
Review Detail of AllenCross in Harry Potter: Toby and His Young Lady

Détail de l’examen


After reading all the available chapters, we can safely say that the "main character" Toby is not needed in this story, he is an empty place in this story, this persnage does not cause any impressions, except as an indicative betta persanage. The story at the moment is tied around Alice from beginning to end. There are also not enough tags to determine the direction of this story. The story itself is very bland, there are no interesting and diverse events with Toby, he is like a faithful dog following the direction of events in Alice's circle, he is not even considered a person. The update rate is low.

Harry Potter: Toby and His Young Lady


Aimé par 6 personnes




Honestly I also had the thought and the story is worse after 102 chapters you will see.....So I wish that Toby shows more dominance over the story.. ...