
Review Detail of KIRA007 in iCarly Entertainment Gacha

Détail de l’examen


My only issue with the story is the Mc is too perfect he really hasn’t any flaws, we ’re only shown how pretty good at anything, the Mc personality is very much a Gary stu, good at everything with no inherent flaws. The character interaction is pretty much them gushing over and constantly praising the Mc, there no real personality, characters are pretty bland. There’s no real issues with the grammar nor writing it’s just pretty bland. The story may or may not get better but so far I’m not impressed. It’s an fine reading experience. Icarly is mostly a teen comedy so I would to see some more humor injected into it just nothing forced. In my honest opinion this story is solid 4 star the grammar and writing is good but characters personality and interaction feels bland and forced at times, its a fine read but nothing that would make me excited to read the next chapters.

iCarly Entertainment Gacha


Aimé par 18 personnes




Well that's your opinion you don't have make a big deal for someone else opinion and i don't see a problem with a 3.5 rating to me 3.5 is a okay review for this novel nothing good and nothing bag about this novel and the thing he pointed out on his review it's accurate you will know if you read this novel

DetachedDreamer:you're slow 😄 🤣 😂 😆 I was taking about the rating. no story is absolved of criticism idiot but no viewpoint justifies a 3.5, thats terrible. this story might not be great but it's not bad. if you couldn't see that then im sorry for you bro. no one should be reading any book on here under 4 for sure. maybe 4.5. if you do then you read trash most likely. this story ain't that. but youre fool so who knows.

a 3.5? lol these are fanfics. ridiculous. I love reading these reviews like the book was professionally reviewed, edited, and published. Thank God im not this pretentious.


DetachedDreamer:a 3.5? lol these are fanfics. ridiculous. I love reading these reviews like the book was professionally reviewed, edited, and published. Thank God im not this pretentious.

How is my review pretentious, i very well know I not reading a story professionally written and edited, I’m just stating my opinion of said story, comparing any fanfic to an officially published book is just plain stupid, I was comparing to others fanfic on this app

DetachedDreamer:a 3.5? lol these are fanfics. ridiculous. I love reading these reviews like the book was professionally reviewed, edited, and published. Thank God im not this pretentious.

dawg it's incredibly pretentious to act like a piece of fiction is absolved of any criticisms because it isn't professionally done like u genuinely suck as a person if that's your excuse

DetachedDreamer:a 3.5? lol these are fanfics. ridiculous. I love reading these reviews like the book was professionally reviewed, edited, and published. Thank God im not this pretentious.

you're slow 😄 🤣 😂 😆 I was taking about the rating. no story is absolved of criticism idiot but no viewpoint justifies a 3.5, thats terrible. this story might not be great but it's not bad. if you couldn't see that then im sorry for you bro. no one should be reading any book on here under 4 for sure. maybe 4.5. if you do then you read trash most likely. this story ain't that. but youre fool so who knows.

therealet:dawg it's incredibly pretentious to act like a piece of fiction is absolved of any criticisms because it isn't professionally done like u genuinely suck as a person if that's your excuse

Bad not bag and sorry for my bad English

Ajay_Nunda_2928:Well that's your opinion you don't have make a big deal for someone else opinion and i don't see a problem with a 3.5 rating to me 3.5 is a okay review for this novel nothing good and nothing bag about this novel and the thing he pointed out on his review it's accurate you will know if you read this novel


Ajay_Nunda_2928:Well that's your opinion you don't have make a big deal for someone else opinion and i don't see a problem with a 3.5 rating to me 3.5 is a okay review for this novel nothing good and nothing bag about this novel and the thing he pointed out on his review it's accurate you will know if you read this novel

Bruh. That’s called an opinion. You and others might believe this story is a masterpiece, but other guys like the op have the right to disagree on that.

DetachedDreamer:you're slow 😄 🤣 😂 😆 I was taking about the rating. no story is absolved of criticism idiot but no viewpoint justifies a 3.5, thats terrible. this story might not be great but it's not bad. if you couldn't see that then im sorry for you bro. no one should be reading any book on here under 4 for sure. maybe 4.5. if you do then you read trash most likely. this story ain't that. but youre fool so who knows.

a masterpiece? thats the stupidity of yall. a 3.5 is trash. if you review it by your opinion and not by the actually rating system then your review is trash and extra pretentious if you write a giant review critiquing it on your "opinion." yall see an MC you don't like and just downgrade updating speed to just lower the rating. lol good "opinion" bro.

Dao_Of_Sauce:Bruh. That’s called an opinion. You and others might believe this story is a masterpiece, but other guys like the op have the right to disagree on that.

hahaha shoot true. this MC is too nice! background and updating speed get a 2!!!! thats a justified review cuz its our opinion. hahaha

MarvelAtTheCosmos:a masterpiece? thats the stupidity of yall. a 3.5 is trash. if you review it by your opinion and not by the actually rating system then your review is trash and extra pretentious if you write a giant review critiquing it on your "opinion." yall see an MC you don't like and just downgrade updating speed to just lower the rating. lol good "opinion" bro.

Bro it’s a fanfic it ain’t that deep, it’s at 7 chapters at the moment, i rate the story gave my opinion on it end of story, it you want to read too deep into my review then go ahead, I never stated my opinion as fact

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Never meant for it come off pretentious or anything, I’m not some professional reviewer nor do care to be one, if you see it as such then that’s your opinion, I’m mostly towards bias since i still had problems with the story I still overall like reading it, anyways i done responding to comments, I see no reason debating about ratings

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then that's just a difference of opinion which is wildly different than your original stance where you tried to humiliate him for giving his opinion instead of respectfully disagreeing with him

DetachedDreamer:you're slow 😄 🤣 😂 😆 I was taking about the rating. no story is absolved of criticism idiot but no viewpoint justifies a 3.5, thats terrible. this story might not be great but it's not bad. if you couldn't see that then im sorry for you bro. no one should be reading any book on here under 4 for sure. maybe 4.5. if you do then you read trash most likely. this story ain't that. but youre fool so who knows.

okay fanboy

MarvelAtTheCosmos:a masterpiece? thats the stupidity of yall. a 3.5 is trash. if you review it by your opinion and not by the actually rating system then your review is trash and extra pretentious if you write a giant review critiquing it on your "opinion." yall see an MC you don't like and just downgrade updating speed to just lower the rating. lol good "opinion" bro.

[img=faceslap]when did 3.5 out of 5 meaning became bad. LOL I thought 2.5 is average and higher than that is good and above 4 is extremely good

DetachedDreamer:you're slow 😄 🤣 😂 😆 I was taking about the rating. no story is absolved of criticism idiot but no viewpoint justifies a 3.5, thats terrible. this story might not be great but it's not bad. if you couldn't see that then im sorry for you bro. no one should be reading any book on here under 4 for sure. maybe 4.5. if you do then you read trash most likely. this story ain't that. but youre fool so who knows.

in a perfect world yes it would. but you actually read stories with 3.5 rating on here? never read a good one, let alone a 2.5. good for you I guess but im guessing the average reader on here would agree with me.

Bouncy_Beast:[img=faceslap]when did 3.5 out of 5 meaning became bad. LOL I thought 2.5 is average and higher than that is good and above 4 is extremely good