite being overpowered protagonist. It gave him depth. While Eminence would be great even WITHOUT Shadow, he was a choice that enhanced the whole plot. After giving this a read, the protagonist is just not that interesting. The whole 'I'm a super cool assassin/famous individual/super-scientist thing is so freaking over-done that it now automatically makes me rate fics lower. It seems to be added just to make the protagonist seem more capable, but without Shadow's personality it comes off as flat.

same lol

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dude its a review.......

Daoist_Dan:Then why are here reading an Eminence fanfic?

Yeah, and? If I dislike romance stories I'm not going to find one and then review about how I didn't enjoy the romance. That's idiotic.

Ireallylikereading:dude its a review.......

just saying, the guy can have his own opinion and talk about it if he wants, aslong as it isnt anything offensive it should be fine? the guy was just speaking his mind

Daoist_Dan:Yeah, and? If I dislike romance stories I'm not going to find one and then review about how I didn't enjoy the romance. That's idiotic.

thanks for the warning


Dude what's your point? I shouldn't call someone I think is an idiot an idiot? You're holding water for this review with logic that should allow for these replies you dislike. If you don't cherry pick how it's allowed to be used, that is. (And if the word is too offensive for you I didn't even say it directly at first. I let a gif suggest it for me.)

Ireallylikereading:just saying, the guy can have his own opinion and talk about it if he wants, aslong as it isnt anything offensive it should be fine? the guy was just speaking his mind

i mean like speak up give your honest opinion. he gave his you gave yours and i gave mine no need to escalate man

Daoist_Dan:Dude what's your point? I shouldn't call someone I think is an idiot an idiot? You're holding water for this review with logic that should allow for these replies you dislike. If you don't cherry pick how it's allowed to be used, that is. (And if the word is too offensive for you I didn't even say it directly at first. I let a gif suggest it for me.)

Why are you getting triggered over a comment the author isn't condemning? It looks weird, you white knight you...

Daoist_Dan:Dude what's your point? I shouldn't call someone I think is an idiot an idiot? You're holding water for this review with logic that should allow for these replies you dislike. If you don't cherry pick how it's allowed to be used, that is. (And if the word is too offensive for you I didn't even say it directly at first. I let a gif suggest it for me.)

What are you talking about? The author?

Transhumanist:Why are you getting triggered over a comment the author isn't condemning? It looks weird, you white knight you...

Author of the book you are commenting on. He is pretty cool with the comments.

Daoist_Dan:What are you talking about? The author?

Dude, I know. I was saying they had nothing to do with these comments.

Transhumanist:Author of the book you are commenting on. He is pretty cool with the comments.

let's just take an example if you go to a restaurant and dine there but you didn't like how the food was good or how it was presented and you write a review (3-4star not 1 star) and tell him what you particularly didn't like how it should have and generally the chief would just try to improve next time. This is what I review is like and how you after I see your other comment just think your are stupid like how was he supposed to know not to read it like you can't judge a book by its cover obviously he would read try to tell what is wrong and could be corrected and be a civil person unlike you.

Daoist_Dan:Yeah, and? If I dislike romance stories I'm not going to find one and then review about how I didn't enjoy the romance. That's idiotic.

No, the example doesn't translate like you think it does by any measure. Instead of "food" broadly you should've narrowed it by talking about different kinds of food. Asian food, Italian, etc (After all, this conversation spawned off the "type" of story op didn't like). So if someone said they disliked Mexican food and went and got some... That's how you could start using a food analogy.

RuberX:let's just take an example if you go to a restaurant and dine there but you didn't like how the food was good or how it was presented and you write a review (3-4star not 1 star) and tell him what you particularly didn't like how it should have and generally the chief would just try to improve next time. This is what I review is like and how you after I see your other comment just think your are stupid like how was he supposed to know not to read it like you can't judge a book by its cover obviously he would read try to tell what is wrong and could be corrected and be a civil person unlike you.

When was I not civil btw?

RuberX:let's just take an example if you go to a restaurant and dine there but you didn't like how the food was good or how it was presented and you write a review (3-4star not 1 star) and tell him what you particularly didn't like how it should have and generally the chief would just try to improve next time. This is what I review is like and how you after I see your other comment just think your are stupid like how was he supposed to know not to read it like you can't judge a book by its cover obviously he would read try to tell what is wrong and could be corrected and be a civil person unlike you.