
Review Detail of ThreshGasm in Fate Magus: A road to be a magician ( DxD fanfic)

Détail de l’examen


While the story looks appealing since it's fate/dxd i dunno if i should read this with the author habit of dropping his works. Please reply if the chapters reach 100 so i can start reading this

Fate Magus: A road to be a magician ( DxD fanfic)


Aimé par 7 personnes




i feel exactly the same way I really really liked a previous work of him,innovate clear DXD, but he dropped it and hasn't really mentioned anything about it .....


Author here I have not dropped any of my works. It is just I am swamped with college work. Creation is hard you know. I put hours of research on all of my fanfic on every character and lore to get it right. So don't be put off. I do this for fun as I do not get paid to do this.


Oh really? You actually tried to be lore accurate, interesting, let me see how did that go.

Tahsin_Aziz_Swapno:Author here I have not dropped any of my works. It is just I am swamped with college work. Creation is hard you know. I put hours of research on all of my fanfic on every character and lore to get it right. So don't be put off. I do this for fun as I do not get paid to do this.

is his work actually that bad? He's not one of those "Don't read if you don't like it" "Make your own fic then" kinda guy right?

Shub_Niggurath:Oh really? You actually tried to be lore accurate, interesting, let me see how did that go.