
Review Detail of slowestcook in Mission: Impossible - Uprising

Détail de l’examen


A fanfic worth checking out if you’re a fan of M:I and the Romero-verse, although admittedly, I only know M:I. Review as of Chapter 4, which is the most current chapter. I think Ethan Hunt was captured well in the beginning, but I personally felt more of a Jack Reacher vibe. Regardless, I liked that aspect. His dialogue is usually pretty interesting. I don’t feel any chemistry between the other characters (be it trust, cohesion, when there’s flirting) and they feel flat to me. Maybe if I knew the other show, I’d have a pre-existing idea of their personalities. Writing has very few spelling or grammar errors, and the few there are don’t distract from the reading. Bravo on that! However, the writing is very wordy for some scenes and not others. It can feel a little sterile and lack emotion. Execution of some ideas could have more payoff, like some action scenes could be fleshed out and made more interesting by building the tension or getting creative in the fight instead of just saying everything gets shot or run over. I don’t feel as much if a threat from the ghouls/zombies as I do the other people. If that’s intentional, then well played. It does feel like a missed opportunity—and maybe you’ll cash that in later. Overall, interesting and worth checking out if you’re a fan! From the Creator’s Thoughts, the author seems like a fan that wants to do the source material justice. It’s still in the early stages, so I think it has potential as it continues.

Mission: Impossible - Uprising


Aimé par 1 personnes




Hmm Ethan Hunt, Jack Reacher vibes? I dunno because I don't see Ethan intimidating almost everyone in the story and acting like he's bigger and superior to everyone. Him and Monica having no chemistry is intentional because Ethan is keeping his distance. I do agree it's a little sterile and lacking emotion in some areas of the story but then again so both the source materials in play. Ethan Hunt himself doesn't get too connected and too open to almost everyone, only that he earn their affections, loyalty, and respect through his actions. He is a bit of a cypher after all. I also agree there's a lack of tension and creativity in the action scenes however this is simply because Ethan is just too OP to be in the Romero/Russo verse. Someone like Ethan is just too skilled and too capable in a verse where it relied on normal people and incompetent people with a lack of resource and willpower to generate scares and tension. This will change eventually in the future where Ethan will be given more desperate situations