
Review Detail of Sheyon in Reincarnated As A Mosquito

Détail de l’examen


There reallt isn't much i can say here. The story looks good, the writing also isn't confusing. I was still around chapter 20-30 as writing this so the world is still feels small because the MC just reatain his humanoid form and also the reason i write this review. The only bad thing about the story is sometimes the Author makes mistakes in MC status so as reader there is some cunfusion. The other bad thing i can say is at the end he will evolve into vampire. Some people will say it will be a plus and likes it. I personally isn't a fan but still okay and can put up with it. It was just from the tilte i was expecting he will became more like humanoid mosquito and not humanoid bat🤣. So if you expected him to be some kind of humanoid mosquito you will be disappointed. At least don't make "Reicarnated as a Mosquito" as a title, the reader will expected MC will be somekind of mosquito. i know Vampire is consuming a blood to ,but not like this 🤣. My expectation reading some cool mosquito guy is shattered in hours 😂 Also it looks like this novel has some connections with Author other novel

Reincarnated As A Mosquito


Aimé par 1 personnes




Thx for taking your time to write this review, I really appreciate it. Also I will take care of Status ting in future. SPOILER ALERT Although, I have two question to ask. You said, "in the end MC evolves into a Vampire". So...Like how do you know it's the end? Since I don't recall writing that the evolution stopped or anything. Second, is not a question more like a clarification. Vampires are mythical creature known to suck blood, most novel follows the main cliche trope and relates them to bat (Dracula is more closely related to bats not vampire). In my research, reading all the original Vampire novels, I can say that Vampires are neither Bat nor Mosquito but more like Mutated humans. Similar to how a Vampire in most novels retains Bat + human form, I don't see anything wrong with my Lil vampire retaining Mosquito+ human form. And yes, this novel is related with my previous one ... or lets say, they both exist in same universe. Till then, seeya ! 💟