
Review Detail of MapleHinataSyrup in Reincarnated in Konoha: I am now Uzumaki Naruto

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I have caught up!! I have read countless or at least hundreds of fanfics and tens of narutos and this will receive 70/100!! The grammar is bad but it's not like I can't understand it but a small inconvenience but not bad like others, the story so for (13 chaps) is not bad, it's quite a new approach I hope but I will need to see more to give a more concrete review, also yasaka ehh, female kurama makes more sense if you think about it, dude been with two FEMALE hosts!! If the dude decides to be female it makes sense or is just me?

Reincarnated in Konoha: I am now Uzumaki Naruto


Aimé par 15 personnes




yes they do kurama is make fox as he is a kid and he has a Adams apple showing by the seep voice and he also is precived as nake throughout the entire Naruto series plus it won't make sense as most deadliest people are male and kurama though manipulated is compared to Madara base in dangerous levels as he literally almost destroyed the entire village witch I feel he should ove did off topic but is Naruto mindscape the biggest other then otsuki because he has a beast that's bigger than konhainsude him and he looks small showing the the mind is bigger then 10$ of kuramas

DragonkingKyo:Kurama isn't even male in the first place they have no gender so taking on either is possible for them

no that doesn't make sense, 😕 and your logic is appalling


Which one? Haha the kuruma one?

DragonslayerKnight:no that doesn't make sense, 😕 and your logic is appalling

Kurama isn't even male in the first place they have no gender so taking on either is possible for them

DragonslayerKnight:no that doesn't make sense, 😕 and your logic is appalling

acciording to webnovel iv read 2394 books


headed based off Kurama is a fictional character from the manga YuYu Hakusho by Yoshihiro Togashi. A Fox Demon reborn as the human Shuichi Minamino in modern life, he is introduced as a thief who stole a supernatural mirror to save his dying mother from death so how make any sense to be female plus male voice and he only was in females because they wanted to be able to keep the fox because in male there is no weakness that affect seal of kurmamas and it wend die kurama dies and is reformed over time only by murder dose a woman give up the beast but in females who are over powerd actually i think this was just to make plot armor because kuahina is a female pregnant pregnancy give seal up so why in female you make to ask and add kuahina is an uzumaki with theose stuff that can seal him so it's really just the fact that most uzumakis are dead plus they live long lives and kuahina was Minatos showing its prepared for konaha to get a jinjurki and wanted a female so they could tie her to the village but things whent out of hand when kurama attack Ed so the elders used this optimistic opertiyty to try to get the beast on the death team that must obey but failed


he has no gentals so it's voice or having an Adams apple has no meaning. He isn't male he has not gender/sex and is a mass of chakra taking a physical form making it able to look/be male or female if it wanted to. It is pointless using biological logic with something that isn't biological in the first place

Narsuki_isaki:yes they do kurama is make fox as he is a kid and he has a Adams apple showing by the seep voice and he also is precived as nake throughout the entire Naruto series plus it won't make sense as most deadliest people are male and kurama though manipulated is compared to Madara base in dangerous levels as he literally almost destroyed the entire village witch I feel he should ove did off topic but is Naruto mindscape the biggest other then otsuki because he has a beast that's bigger than konhainsude him and he looks small showing the the mind is bigger then 10$ of kuramas